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why do men always cheat on girls and then they always have an excuse for it i just don't get it!men please help me out on this one.

2006-06-27 19:23:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

5 answers

its gives us ego boosts........im from raleigh........i used to be a player in highschool, but im 23 now, and now that my hearts broken to pieces, i dont have a heart to play with girls anymore....not that i played the girl the broke my heart....its just coincidence

2006-06-27 19:26:58 · answer #1 · answered by playaninstrument 3 · 0 0

fundamentals: finished call: Dream, for sure. unmarried or Taken: unmarried sex: Chickk Birthday: Aug 13 signal: Leo Siblings: A brother Eye colour: eco-friendly/gray/Blue. Shoe length: 8 height: 5'6? usa born: Canada Innie or Outie: In What are you donning today: Black jeans and a eco-friendly blouse. the position do you stay: Canada. Righty or lefty: Rightie Any pets: dogs FAVOURITES: well known sort of pants: jeans Animal: dogs i guess Drink: Pepsi Blue interest: Volleyball Month: June, each from time to time. Band: RHCP body spray: delusion have you ever: Given all people a bath: Nah Smoked: No Bungee Jumped: Nah Made your self throw-up: Nah lengthy gone skinny dipping: Nah placed your tongue on a frozen pole: Nah damaged a bone: Yeah performed reality or dare: Yeah Been in a actual wrestle: Nah Been in a police vehicle: Nah Come on the point of lack of life: Yeah Been in a sauna: Yeah Been in a warm bath: Yeah Fallen asleep in college: Nah Ran away: Sorta damaged a persons' heart: Doubt that Cried even as someone died: Yeah Flashed someone: Nah Cried in college: Yeah Fell off your chair: Oh sure Sat by the phone all nighttime waiting for a decision: no longer extremely kept MSN conversations: Nah kept e-mails: I not in any respect delete them, they purely kinda stack up Made out with only a chum: Nah Used someone: Nah Been cheated on?: Nah finished something you remorseful about?: HELL sure what's: desirable music you ever heard: between the desirable.. no longer something Else concerns Stupidest aspect you have ever finished: there have been many. what's your room like: Its very sparkling today. And quiet. I might want to be doing homework. very last aspect you stated: "Bye" what's beside you: A wall, a chair, a shelf, yet another wall. What shampoo do you employ: Outrageous something that has happened to you this 3 hundred and sixty 5 days: Made new acquaintances Worst aspect that has happened to you this 3 hundred and sixty 5 days: Failed some education

2016-11-29 21:10:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your first question, I don't know, I'm in VA. Second, if your boyfriends are trying to play with your feelings, try finding a different group to pick from. That spells a bit of immaturity on their part. Third question, men are dogs and I include myself in the group. I cheated on a woman I had been engaged to for 8 years, and my "excuse" was she didn't want me around while she was pursuing her education because she found me distracting, and I wanted some companionship. I was a fool for doing it, but still can't absolutely say I wouldn't do it again - we're just dogs.

2006-06-27 19:33:31 · answer #3 · answered by Carl S 4 · 0 0

ask yourself why females all ways cheats and they always have a excuse for it. why do female look in guy wallets, black book or black berries or computers. Why do females look all around a guys bathroom when they visit?And why do females have to get the last word in. Or females want to control everything. or when you want to watch a show, they want to talk all the time. ??????

2006-06-27 19:30:48 · answer #4 · answered by houtexknights330 4 · 0 0

girl i feel you i live in the N.C 2

JusT kEepIN iT reAL

2006-06-28 13:09:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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