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Well you see, lately I've been learning a lot about Islam from my friends, And I have to admit, I found Islam to be interesting. My friend said that if I were THAT interested, then I should try converting to Islam for a month or a week in an attempt to found God's truth, If I found it to be untrue, then I can re-convert myself later or convert into other religion such as Buddha or Hindu (but I have to say right now I'm not interested to become a Buddhist or Hindu). I've consulted my family (but not my minister-he'll freak out I just know it.) about this and they said It's my choice because I'm a grown a.ss man (Haha). The thing I wanna ask is (because I find this forum to be the most open minded forum in the world) From Christianity's view, can I try converting to Islam for a while (it's not that I don't believe in Jesus our Messiah, I'm just really2 interested in Islam and I'm the curios type.) So can you guys help me out here? I need all the replies I can get

2006-06-25 22:14:14 · 25 answers · asked by the_silent_philosopher 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I wouldn't call curiousity is a sin, because without it, none of us would be anwering/asking questions in this forum. What I believe is God is known through reason. We only live once, and there is only one God, one true God, what's wrong with trying to find the right one.

2006-06-25 23:34:09 · update #1

25 answers

Wow! thanks for giving me the opportunity to answer this question:

basically here it is, nothing more and nothing less. Islam is very simple. and everything makes sense:

Never once did Jesus (peace be upon him) claim to be God. If you look into the bible, if you have a red lettered one that highlights supposedly what Jesus has said, than never once will you find that he told his people to worship him. On the contrary, he said "Worship Thy Father Alone" i.e. worship God Alone.

also, In Islam we believe in Jesus as a highly respected Prophet of Allah (God). just like Moses, Adam, Abraham, Noah, etc.

They All came with the same message : To worship the creator Alone.

Indeed, it is very blasphemous to say that Jesus Is God.
#1. Jesus was A human, and everyone will agree upon that. meaning he ate, slept, used the bathroom, etc. Things that Muslims Believe are not attributes fit for the Lord of the Universe, because he is free of all needs.

#2. The Christians believed that Jesus died on the Cross. How can God Die? if that were the case, than how can it be that he would be on the cross saying "Why have you forsaken me" to the one who is in heaven, if they were one in the same. and how is it that He knew he would die, but didnt know at the same time?

and if he died for 3 days, who was God during those 3 days?

nothing makes sense.

but everything in Islam Makes sense. wouldnt it be more logical that he were a Righteous Prophet of God, rather than God himself?

If you believe
1. that there is no object worthy of worship but Allah (God)
2. you believe in the angles
3. Heaven and hell
4. The Books that came before (the Old testament, Gospels, Quran)
5. you believe in the all the Prophets of God starting from Adam, including Moses, Jesus, Abraham, Noah, and Muhammad peace be upon all of them)
and finally
6. Divine decree.

than welcome to Islam.

Finally, if you do not wish to listen to anything i've said, at least do one thing which you have nothing to lose.

Seek guidance from God himself to guide you on the strait path, and see where it leads you.

I Swear by Allah, that if you Sincerely and whole-heartedly ask Him for Guidance to the truth. He will lead you to it.

you have nothing you lose.

I ask God to guide you all to the truth. ameen.

2006-06-27 19:22:28 · answer #1 · answered by Shirien 3 · 4 1

No you can't! To convert means to change your mind and to believe something else. If you believe in Jesus and believe that He is the Messiah then that's what you believe. The Bible says that if you believe in Jesus that your belief is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Why not find out more about what Jesus taught by reading the Bible. The people who wrote and told you that there is nothing in the Bible against converting to another religion and then reconverting back to Christianity are wrong. You should read the book of James in the New Testament. The apostle James says that if anyone experiences the "sweetness of life in Christ Jesus and goes back to his old sinful ways, that for this person there is no repentance possible and no salvation". If you convert to Islam with the idea that if it doesn't work out you will just repent and convert back to Christianity you are literally "playing with fire". It's also called the sin of presumption.

2006-06-25 23:12:20 · answer #2 · answered by Smartassawhip 7 · 0 0

U FOOL! y u want 2 convert 2 islam?Islam is a vile and violent faith that establishes extremism aqnd that has been hijacked by the pretend muslims,who ,by thier own human decency ,have given this barbaric superstition the appearance of legitimacy 2 the uninformed.PLEASE go to site ... www Faith Freedom.org.,u'll find the answers.Anyway what is so great abt ISLAM? Mohamed married a 9 yr old kid (child sexual abuse)and killed thousands of people (non believers in islam)so he was a murderer .He married ,bore 11 children (was a sex maniac 2).He started polygamy and prostration.Oh! so u want 2 prostorate??????? enjoy the painfull event.ha ha ! women don't have freedom in thier community.Anyway islam came much later than christianity ,if u read history.In fact 2 tell u the truth ,mohamed was chased out of Mecca for preching his islam then he went 2 ABYSSINIA where he sought the permission of A christian king 2 practice his religion ,if that silly king would't have given permisssion then there would have been no Islam today.Once u convert 2 Islam u can never change into christianity again, coz u'll get killed ............. acc.2 quran .My advise 2 u is .... y don't u read Bible instead of that silly quran?U must also read Salman Rushdie's bk SATANIC VERSES.U'll get more information abt islam .BE HAPPY 2 B A CHRISTIAN AND GET RID OF THAT MUSLIM FRIEND OF YOURS.

2006-06-25 22:42:43 · answer #3 · answered by michele_miss2000 3 · 0 0

While there is nothing in the Bible that says there is anything wrong with trying new faiths and re-coverting, it doesn't seem like that is accepted either. What I mean by that is by looking at the 10 commandments, we know that God is a jealous God and He doesn't want anyone other forms/gods/etc. worshipped before Him. If you choose to break away from the faith for awhile and come back, I don't know what to say about that...Honestly, that is a personal choice that you have to make and I don't think that you should let anyone tell you what to do. I recommend, that you go to God with it and pray for an answer. I hate to sound biased (cause I am a Christian), but I hope that you find the sustenance you need within Christianity to not to want to try something new. Good luck!

2006-06-25 22:26:43 · answer #4 · answered by naijababy425 1 · 0 0

Well, Alhamdulillah if u want to convert to Islam..Praised to Allah as he already gives u light to see the truth!!

But, u cannot just try to convert for a month or a couple of weeks, that’s totally not right.
If u want to convert to Islam, u have to TRULY believe and sincerely want to convert because u believe everything about Islam. If u r not sure yet, its better for u to learn more about Islam and convert when u are truly ready. The main thing is your faith in Allah and all his prophets and all Allah laws in the Quran

U should remember what is the purpose u want to convert?

The important part being a Muslim is u has to truly believe in your heart and confessed that there is NO OTHER GOD than Allah and to believe Muhammad is Allah messenger.

If u believe that Allah is one and there is no God but Allah as well as if u believe that Muhammad is Allah prophet and as Allah messenger.. u already a muslim!!

When u become a muslim, u have to love and believe on all the prophets of Allah including Jesus, but Jesus in Islam is just a human and a prophet just like Muhammad and the rest of the Prophets, Jesus is not the son of God or God. So its not a problems for u to love Jesus, its just u have to deny that Jesus is God, because Jesus is not God. Jesus is human being just like us.

So think and choose which is the true God that can save u.. and as u can see the different between Al-Quran and Bible, u should realize that Al-Quran is truly Allah words, the true God.

2006-06-27 15:59:42 · answer #5 · answered by sweetzy 4 · 0 0

You can convert or reconvert as you like. It's your personal choice. However, we are accountable and responsible for every choice we make.

You said you still believe in Jesus. I don't quite understand the meaning of your 'believe'. Because, 'to believe' in Biblical terminology is more than just intellectually agree. It is more than an emotional attachment. It is an absolute choice or commitment. It involves the total personality, intellect, emotion and will. Once you make such a commitment only you will experience the (Christian) life that Jesus promises. No one becomes a Christian by default, neither by birth nor by membership in a local group. Just because you like Jesus or you know something about Him, you can not become a Christian.

As far as my understanding goes, no one can convert to any other faith except Christianity. Because you can become a Christian only by conversion. You have to be born into all other faiths, while you have to be "born again" into Christian faith. You check it out. All the best!

2006-06-25 22:39:09 · answer #6 · answered by lalskii 3 · 0 0

My friend let me tell you this. Islam is a very open religion. And as it is also sent by Allah (GOD), it recognises the previous religions like Christanity. Believing in Christanity and Bible is very necessary to become a Muslim. Quran the holly book of Muslims, does not negate any things mentioned in Bible except that Jesus being son of Mary and not of GOD. I think you should read and know more about Islam before you convert.

2006-06-25 22:26:13 · answer #7 · answered by vvaqar1 1 · 0 0

sure you can try islam. regardless of what many will tell you, muslims and christians worship the same god. the exact same god. you're not breaking any commandment by converting. they only think jesus was a man and not god. so you have to reconcile with that.
islam is not a violent or repressive religion any more than christianity is. you're just switching some traditions. see if you like them. find yourself an islamic buddy and pray with them, go to the mosque with them, and talk to them. a lot. then you'll see if you really want to be a muslim. then you can convert. only do so if its what you really want.

2006-06-25 23:00:29 · answer #8 · answered by Aleks 4 · 0 0

You should believe in Jesus, even if you are a muslim. Jesus and all the Lord's messengers belong to all the humanity. There is lot's of verses about Moses, Jesus, Mary and Lord's other messengers in the Koran.

And everybody should try to find the best way. I think you're doing the right thing.

2006-06-25 23:50:49 · answer #9 · answered by Massiha 6 · 0 0

Muslims believe in Jesus in the right way in which he should be believed. For more information on Islam, read the Holy Quran yourself and study Islam yourself.
Some of these sites may be a good place to start.
May Allah guide and keep you to the right path. Amin.

2006-06-25 22:34:14 · answer #10 · answered by zaki1968 4 · 0 0

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