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Does Florida have you grandchildren in foster care,and were you told you have no rights as a grandparent?
My brother's kids were taken because of abuse and my mom and dad want to gain custody , but Florida says they have no rights? What should they do? Other than hire a lawyer? They are in Cincinnati,and the children are in Daytona Beach, Fl.The children have been in foster care for 18 months now.If you need more details...please ask.

2006-06-27 00:00:54 · 3 answers · asked by Coo Bird 4 in Family & Relationships Family

3 answers

In Florida grandparents do not have any rights. That is true, but usually DCF has to try to place children with family members, unless the parents are working a plan to get the kids back and are showing some progress, or if no family members can pass the background search. I would advise your parents to call a family lawyer that deals with DCF in the Daytona area (call the Bar Association in that area) to see what information they can get. DCF is a bear to work with, good luck.

2006-06-27 00:10:10 · answer #1 · answered by N2theFaith 2 · 3 1

You would THINK they have enough brains to let willing grandparents take care of the kids..... this is what's wrong with society today, we put kids in situations to where they feel abandoned instead of letting families take care of their own so the children feel a part of their family. JEEZE!

get the kids a lawyer as soon as you can

2006-06-27 07:05:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You may need to contact a lawyer. The problem is you are from another state.

2006-06-27 07:04:24 · answer #3 · answered by kf4wwe 4 · 0 0

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