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What is the most difficult question facing the church today? Both Christians and non-Christians are welcome to respond, but please tell me whether you are Christian or not.

2006-06-25 23:56:30 · 55 answers · asked by Serving Jesus 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

55 answers

people not being able to worship god in work places, schools, etc. i mean, a soda company put the pledge on their box, but didnt put the word god in there. give me a break...

it's just getting rediculous now...

2006-06-26 00:00:23 · answer #1 · answered by me 2 · 1 2

I am a Christian and I believe that the most difficult question facing the church today is homosexuality. I have friends and a few extended family members who are gay and I love them very much and I am sure I am not the only christian in this situation. I accept them for who they are but being raised a christian my whole life I was always taught that the gay lifestyle can never be accepted by God. So I guess I am a hypocrite because I don't follow what I was taught my whole life, But love is suppose to be a good thing....right? Well I guess the church will have to answer this question one day..... Is it also wrong for a heterosexual person to love some one as a brother or sister who happens to be gay?

2006-06-26 00:22:00 · answer #2 · answered by KeAhi 3 · 0 0

I am an atheist but here's what I think:

The most difficult question the church must address is

1. How to incorporate the bible's rules and morals into your daily life in modern times - for example - living with your partner before marriage, multiple sex partners, accepting homosexuality as OK, etc. Times are changing and if the church strictly shuns these activities, they push young people away from the church and religion.

2. Combining your beliefs with science - the question is, does the church continue to push the biblical stuff about earth being created 6000 years ago? Or do they relax the 'rules' to allow some modern evidence and discoveries to be incorporated into their beliefs? I think sticking strictly to the biblical interpretation, again, pushes away alot of individuals.

2006-06-26 00:43:26 · answer #3 · answered by ontario ashley 4 · 0 0

I'm Christian. I think the most difficult question the Church must face today is how to take God out of a box (the physical churches) and focus on the Church being the body of Christ (the believers) and not the building. The churches and their members have become such judgmental people, clique-ish people.

If they can manage to take God out of the box and walk what they talk and not just be pious while in the box, there would be a higher likelihood that we could reinstate prayer in public places. But these overly pious, judgmental people are not going to get anything done sitting in pews every Sunday, looking down their noses at newcomers and those who haven't dressed like the lead clique.

If we want God put back in America, the pew-sitters are going to have to get up and DO something. All those who want God and prayer out of public places have DONE something to achieve it. What has the Church done?

Did Jesus sit down to eat with sinners? Did He judge?

The other most difficult question facing the Church today is how to understand the Pagans (not Satanists!! Pagans) ~ enormous difference) and why more and more people are leaning toward Paganism. They need to learn why the church-boxes and those who sit in them have made it easier to become a Pagan.

2006-06-26 00:15:05 · answer #4 · answered by just common sense 5 · 0 0

The most difficult question the churches/religions face is why they lose thier congregations. The answer is that they still teach man made religion which has become stagnant and stale. The only churches in america that are growing are the touchy-feel good/health-welath nonsense religions. Until the religinos are removed and preachers start telling the truth, it will always be this way. Religion is a cancer on christianity.

2006-07-07 03:46:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

HI I think that the church's are facing money problems to keep
Church's runing for us christians so that we have a place to
Worship,and learn about god.Anyways I am a full blooded
Christian under god.And i am from Riverside,Ca.
Church's are also facing this one difficult question about
Why are people now a days loseing their faith?I have not lost
Mine and I pray all the time to god,even for help for things

2006-07-09 20:02:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As a Christian, I believe the most difficult question facing a Christian today is the rampant apostasy and how to open people's eyes to what is happening. So many Christians are burying their heads in the sand...turning a blind eye...we are admonished to contend for the faith, but so many fail to do so.
The link below is just part of the apostasy that is happening in the church...I was appalled when I saw this...

2006-07-08 14:54:55 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe the churches' biggest challenge is getting people to hear its message. We do not go to church, we do not bring our faith to school, work, or out into the community. We have taken the religion out of our holidays.
We have made it unfashionable to show signs of our religion. We do not pray in a restaurant, or in a public place.We do not speak of it, for fear we would bring offense to someone.
There are still places in the world that will not allow religion, that persecute and kill those who would spread the Word. There are those places that only allow one religion, and persecute and kill those who would embrace another religion..Those that are oppressed can not hear the message.
We are intolerant of other people's religion. We still conduct religious wars, and annialate those of another religion. We do not hear the message of peace.
People turn away, they say rthe church has no message for them. We act un-christian in our own church, mean and uncharitable directly in front of the cross. Others see the hypocritical behavior, and turn away.
Our clergy do unlawful things, they fail to lead us on the path to rightessness, fail to set an example as christians. They do not speak the message.
Televangelists, preach to us, make huge sums of money, some steal from others, some barter souls. If you give me x-amount of money, I will get you salvation. They do not hear the message that God is more important than material things. So how can I hear it?
I am a Christian.

2006-07-09 21:22:04 · answer #8 · answered by riversconfluence 7 · 0 0

It's difficult to pinpoint the one problem facing the church today. We've got child molesters within the church, where once we were told priests were our protectors; we've got terrorists who believe we all should die because we don't share their beliefs; we've got increased drug usage within our young people; violence is way up as the way to clear the air, so to speak....I don't honestly know which is the most important, shy of the need to bring God's children back into the fold.

I don't read the bible (sometimes, but not regularly). I don't attend Church (feel more comfortable talking to God and His angels outside where there is no boundaries). But, I do believe in God & I think we might actually be in the last days as we know it, too, as described in the Book of Revelations. And yes, I consider myself a Christian.

2006-07-09 15:30:47 · answer #9 · answered by kath68142 4 · 0 0

Hello! Can I call myself a Christian? I don't often have time to attend church but I definitely hold Christian beliefs and values. Anyway, great question... my answer would be how to convince people that the way of the Bible is still applicable to today's society. Does that make sense? I think a lot of people who criticize the Church these days do so because 2000 years seems so DISCONNECTED from life today... people (including myself, I admit) find it hard to relate. Good question and I'm looking forward to reading people's answers! Bye!

2006-06-26 00:02:17 · answer #10 · answered by Cherstin and Adam F 3 · 0 0

I'm a Christian. The most difficult question is = What constitutes a sin? This question is not difficult, just learn Exodus 20 and pray, but every Christian gets it wrong.

2006-07-09 08:48:25 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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