Some of the symptoms of the disease known as Liberal Hysteria are guilt and shame. This disease often manifest itself in self-loathing and self-hatred, particularly towards the very things that make that person or institution who they are.
In this case, Hollywood, which would not exist without the freedom, power and strength of the USA, despises that very freedom, power and strength that makes them great.
Hollywood liberal elitist forget that the 'average Joe' is their audience and rather they perceive that guy as someone that needs to be educated on "how it really is".
It's funny, one of the greatest Americans, and certainly one of the greatest American presidents came out of Hollywood.
He was a mediocre actor with notable but undistinguished career in the movies, who found his true calling and leadership potential as president of Hollywood's Screen Actors Guild, a labor union. From there, Ronald Reagan went on to be governer of California and President, despised and derided by his 'friends' in hollywood the whole way.
2006-06-27 04:22:22
answer #1
answered by DJ 7
From the writers themselves, interviewed in the link below:
Mike: "When it comes to the American way, that's tricky."
Dan: "I don't think 'the American way' means what it meant in 1945."
Mike: "He's not just for Metropolis, and not just for America."
Dan: "He's an alien, from Krypton; he has come to Earth to be kind of a savior for this world, not our country … And he has no papers."
Mike: "What would happen with the immigration laws we have now?"
Dan: "I'd like to see someone kick him out!"
Director Bryan Singer admits that when they made the revision to the legendary slogan, they did have the international market in mind. Which means American audiences might like to hear those words more than foreign ticket buyers. As far as the filmmakers are concerned, Superman is for all the world. And that world includes a lot of cash.
The change of the motto, then, apparently not spoken by Superman himself in the movie, is not anti-American, but pro-World and pro-capitalist.
The filmmaking business in Hollywood is so misunderstood. It operates on the most extreme right edge of capitalism: it exists to make money and pursues it in a free market. As such, it is also a conservative business and tends to move very slowly on its projects.
Many of its most powerful people operate from Orange County, California, one of the most Republican of all counties. It has not voted for a Democratic presidential candidate wince FDR in 1936. The conservative bent of the county has weakened only in the last couple of decades, with an increased population of immigrants and Democrats.
2006-06-27 03:41:47
answer #2
answered by blueowlboy 5
Politically correct language swings both ways doesn't it.
If someone inadvertantly drops the word "American" from a sentence, a group of people will go up in arms, just like a group of people would do if someone else said "mankind" instead of "womankind."
People shouldn't take offense where none was meant and, gosh, it makes life a lot easier if we assume that no offense was meant.
Perry White's line isn't endemic of a Hollywood conspiracy against the United States. Superman is still America's number one illegal alien.
2006-06-27 03:33:14
answer #3
answered by arrghyle 1
It's called "the almighty dollar"! If Hollywood wasn't anti-American then who would go see all of their movies in Europe or Asia or Africa? Personally, I refuse to go to the movies any more for that reason entirely! However, I do support all of the films, actors, directors, etc that have the B*LLS to support America, any American president or the "American way". And I absolutely will not allow my children to view a movie, A CLASSIC movie with modern garbage propaganda!
2006-06-27 04:41:04
answer #4
answered by MaHaa 4
The American way is to shoot first ask questions later, we, in the civilsed world think otherwise, looks like Hollywood's got sense and copped on. By the way, America gave us the hippies too!
2006-06-27 03:38:17
answer #5
answered by Martin K 2
It probably has something to do with Anti-American sentiment worldwide, and the fact that Superman has to make billions abroad for its Hollywood studio to turn a profit.
The "American way" is free-market, so I suppose they are still keeping in that tradition in their own way.
2006-06-27 03:24:23
answer #6
answered by buzzfeedbrenny 5
It probably has something to do with Anti-American sentiment worldwide, and the fact that Superman has to make billions abroad for its Hollywood studio to turn a profit.
2006-06-27 06:06:26
answer #7
answered by Scott 2
Because they don't really live here, I mean they live in a make believe world where nothing they talk about really pertains to them. They want to believe that they are superior to the small people, when many of the times they don't even know what the hell they are talking about. However, it does work often, not only in politics but in other aspects of life, some celebrity says it, well then it most be right, yuck makes me sick.
2006-06-27 03:29:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Remember that this movie has to be marketed worldwide. Hollywood films make more money overseas than here. For example, Titanic made 70% of its billion from overseas.
2006-06-27 03:33:41
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
why are the military and our current government so anti american?
last time i checked, one of america's core values was the right and love of privacy
our president and his cronies think its ok to wire tap us, check our shopping habits, investigate what books we read from the library, and think its ok to invade a sovereign nation and tell them how to run their government
maybe they changed superman's motto because the american way has changed from "live and let live to"....."live and give us your oil at the price we dictate, or we'll smash your society to smithereens"
2006-06-27 03:27:56
answer #10
answered by whoisgod71 3
Another ugly conservative whining about a glamorous lifestyle he'll never have.Oh brother.
Not everyone in "hollywood" is anti-american.If they were,they wouldn't be in the USA.There is a trend away from blind nationalism,which beats armchair warriors complaining in envy.
2006-06-27 03:28:29
answer #11
answered by Anonymous