This is not to scare you but I had endometriosis and it got to where I had to have a total hysterectomy at age 24. I already had 2 children. Get a second opinion and if they say the same thing then if you are ready for a baby then go ahead and have one, you wont regret it. Some stages of endo they can do same day surgery and take care of it and then so doctors do say if you get pregnant it makes it go away. That myth is true cause my sister in law went through that and she had a baby now its cleared up. Good Luck!!!
2006-06-26 05:10:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Pregnancy is not a cure for Endometriosis, nor is pregnancy a "treatment" that can be "prescribed" any more than menopause or hysterectomy can. There is no absolute cure, but physicians specializing in the disease who use modern concepts for treatment instead of old wive's tales and biased literature from drug manufacturers have higher and longer-term success rates than those who put their patients on the treatment merry go round over and over - including effective resolve of infertility. There is NO reason to assume simply because you have Endo that, with effective treatment such as that offered at, you will not be able to have a baby down the road. Endo is a leading cause of female infertility, but getting pregnant when you're not ready will not cure the disease or treat it in any way, and again, treatments exist so that you can live well in spite of the disease and have a baby when you are ready. Good luck.
PS - in response to the above comment: "My wife had it, My wife doctor never said that to her. I do not think endoetriosis has anything to do with having a baby. it is a simple operation, you will be in and out of the hospital in a few hours. Its not that big of deal. It will leave a small scare on your belly about 1/4 of an inch, that is it..." First of all, Endometriosis is a leading cause of female infertility and therefore has A LOT to do with having a baby. That is not to say, however, that those who want to have a child cannot have a child, provided they have undergone proper treatment. Secondly, a laparopscopy, however minimally invasive it may be, is STILL surgery and it still carries risks and hurts like he** if work to remove the disease is actually done. Anyone who has ever had extensive Endo excised from the greater pelvic area and/or has had to undergo a bowel resection because of her disease and/or who's surgery took several hours and required weeks of recovery will surely not agree with you that it's so simple. True treatment of Endo is NOT the same as a 45 min. look-see-and-leave-it-alone surgery by a gyn. generalist. Furthermore, in laparoscopies where the disease is actually treated and removed from various locations, there will be at LEAST 3-4 incisions. There is nothing "simple" about this insidious disease, and to be so cavalier about it not only shows an extreme level of misunderstanding and insensitivity concerning the disease and its far-reaching effects, but is also highly offensive to the 89 million women and girls who are suffering from this incurable illness on a daily basis - with the exception of your wife, of course, who obviously has a very low stage and mild symptoms.
2006-06-26 17:02:21
answer #2
answered by Endo 6
Pregnancy is not a cure for endometriosis. I have endo and I had a doctor tell me to get pregnant and then have a hysterectomy. I instead went on BCP and that has helped control it a lot. It's not perfect but way better than having a child I can't afford and losing my organs!
I found that older doctors tend to tell you to get pregnant and then have a hysterectomy. Younger doctors tend to be more conservative. This may have to do with the information available during their training years.
I strongly recommend getting a second opinion.
2006-06-26 20:03:17
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I answered your other question too but I want to add - remember that you can opt for IVF if you wait. Where is the endo located? Mine is causing one of my tubes to collapse so even when I did get pg (finally!) I was at risk for an ectopic pregnancy.
I often wonder what would have happened if I had a baby at 19 or 20 just to relieve the symptoms. I wondered that during my 8 years of TTC via natural methods and IVF. Would my husband have finished school? Would we have this house? A retirement fund or a college fund for our little one? It was hard and it was heartbreaking but it was worth it. We finally have our little angel (spontaneous pregnancy after being told to give up) and I wouldn't turn back for anything.
2006-06-26 10:50:25
answer #4
answered by AlongthePemi 6
My wife had it, My wife doctor never said that to her. Matter of fact I go to the same doctor and she is always hounding me about having children. I'm almost 40. I do not think endoetriosis has anything to do with having a baby. it is a simple operation, you will be in and out of the hospital in a few hours. Its not that big of deal. It will leave a small scare on your belly about 1/4 of an inch, that is it.
2006-06-26 09:34:44
answer #5
answered by mike67333 6
It sounds like you need to get a second opinion. I have never heard of a doctor telling a 19 yr old to have a baby now.
2006-06-26 09:33:31
answer #6
answered by dh1977 7
I think that if you really want a child in your heart you should have it now.If your not ready, and wont be for a long time then just wait to see if you can still have a child if not, maybe try to adopt or other options. Personally i would have the child now, but you have to be ready. Whatever you do make sure its right for you and the baby. Best wishes to you!
2006-06-26 09:36:26
answer #7
answered by Nikki p 2
if your ready to have a baby then do it...but you should be finacically stable and a man in your life that will stick with you..i had a friend that has endometriosis and got pregnant but had a misscarige..just depends on how severe it is....make sure that you talk it throught with your doctor throughtly before making any decisions
2006-06-26 09:33:13
answer #8
answered by sjeboyce 5
If your doctor is saying now is the time there is obviously a reason. If its too late your doctor should have told you. Just relax and go have some fun. Good luck
2006-06-26 09:31:22
answer #9
answered by proffalken1975 4
There are tests for that, dont go on suggestions, take a pregnancy test and check that endometriosis.
2006-06-26 10:29:14
answer #10
answered by boricua_chick_21 5