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well i broke up with my bf, in may.. and i really love him. he came to my house last week with a few friends. looking for his bike cause my friend took it so anyway i went outside and he smiled at me and said hey do you know were my bike is, i said idk, he was in my yard for about 30 min. so anyway he called me the next day and he never called me seens we broke up but he called and was talking to me i said do u still like me he said no i miss you, i said are you still dateing sarah and he said no, i told her to get lost cause she wouldent give me her phone number, so anyway i said i sont like u anymore and he said yeah know, and i said no im just jokeing and he said yeah i know u still like me and then he said something about his comeing up later and act like i took something and he said im just jokeing and something happen to the phone.. DOES HE STILL LIKE ME. HOW DO I TELL HIM IM STILL IN LOVE WITH HIM AND I HOPE HE FEELS THE SAME WAY ABOUT ME..................DOES HE LIKE ME??

2006-06-27 10:57:56 · 18 answers · asked by Tonya Sizemore 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

18 answers

If he's your EX, I'm guessing no!

2006-06-27 10:59:55 · answer #1 · answered by Janet K 4 · 0 0

It is obvious that both of you are quite young, so keeping that in mind. I would tell you to keep your distance from him a little longer and you will see the truth reveal itself about him soon. If you really want to know if he's still dating Sarah, I would suggest you humbly, respectfully and with great class (ASK SARAH). Its more likely that you'll get the truth from her. Always assume that lover boy may be trying to play you both. If all this I've stated is unfound or true and he's really crazy mad in love with you, then you won't have to wonder long because he will make the point clear by always trying to be in your face. He won't have time to see Sarah, so in closing, sit on your hands a little longer and do nothing, see what he does, let him make the move-- if he doesn't in 1 month, then you move on. He's not feeling you the way you're feeling him. BIGGEST STATEMENT (remember why he became your ex.

2006-06-27 18:22:57 · answer #2 · answered by hogwillie 1 · 0 0

All I have to say is be careful girl. It sounds to me as if he is trying to eat his cake and then ice cream too. (An old saying). You should just take it slow try things to see if his interest is still there. Like tell him that you love him and watch his expression closely and afterwards play it off like you were just playing and watch his expression after that. Cause actions speak way louder than words remember that cause it is so true. I would also tell you to make sure he is not still involved with this Sarah girl by investigating on your own and not by asking him again. Last but not least try little things like fall down on purpose, when you see him have something on you out of place just to see if he will fix it for you from there the rest is history.

2006-06-27 18:07:24 · answer #3 · answered by PurpleMoon031 2 · 0 0

Sounds like he does really like you still.....Hope you guys get back together....When he flirts with you over the phone or in person he still definitely LOVES YOU woman....GOOD LUCK

2006-06-27 18:01:03 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, he still likes you or he wouldn't be caught dead in your yard, whether or not his bike was there.

2006-06-27 18:00:59 · answer #5 · answered by collegegirl71 1 · 0 0

well hard one is he going out wit anyone? is no than probobly, but does he talk 2 u offten, and flirt wit u? why do u not just ask him?

2006-06-27 18:14:55 · answer #6 · answered by Lana F 1 · 0 0

Sounds like he does like you. He's just wondering if You still like Him.

2006-06-27 18:10:12 · answer #7 · answered by inuyasha_harrypotter_frankie 1 · 0 0

Why keep holding on to the past?

2006-06-27 18:00:24 · answer #8 · answered by Kim L 1 · 0 0

There is a reason he is your ex. Move on and quit torturing yourself.

2006-06-27 18:00:20 · answer #9 · answered by PlainLana 3 · 0 0

i kno this can get tricky. talk to him...talk to him online...its easier to talk about something like this online than face to face or by the phone.if you he says he doesnt like you anymore don't be embarassed.itsok

2006-06-27 17:59:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Doesn't sound like it. He would've said something already.

2006-06-27 18:02:12 · answer #11 · answered by Rebeca O 3 · 0 0

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