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What was his shirt number? Can you quote your source when you answer please, because I have found web sites which state that it was 5 or 6 depending on who you believe. A picture would be ideal, just to remove doubt. Cheers

2006-06-26 01:11:35 · 5 answers · asked by Iain T 3 in Sports Football Scottish Football

Cheers owenofglasgow2. Superb answer, and I'm really sorry I missed the Mail that day. I'll need to see if I can pick the DVD up from eBay.

2006-06-26 22:08:24 · update #1

Thanks for the answer as well Danny. Looks like you were right.

And Boycott World Cup Sponsors, please tell me that you're English. To hear somebody English come out with an answer like that would make my year!

2006-06-26 22:11:37 · update #2

5 answers

"Slim" Jim Baxter wore the No 6 shirt mate
I know this for a fact because the Sunday Mail (Scottish Paper) gave away a free DVD of this game only 2 weeks ago and i just had a wee look for you.
Baxter was immence in that game, playing keepie up and generally extracting the Urine from the English players (World Champs at the time)
Although he did'nt sit on the ball as folklore would have you believe.
Scorers on the day were
England 2 - Charlton 84mins Hurst 88mins
SCOTLAND 3 - LAW 27mins... LENNOX 78mins... McCALLIOG 87mins
Also Baxter played for Sunderland at the time and not Rangers as many believe


2006-06-26 15:56:52 · answer #1 · answered by owenofglasgow2 3 · 3 4

According to the BBC site, it is shirt number 6. There is one photo on the site of the number 6 celebrating, but not enough to prove it is Baxter. The BBC were probably the only ones covering the tie at the time so this is probably the best source availiable, i cannot see anything on the official SFA site. hope this helps.

2006-06-26 01:24:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

a Scotland shirt

2006-06-26 02:13:30 · answer #3 · answered by normantrousdale@btinternet.com 3 · 0 0


What do you boys keep going on about a victory 40 year ago? It really gets on ones nerves old boy!

2006-06-26 01:20:46 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

On the front, it had 66... on the back, it said... I (hart) England!!!

2006-06-26 11:07:45 · answer #5 · answered by HackneyDemon 3 · 0 0