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I'm a born again Christian and my friend led me to the Lord, but now she's mixed up in some crazy false doctrine. I prayed last night and don't know if it's an answer or my feelings about what she's doing. What can I do? I've talked to her, and questioned her about this stuff, but she becomes defensive. Now she's bringing it to family, and confusing the babies. A born again would know what I'm talking about. Please help me help her

2006-06-26 05:22:36 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

Well first you should be sure that it is a false doctrine. Anybody can quote scripture to mean whatever they want it to mean. This is the first tool of the devil, to quote scripture and appear as an angel of light.

Here is how you check doctrine when people sling verses at each other:

1. Go to the Father's of the Christian Faith. All the way back and preferably pre-300 being sure to check a Father that was taught by the Apostles or one in the 2nd generation. Check to see if the Father's address this issue directly or a seed of this doctrine is present.

2. Now check the Father's 300-800 AD and see how they developed the issue.

3. Now check the Fathers 800-1200 AD and see how they developed the issue.

4. Now check the Fathers and medieval scholastics 1200 AD -1500 AD and see how they develop the issue


6. Started back from the beginning check to see how Official Christian Teaching has dealt with the issue. Check the councils that come out of the Churches of the East and West paying attention to the great councils. Also be sure to check each Churches catechism, including the early Didache.

7. You now have a core understanding of how the Christian Faith has dealt with the doctrine throughout history. Use this to determine where to look post 1500. Ignore any Christian group that DIRECTLY contradicts this 1500 years of teaching and explanation of scripture.

8. Now check those group(s) that you have determined in step
7 according to the writings of acclaimed Christians and official positions within that group in the following periods. 1500-1800AD, 1800-1945 AD, 1945-present AD.

9. You now have a complex and well developed understanding of what the TRUE Christian doctrine is.

10. Take this and discuss this with your friend.

11. Pray that the individual who is not in line with 2000 years of Christian Faith change their ways and accept the Faith.

Hope that helps. If you need sources of where to look (great big book and net sites) message me. Also include the specific doctrine and I will help you more.

Blessing of Christ to you!

2006-06-26 05:58:49 · answer #1 · answered by Liet Kynes 5 · 0 0

Proverbs 27:6 (NKJV)
Faithful are the wounds of a friend,
But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

If you are a real friend, you will do the hard thing and loving talk to your friend about the beliefs she has.

Make sure you are correct that what she is believing is really "FALSE". There are a LOT of differing views between Christians...but I would still consider them a Christian even though they believe the scriptures differently than I do.

Always use scripture to back yourself up when pointing out what she is believing is false.

Find out where she is getting her teachings from. Is she learning this stuff from a "false teacher?"
2 Peter 2:1 (NKJV)
But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction.

2 Peter 2:2 (NKJV)
And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed.

It is hard to answer your question directly because I don't know exactly what is being taught and believed.

Your friend may not take your gentle and loving correction in a good way, but if she does indeed accept you as a friend, she will understand. Especially if you come to her in a humble way. Let her know that you speak to her because you are concerned and love her very much.

2006-06-26 13:01:52 · answer #2 · answered by Red-dog-luke 4 · 0 0

If it is a false doctrine, then you need to have scriptural basis for why it is wrong. If you don't know where to start (it is never good to simply flip and point in the Bible, it isn't a magic 8 ball!), than I would suggest going to a more mature believer like a pastor or mentor.
Once you have clear scriptural guidlines against the false doctrine, you need to present them to her in a loving way. Look at 1 Peter 3:15 about this!

2006-06-26 12:31:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How do you know that hers is the false doctrine ? Lets see , a holy trinity, a resurrection, good versus evil, judgement of sins after death, hhmmmm... the bible? No, the papus OF Anni or better known as the Egyptian book of the dead and all of this written 2000 years BEFORE the old tetimate was written. Hmmm is yours the false doctrine or just copied from another religion and names changed to suit your needs?

2006-06-26 12:32:18 · answer #4 · answered by lickit_suckit_slammit 2 · 0 0

You could encourage her to read the bible with you. Try to find out the main points of her distorted beliefs then try to find bible scriptures that disprove these beliefs, a concordance would be helpful during this. Do not be overly pushy, just be lovingly convincing.

The bible speaks about false prophets leading people astray. You have to just pray for her and get other believers to pray too. The bible says when two or more come together believing that God will be in the midst. So just keep on praying and be a good friend. Read the bible, expecially the New Testament and you will get alot of the answers to your questions.

I pray God answers your prayer and lead your friend back to him.

2006-06-26 12:31:16 · answer #5 · answered by JESUS IS LOVE 5 · 0 0

Your friend was guided by the Lord to heal you. Don't worry for her. Life is not false and doctrine is but a small part of any religion. You belong to a group of people. Let her belong as she feels her heart guide her. Be a friend to her and some new people that you can find out there.Let yourself grow. Its all Gods way.

2006-06-27 09:08:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if she's really seeking the Lord and seeking truth, i wouldn't be too worried. (this is characterized by humility, a willingness to admit when you're wrong, a passionate desire to know, a hunger to be near and more like God, etc.). even if she seems really set in her ways, i wouldn't freak out. we all have wrong ideas and "false doctrines" about who God is. i do. even you. it's a journey. that's why it takes humility.

i would recommend praying for her (and yourself and everyone else you know) out of Ephesians 1:17-19, that God would give her wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him...

that's your best bet.

and pray that for those she's confusing as well.

and if you've confronted her and she is not listening, follow the biblical model laid out by Jesus Himself and bring a couple others with you. try to pick people she will trust and listen to, so that she won't feel too cornered or "ganged up on." and if she still doesn't listen... well, you i'm sure you know the passage.

and if you want to explain and teach and clarify those she's confused, do it in such a way that still honors your sister. explain to them the process of seeking truth, that it's a journey and we all make mistakes and that's why it's important to rely on the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, to lead us into all truth.

i hope that helps and gives you a good start.

oh, and pray about warning her in love about what the bible says about false teachers and teachers in general. this is not meant as condemnation, but pleading caution. of course, even what i'm writing to you here is a form of teaching (most teaching done in the body of Christ is informal). but those who teach will be judged more harshly...

there's a way to explain that without being judgmental. i'm not sure how or if you should. it's a truth that really applies to all of us...

2006-06-26 12:35:43 · answer #7 · answered by Laurie Jennifer 3 · 0 0

Are you sure it's false? Have you researched and discovered for yourself? Or only been told it's false by other people?
I do not deny that there are false doctrines out there, and we don't know all the information on your situation so that is why I ask.

2006-06-26 12:36:30 · answer #8 · answered by ~Donna~ 3 · 0 0

Interesting! What is this false doctrine you're talking about? Can you say something about it by using the Add Details option to the right of your question? I may then try to advise you.

2006-06-26 12:28:01 · answer #9 · answered by sauwelios@yahoo.com 6 · 0 0

OK, if you know it's a false doctrine, you definitely need to pray. Show her Scripture kindly...out of curiosity, what doctrine is it? You can contact me at everist.randal@tbc.edu

2006-06-26 12:27:03 · answer #10 · answered by RandyGE 5 · 0 0

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