Maybe you should come out of your shell. Learn to talk to people before they talk to you. People are so judgmental and that's what makes the world horrible. Don't let them get to you, if you are comfortable with the way you are, that's just fine, you'll fine the right people in time. Don't change for anyone, be happy with the way you are, if they misunderstand you in a bad way, blow them off that's there lost...=)
2006-06-27 08:28:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have this problem as well with some people. People often mistake my sarcasm as me being full of myself, or talking down to people. You just have to watch how you act around other people, and think about how they might interpret what you are doing or saying. Or you could just not care, because if they dont care enought to take the time to know you before passing judgement, then they are not worth being you friend anyway.
2006-06-27 15:31:07
answer #2
answered by kingpenguin_2006 2
Everyone judges, we all do it. If they can't take the time to get to know you as a person, then they aren't worth it. Don't waste time dwelling on how others misunderstand you, take time to spend with the people that do understand and know you.
2006-06-27 15:28:18
answer #3
answered by RX2 4
We are seldom given a second chance at a first impression. While one should never be judged on first impressions, its important to let others see why they should take the time to get to know you.
Smile ... life is too short!!
2006-06-27 15:28:57
answer #4
answered by J 3
Maybe you should try being more open with people and if you are mis understood just try explaining the situation in another way.
2006-06-27 15:30:40
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think you are just shy and that's why even here you sound sorta confused and mixed up. Take your time, think about what you would like to say and then say it.
Don't rush, take one step at a time and you'll be fine!!
2006-06-27 15:32:56
answer #6
answered by stacy 4
you might be to agresive with your reactions or comments, or maybe you just somehow come off wrong , maybe they have a hard time figuring out if you are happy or angry and so they are not sure they understand you. maybe your are just a complicated person. i dont know you dont have enoug information for me to realy try tohelp you.
2006-06-27 15:27:35
answer #7
answered by Blonds Rock 4
let them misunderstand you. all you can do is be nice.
just get over it. don't worry about them misunderstanding you. who cares.
2006-06-27 15:27:10
answer #8
answered by AreYouForReal? 3
work on your approach and delivery. In other words make sure your appearance matches the message your trying to send.
2006-06-27 15:27:26
answer #9
answered by shae 6
try to practice being nice to people you don't know, and then it will come more naturally to be nice to those people that you do know.
2006-06-27 15:27:36
answer #10
answered by cutipi_1977 3