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Bill Gats -what a guy. FIrst he changed how all of us live in 21st century including what I am doing right now. Now they have the worlds greatest philanthropic organisation. If ***holes like Koffy Annan and yasar Arafat deserved it, I am sure Boffett/ Gates do.

2006-06-27 02:50:51 · 15 answers · asked by dude 4 in Society & Culture Community Service

15 answers

I think Bill Gate's WIFE should get the prize. He was a cheap, money hoarding nerd until he married her. Never gave a penny to anyone else. Marriage and kids have made him see there are others in the world besides himself.

2006-06-27 02:55:22 · answer #1 · answered by the444kid 1 · 1 1

Whether or not Bill Gates or Warren Buffett get nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, you must commend what together they are doing for philanthropy. All the other people on the FORTUNE or Forbes 400 Richest Americans List should be ashamed of themselves. :)

Here are the two richest men in the entire world ponying up $50 BILLION (more than the GDP of Kenya, more than three times the amount the United Nations disburses every year) in order to make this world a better place. Sure, Gates started out as a computer nerd and evolved into a techno-robber-baron (while developing Microsoft Windows into a desktop monopoly through questionable business practices), but with the creation of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, he has simultaneously changed his image and has the true potential to change the world, for the better. Given a choice between being directly responsible (as Chief Software Architect, the title he relinquished two weeks ago) for yet another huge bug-filled insecure mess of an operating system (Windows Vista), and being able to devote his vast resources towards the development of a malaria vaccine, I for one am glad that he chose the latter route.

As for Warren Buffett, he has long said that he considers himself to be the mere custodian of a great fortune, and that in the end he was going to give it all away. His timetable has been sped up a little, but he is still keeping his word.

And I want to give a shout-out to Melinda French Gates and Bill Gates's dad and mom, all of whom were instrumental in making Bill more and more aware of his Spider-Man role in this world ("with great power comes great responsibility") :) Although, to be fair, he also was on record as saying that by the time he hit 50 he was going to give away 90% of his money. Again, he may not have kept to the letter of the timetable, but he is making up for lost time with a vengeance!

I salute both men. Larry Ellison (Oracle), Steve Jobs (Apple/Pixar), Steve Ballmer (Microsoft), Paul Allen (Seattle Supersonics owner, etc.) and other mega-wealthy individuals, take note. Go thou and do likewise :)

2006-06-27 10:04:09 · answer #2 · answered by EddieN120 2 · 0 0

Short answer NO. They have done good things but many people make a difference in this world and seek no recognition for their works. I do agree with your point of Koffy Annan and Arafat though

2006-06-27 09:54:20 · answer #3 · answered by Smiley 6 · 0 0

There is no harm in nominating them to the noble prize as they really deserve the same .They worked in their fields, got fame and money.but how many people have got the guts to donate such huge sums of their hard earned money.They should also see that the money donated is spent usefully,witout misuse.The money should be spent thru nonselfish organisers and organizations whose motto should be service to people is service to god.The emphasis in underdeveloped and poor nations should be on proper sanitation ,drainage,destroying mosquitoes which are responsible for several diseases like malaria, filaria,dangue fever, chicken guinya, sleeping sickness.etc.,etc.,.By strict enforcement of laws the sanitation in countries like india can be very much improved. People should be taught on health family planning hiv/aids .Most of the drains in india are clogged by indiscriminate throwing of plastic material , which lead to stagnation of water which allows breeding of mosquitoes.

2006-06-27 11:31:02 · answer #4 · answered by subramanyam b 3 · 0 0

I mostly certainly believe that Bill Gates and Buffet should be commended for their charitable works. If it will mean giving them a Nobel Prize for what they do, by all means, they should have it. They do deserve it! :)

2006-06-27 09:53:12 · answer #5 · answered by Jo Ann 6 · 0 0

I think it's really honorable that these billionaires are giving away their fortunes to good causes. However, it's easier to give away something of which you have an excess. The Nobel Peace Prize should go to people who give not only what they have but what they really cannot spare.

2006-06-27 09:57:34 · answer #6 · answered by asianlark 2 · 0 0

Nope. Sure they've given tons of money but they can afford to. I know many people who give a greater percentage of their income to charity than these two and they can't use it as a tax write-off.

2006-06-27 09:55:33 · answer #7 · answered by parsonsel 6 · 0 0

I agree with you. They are great. They do seem to possess a certain kind of knowledge and wisdom to achieve, and to give so much. Also some fantastic unknown names who are volunteering, working and contributing with them to achieve a better place to live.

2006-06-27 09:58:08 · answer #8 · answered by Sunny2006 3 · 0 0

The Nobel prize would be recognition to their cause
(i am not sure what it is, but I don't think they started any wars or had people killed, like other Nobel winners)

2006-06-27 09:55:10 · answer #9 · answered by mike c 5 · 0 0

A Great Big YES

2006-06-27 09:54:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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