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2 answers

What's that have to do with love?

2006-06-27 23:04:42 · answer #1 · answered by in6flame 2 · 1 1

Depends how old you are. Before I say anything more, if you are under 18 keep it platonic - it's illegal for you guys to have sexual contact.

If you are over 18, ask yourself: am I ready for a permanent relationship? If not, keep it platonic. Breakups are not supposed to happen after you've gone sexual(*).

If you are ready for a permanent relationship, make as detailed a picture as you can of what kind of relationship that ought to be, then think about whether this is the right person for such a relationship. Observe him, talk to him. Figure out your part in that relationship and make sure you can do it; do the same for him.

If you just aren't right for each other, keep it platonic. If you are both able to fulfill all of your essential conditions, then create a suitable occasion and propose!

2006-06-27 23:16:30 · answer #2 · answered by songkaila 4 · 0 0

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