Even if he specifically requests them, based on your relationship, it is not that great an idea to send them to him. If you were more deeply committed and closer - MAYBE - big maybe. Like some of the other posts say - anything in mail or email is risky - - do you want them out there when you are a mom someday or someone elses wife or if you go on to be in politics or a teacher or a judge or something like that? Would you want your mom or grandma to see them if he has them published somewhere? Leave some mystery, get intimate in other ways, save the special stuff for a special time when you see each other again. If you are exclusive with him at some point and feel comfortable with that, then do what feels right to you. I have shared pics before in my lifetime and have regretted it on a few occasions. Once they got into the hands of the owner and mechanics at the body shop I used to rely on - talk about awkward - although I was offered some interesting dicounts and body work - if you know what I mean. They claim they were emailed to them by the friend of a friend of a friend that got them online somewhere. SIGH.
So be very careful with your images. I am glad my daughter's grade school Principal or my boss did not get hold of them (to my knowledge).
Good luck.
My guy has been out of state for almost a year - we have not seen each other since 08-13-05, but we talk every day and we will be together again soon hopefully. Remember, if it is meant to be, you will find a way to make it work. With or without naked pics floating around in cyber space. Forever is a long time to be together, and if a year or two of that forever is spent apart, so what, in the end, forever is forever after all and that time apart will have just made you appreciate one another even more.
2006-06-27 19:42:17
answer #1
answered by tumnjun 2
If he's saying he wants you....that's just what it means! Don't read into it. He'd like to be with you...hold you...touch you...but can't b/c of the distance. In addition, I don't know this kid, but if you want to send a nude pic, go right ahead....just know it will MOST LIKELY be passed around!!! Teenage guys (usually) can't keep secrets like that!
2006-06-27 20:17:44
answer #2
answered by ModelBehavior 2
If you are going to send a photo of yourself naked you should be aware of the law in this country that says you can not send naked photos in the mail without sending them to me first .
2006-06-27 19:30:19
answer #3
answered by windyy 5
DO NOT send him a picture of you naked. Just send him a picture of yourself with you're cloths on. There is always a chance that someone could get into his computer and find those pictures, not to mention, men have a tendency to share photos of their girlfriends...
2006-06-27 19:38:06
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Don't, I repeat, DON'T, under any circumstances send him naked pictures of yourself. It's just a bad idea for a whole load of reasons.
But if you still have the urge then I'll give you my email address ;~)
2006-06-27 19:34:55
answer #5
answered by tom 5
I didn't read the story, but sending naked pictures is always a good idea.
2006-06-27 19:29:34
answer #6
answered by Thor, God of Thunder 2
yeah send him some naked pics but send them to me first i gotta confinscate them and test them for hotness. just kidding, any guy would like naked pics, maybe have him send you 20 bucks through pay pal to send them, make soome money off of them.
2006-06-27 19:32:19
answer #7
answered by hurleyguy182 2
If he just wants ur body then no..... If he loves you and really wants you then there is no harm as long as u trust he will keep that pic to himself and not flaunt it around everywhere like it means nothing......
2006-06-27 19:31:27
answer #8
answered by import_lover2005 2
You will have to send that pic to me for evaluation if you want an accurate answer.
2006-06-27 19:29:30
answer #9
answered by CHHine 2
if he's into that kind of thing. I got lost somewhere in the story
2006-06-27 19:30:01
answer #10
answered by merivel7 3