I am a Baha'i, it is the fulfillment of the prophecies of all the world's religions. Really!
I don't know how much you know about the Baha'i Faith, so if these things are rhetoric, forgive me.
The Baha'i Faith is an independent religion and the youngest religion. Just as Christianity began in a Jewish backdrop but is independent from Judaism, the Baha'i Faith began in a Muslim backdrop but is independent from Islam. It is not a branch of Islam, but rather its own religion. We have our own scripture, calendar, holy days, prayers, and Messenger of God.
Baha'is believe in:
ONE God, one almighty, all-knowing, all-seeing God. There is no trinity in the Baha'i Faith. No one else is God but God.
UNITY!!! That is the central theme of the Baha'i Faith. We believe that there is one race, the human race. Doesn't mean we deny the existence of Black, White, Asian, etc, of course not. However, all are human beings, created in God's image, created beautiful. This we call UNITY IN DIVERSITY.
What is Islam? There are two major meanings of Islam. It's true that in the Qur'an (and Baha'is accept the Qur'an as the holy word of God) that the only religion acceptable to God is Islam. Oh? Then why are we still Baha'is?
First meaning of Islam
Islam is the religious dispensation given to man through Muhammad (pbuh). It's changed over time, as every religion does, but this religious dispensation is called Islam. Its followers are called Muslims.
Second meaning of Islam
Islam is the religion of the submission to the will of God. That's it. Someone who practices Islam is a Muslim. A Muslim is a person who practices the religion of submission to the will of God. In the Qur'an, Abraham and Moses and Jesus were called Muslims. But wait a minute? Abraham and Moses and Jesus existed long before Muhammad, so how can they be Muslims? They are Muslims because they practiced and promulgated and guided people to the religion of the submission to the will of God. ALL religions of God are Islam, until the next Messenger came along. "Islam" has a more universal definition than the first meaning, it's more than the religion brought through Muhammad. Yes it is the Muhammadan dispensation, but it's also more.
The Baha'is believe that Baha'u'llah is the Messenger for today, and since we follow him, then we are the Muslims of today. This does not contradict what the Qur'an says, because the only religion acceptable to God is the religion that teaches submission to His will.
I admire you for searching, really I do. We are each responsible for our own spiritual development. What others say, whether at the pulpit, in the home, on tv, in radio, etc, is of course an influence, but we're supposed to research truth for ourselves. As in Islam, the Baha'i Faith advises its followers not to merely follow in the traditions of the conventional, but to seek the truth for themselves. The Baha'i Faith has no clergy, there is no priest telling us what the scriptures say. We are responsible for reading the scriptures ourselves. We can ask questions, but ultimately, the answers are found in the scriptures prayerfully.
In many cases, people don't bother opening scriptures, they just listen to what the clergy says and they accept it without seeking further. Baha'is know that we as human beings are more responsible than that for spiritual cultivation.
All seekers are called to wipe away their minds of preconceived ideas, to become "as children" as Christ said. Sometimes the obvious is in front of us, and we're so blinded by tradition that we never see it.
We believe in unity of religion very much, that all of God's religions are ONE RELIGION Every religion teaches the same Golden Rule. You can cross-reference the Bible, Qur'an, Bhagavad Gita, Baha'i Scriptures all day long. There are so many spiritual similarities, because the spiritual teachings never change. IE: honor your parents, know and love and obey God, be kind to animals, don't lie, don't steal, always tell the truth (there's no such thing as a white lie), do unto others as you would have them do unto you, etc. What changes are the outward things... sabbath day, calendar, holidays, ritual, dress code (if any), food restrictions (if any), etc. These things are secondary, but God prescribes what humanity needs FOR THAT TIME.
God has never abandoned us, He has always sent a Messenger to humanity to be the link between us and Him. There are countless Messengers that have come to us throughout time, some of which are: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Zarathustra, Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, Muhammad, The Bab, and now Baha'u'llah (pbut), the Messenger of this day. Each Messenger has brought a new religious dispensation. With each Messenger, mankind received God's word (scripture), a calendar, new holidays, new "rules" (like not eating pork for Jews and Muslims, for example), etc. The Messenger is the Great Physician, prescribing what humanity needs at that time. Baha'is call them Manifestations of God. These Manifestations are not God, but they are the link between God and man. We need Manifestations, because people cannot encounter God alone. We cannot fathom God, He is unknowable, He is too great for us to fully comprehend, so He sends us His Messengers so that we may KNOW HIM AND WORSHIP HIM, which is our life's purpose.
We believe that throughout the world, there will become one universal language, either in existence or one that will become developed, that everyone all over the globe will learn. We can speak our own languages, but if let's say you travel to another country, you will be able to communicate with everyone.
This is SO KEY to our Faith! We believe that everyone should become educated, and if in the case of a lack of resources that parents are forced to choose between their girl children and boy children to have educated, they choose the girls. Why? Because girls will become mothers, and mothers are the first teachers. They be educated.
The Baha'i Faith has organized countless learning centers around the globe. In many assemblies, there are educational centers in many countries. The Phillippines, Kenya, El Salvador, Mexico, countless others.
In the Baha'i Faith, women and men are equal in the eyes of God. We believe in the emancipation of women, and in their full rights as human beings. Inequality retards not only the advancement of women, but of civilization itself. We are not required to obey husbands, women are respected and cherished. The only restriction is that women cannot be in combat, or have any occupation that requires the taking of life (like an executioner, as an extreme example). Women are life-giving creatures, so it's like choosing between two evils... if we have to choose someone to take a life (let's say in war), better men than women to do that. The station of woman is SO LOFTY because they are life-giving creatures, that taking a life is way beneath them. Not saying that men are life-taking creatures, but it's the better of the two.
Women and men are like two wings of a dove. There are not two right wings, nor two left wings. There are one right and one left wing. They are different, but equal. They must both be equally strong for the bird to fly.
We are required to recite the scriptures in the morning and in the evening. We also say one Obligatory Prayer each day. There are three to pick from, each with its own time frame, and each has equal weight.
As Muslims have their pilgrimage to Mecca that they call hajj, the Baha'is have a pilgrimage to Haifa, Israel. We register, and when our turn comes, we go to the tombs of The Bab and Baha'u'llah, and I believe we also go to the Universal House of Justice. I'm not too clear on what is done during the pilgrimage, so don't take this as gospel truth. I've not been a Baha'i all my life, so I haven't yet read about what specifically goes on. I don't worry about it, I'll find out at the appropriate time.
The Baha'i Faith fulfills Biblical prophecy TIME AND TIME AGAIN!!! For more on that, read "I Shall Come Again" by Hushidar Motlagh, and "Thief In The Night" by William Sears. I've also provided a link to see prophecy fulfilled.
As scripture, we accept the Baha'i Holy Writings, the Bible, and the Qur'an as holy word of God.
Good trees bear good fruits. Unhealthy trees bear unhealthy fruits, if any. The Baha'i Faith is involved in many many humanitarian efforts, and is also closely linked to the United Nations. Did you know that back in the day, before the UN, there was the Good Deal originated by Franklin Delano Roosevelt? This was the precursor to the UN. Eleanor Roosevelt was a Baha'i, but FDR wasn't. The only reason he wasn't was because he would have had to give up his place in office, as Baha'is are forbidden from participating in partisan politics. Otherwise, he would have joined. Yes, the Baha'i Faith is deeply concerned with issues as world poverty, the environment, medicine, human rights, civil rights, rights of women, etc.
Tidbit: We have no dietary restrictions, so pork is fine to eat. We are, however, forbidden from ingesting any and all intoxicants, unless it is prescribed by a physician. This means we do not drink alcohol. Smoking is not banned, but highly discouraged.
There's SO MUCH MORE to the Baha'i Faith, but I can't possibly write it all down here. The absolute BEST place to look is the official Baha'i Faith website. That is the first link below. Another excellent place to look is Planet Baha'i, which is the second link.
If you have questions at all, please email me. I will reply with swiftness. I am so happy that you are seeking which faith to go to, because it means that God is important to you enough to do active searching. I love this, it's so admirable! Most don't bother, but you have taken on this responsibility for yourself, and with God's guidance, inshaallah, you will find the place where He wants you to be.
2006-07-02 10:15:37
answer #7
answered by Dolores G. Llamas 6
it's not at all part of Islam.
uestion :
What is the ruling on the Baha’i ideas and beliefs? What is the difference between them and other Muslims?.
Answer :
Praise be to Allaah.
Baabism and Baha’ism are a movement that originated from a Shi’ah sect called the Shaykhiyyah in 1260 AH/ 1844 CE, under the protection of Russian, Jewish and English colonialism, with the aim of corrupting Islamic belief and dividing the Muslims and diverting them from their basic aims.
Before al-Shiraazi was killed, he appointed al-Mirza Yahya ‘Ali, who was known as Sabh Azl, as his successor, but this was contested by his brother Husayn al-Baha’. After conflicts between them in which each of them tried to kill the other, Sabh Azl was expelled to Cyprus, where he died in 1912 CE.
Husayn al-Baha’ was expelled to ‘Akka (Acre) in Palestine, where he was killed by some of his brother’s followers in 1892 CE and was buried there.
Beliefs, ideas and rituals of the Baha’is:
1 – Belief that Allaah is incarnated in some of His creation, and that Allaah was incarnated in al-Baab and al-Baha’.
2 – Belief in the transmigration of souls, and that reward and punishment happen to the soul only.
3 – Belief that all religions are valid, and that the Torah and Gospel have not been altered. They believe that all religion must be united in one, which is Baha’ism.
4 – The Baha’is believe that the book al-Aqdas which was written by al-Baha’ Husayn abrogates all the divinely revealed books, including the Holy Qur’aan.
5 – They believe that Buddha, Confucius, Brahman, Zaradasht and other sages of India, China and Persia were Prophets.
6 – They believe – like the Jews and the Christians – that the Messiah was crucified.
7 – They do not believe in the miracles of the Prophets or in the angels and jinn, and they do not believe in Paradise and Hell.
8 – They forbid their women to wear hijab, and they regard mut’ah (temporary marriage) as permissible, and they promote the sharing of women and wealth. It is very clear that this is a religion that strives to destroy moral values and spread permissiveness and immorality.
9 – They say that the religion of the Baab abrogates the sharee’ah of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
10 – They interpret the Day of Resurrection as referring to the appearance of al-Baha’. Their direction of prayer is the Bahjah in ‘Akka in Palestine, where the grave of al-Baha’ is located, instead of al-Masjid al-Haraam.
11 – They pray three times a day, and each prayer has three rak’ahs, morning, noon and evening. They do wudoo’ with rose water, and if there is none available they regard it as sufficient to say the Basmalah (Bismillaah il-At-har il-At-har – in the name of Allaah, the Most Pure, the Most Pure) five times.
12 – They do not regard it as permissible to pray in congregation except when offering the funeral prayer for the deceased. This makes clear the extent of their efforts to divide the Muslims, as they forbid prayer in congregation.
13 – The Baha’is regard the number nineteen as sacred, and they have nineteen months in their year, each month having nineteen days.
14 – The Baha’is fast during one of the Baha’i months, which is called al-‘Ala, which lasts from 2-21 March. This is the last of the Baha’i months. During this month they refrain from eating from sunrise until sunset. Their fasting month is followed by the festival of Nawrooz (Persian New Year).
15 – The Baha’is regard jihad and the carrying of weapons and waging war against kaafir enemies as haraam, in service to the interests of the colonialists, as we shall see below.
This confirms what is said about them, that they are a movement that was created by the colonialists, and they are still supporting it up till now.
16 – They do not believe that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the final Prophet; they claim that the Revelation continued after his death.
17 – They regard pilgrimage to Makkah as invalid, so they go on pilgrimage to the place where al-Baha’ is buried in Akka, in Palestine.
18 – They do not believe in doing ghusl from janaabah or purification from impure things, because they believe that whoever believes in Baha’ism is pure.
19 – Instead of zakaah they have a kind of tax at a rate of 19% of one’s capital, to be paid once.
These are the Baha’is, and these are some of their beliefs, a mixture of some monotheistic beliefs and idolatrous ideas which al-Baha’ mixed in a strange way and called it revelation and a holy book. What is wrong with the minds of those who followed him?
The relationship of Baabism and Baha’ism to the colonialists, Jews and Christians
1 – It was a Russian spy who encouraged al-Shiraazi to claim that he was the Baab.
2 – al-Baha’ took part in the attempt to assassinate King Naasir al-Deen, the Shah of Iran, but the attempt failed and the plotters were discovered. Al-Baha’ fled to the Russian embassy which granted him full protection, and did not hand him over to the Iranian authorities until they had been given a promise that he would not be executed.
3 – When al-Baha’ fled to ‘Akka in 1285 AH/1868 CE, he was warmly welcomed by the Jews who took care of him. From that date, ‘Akka became a centre of Baha’ism and became a holy place for them.
4 – They were supported by some of the Christians. In one of the Arab states where there is a Baha’i presence, there is the head of the movement and his lawyer, who are both Christians.
5 – Reports indicate that the Israeli ambassador in one of the Arab countries visited one of their strongholds and met their leaders, and urged them to join in some political activities by forming a group or party and putting up candidates for parliament and getting involved in other political activities so as to affect the decision making process. They also promised to make it easy for them to visit Israel and perform pilgrimage to the grave of al-Baha’.
6 – This group has a number of representatives in the offices and organizations belonging to the United Nations, where there are nearly seven people.
After learning all this, you should not be surprised to find out that the Baha’is regard jihad against the enemy as haraam, and they say that the Muslims must submit to colonialism and occupation, and that in his books al-Baha’ supported the Zionist migration to Palestine.
Spread and influence of Baha’is,
The greatest number of Baha’is are found in Iran, and there are a few in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. They also have a presence in Egypt and a few followers in Ethiopia, Uganda, South Africa and Pakistan. They also have a presence in some western countries and cities, such as London, Vienna, Frankfurt and Sydney. Their largest place of worship is in Chicago.
The ruling on them and the scholars’ fatwas concerning them
From the above, it is clear that Baabism and Baha’ism are among the misguided sects that are beyond the pale of Islam.
A number of fatwas have been issued by Muslim scholars stating that they are kaafirs and that they are beyond the pale of Islam, and that we must beware of them.
Shaykh Saleem al-Bashri, the Shaykh of al-Azhar, issued a fatwa in 1910 CE stating that the Baha’is are kaafirs.
A ruling was issued on 30/6/1946 CE by the Shar’i courts in Egypt stating that a woman whose husband embraces Baha’ism is divorced and must be separated from him because he is an apostate from Islam.
In 1947 CE the Fatwa Committee in al-Azhar issued a fatwa stating that the one who embraces Baha’ism is an apostate.
This was in addition to a fatwa issued in 1939 CE by the Egyptian Daar al-Ifta’ stating that the Baha’i is an apostate.
There is another fatwa issued by the Egyptian Daar al-Ifta’ in 1968 CE, in which it says: Whoever embraces the Baha’i religion is an apostate from the religion of Islam, and the ruling on the apostate in Islam is that he should be asked to repent and Islam should be presented to him, and his doubts should be discussed if he has any. If he repents, all well and good, otherwise he should be executed according to sharee’ah. End quote from Fataawa Daar al-Ifta’ (6/2138).
In 2003 CE, the Islamic Research Council in al-Azhar issued a fatwa in which it says: The Baha’i school of thought and its ilk are a lethal intellectual epidemic which the state must to its utmost to eradicate.
Shaykh Ibraaheem al-Fayyoomi, the head of the Islamic Research Committee, confirmed that the Baha’is are a sect that is beyond the pale of Islam and that has rebelled against Islam, and it is one of the most dangerous forces that are opposed to Islam. It developed under the care of the Zionist colonialists and is still supported by the enemies of Islam. The Baha’is have a project called “the political project against the Muslim ummah.” Their primary aim is to strike against Islam and create political and spiritual instability in Muslim societies. They also reject many verses of the Qur’aan because they believe that the Muslims have distorted them. They also reject Hajj and want to destroy the Ka’bah and distribute its rubble throughout the world.
The former Shaykh of al-Azhar, Jaad al-Haqq (may Allaah have mercy on him) issued a fatwa stating that the Baha’is are kaafirs and apostates from Islam, which was approved by the Islamic Research Committee. In it he said: Baabism or Baha’ism is a system of thought mixed with philosophy and various religions, and there is nothing new in it that the Muslim ummah needs to set its affairs straight and unite it, rather it is clear that it (Baha’ism) is working in the interests of the Zionists and colonialists, and it is akin to ideas and ways that have been inflicted on the Muslim ummah as an act of war against Islam in the name of religion. End quote.
In the answer to question no. 88689 , we have quoted the fatwa of Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him), stating that this is a sect of kufr and beyond the pale of Islam, and it is not permissible for them to be buried in the Muslim graveyards.
And Allaah knows best.
Islam Q&A (www.islam-qa.com)
2006-06-28 02:17:42
answer #8
answered by Shirien 3