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This is a two part question 1st is it lame to give a guy a promise ring? 2nd what would be a good song to tell him how much I love him?

2006-06-27 20:10:07 · 6 answers · asked by Blue S 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

6 answers

1st) do not give a guy a promise ring.. that is lame. 2nd) any song would be fine... you gotta be feeling the mood. If I were you, I would go somewhere where there is no distractions.. Like a park or something ( no tv, video games, radio, etc.) you want to have his full attention to say something like that.

2006-06-27 20:14:51 · answer #1 · answered by ev1else 1 · 0 0

No it wouldnt be lame i gave my bf a promise ring and lets just say we still together and the best song would probably be the first song you ever danced to. That would ensure that you know every little detail of your relationship. and i agree Dangerously in love - Beyonce, Complicated- Nivea, Complete- Mila J

2006-06-27 20:14:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

These words- Natasha bedingfield, Dangerously in love- Beyonce

2006-06-27 20:14:23 · answer #3 · answered by Stupid Cupid 2 · 0 0

I think as long as it is from the heart it can never be lame. If I ant't got you-Alicia Keys

2006-06-27 20:15:28 · answer #4 · answered by Pretty Brown Eyes 1 · 0 0

Its not lame, if you dont make it girly, make sure theres a promise to begin with, and make sure its not because he hits you.

2006-06-27 20:18:41 · answer #5 · answered by Draino 2 · 0 0

1st.... no it is not LAME... eveyone has a style of doing things.... people do more "LAME" things (if thats what you call them)....
its just a way of showing your love to your lover...
2nd.... songs are... I just called to say... i love you.... (stevie wonder)
take my breath away (berlin)
wonderwall (oasis)

2006-06-27 20:17:12 · answer #6 · answered by mitr_hamesha 3 · 0 0

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