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was it right on the part of the nations that did this? were they all justifyed in their actions?

how can one explain this?

2006-06-25 22:04:52 · 13 answers · asked by Gamla Joe 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

The site itself strikes me as having anti-semitic overtones to it, and if you follow the "source" article at the end and look around you will find an even greater disposition on their part towards anti-semitism, so I think the "Christians" who posted the article are using all of these expulsions as evidence that it would still be a good idea to expell Jews.

For a more balanced overview of history I recommend this link:

The Christian position towards Jews generally followed these steps:

1) "You have no right to live amoung us as Jews". Christians wanted Jews to convert and be just like everyone else in their "Christian nation".

2) "You have no right to live amoung us." Jews who wouldn't convert were forced to leave the "Christian nation" and find a place to live somewhere else. Pretty difficult considering the "Holy Roman Empire" covered huge portions of Europe. And finally:

3) "You have no right to live." Whether it be the Inquisition, the Holocaust or the "Crusade for Christ", the Christians showed their "love" of the Jewish people by facilitating or at least going along with all these actions. The number of Christians who stood against such things were few and far between (despite what Christians of today would like to believe.)

It is easy for Christians of today to be dismissive of all these earlier Christian attrocities by saying "but they weren't *real* Christians" - as though sin in a person's life is somehow proof that these earlier Christians were not really Christians. By that logic, we just find a sin in any Christians life and we can then proclaim that they are not really Christians and soon we will find that there are no Christians to be found anywhere in the world.

No, Christians must repent for their sins and for the sins of their movements through history. They make t'shuvah, repenting for their sins. And in order to do that, they are going to have to first come to understand what "sin" actually is, and turn instead to follow the Divine Instructions. They need to read their own Bible and realize:

"Whoever commits sin transgresses the Torah; for sin is the transgression of the Torah." 1 John 3:4

Christians like to claim that the Torah is done away with. So they live their lives in a lawless fashion. Their lawless lives allow them to commit the sins mentioned above. Such a man of lawlessness is always going to hate Jews just for being Jews. The lawless will not live peacefully with those who live lawfully. There is a war on the spiritual level occuring which leads people into trying to eliminate the Jewish people and move them out to "somewhere else".

You even see this occuring within Jewish society - thinking specifically of the terrible way the Israeli government treated the settlers during expulsions from Gush Katif and elsewhere. (They haven't treated them well now that they have been expelled either.) The secular government of Israel treated the settlers this way because the settlers were Torah observant. Had the communities been secular perhaps the government would have let them stay.

We have to recognize that the real war that is going on isn't just one belief versus another, it is a war been those who attempt Tikkun Olam (repair of the world) through Torah and mitzvot versus those who are lawless - anti-Torah. So stick it back in their face and go out and do good anyway!

There will always be those who follow a "golden calf" in the way they live their lives. But we can choose for our own life that we will not be one of those. Make t'shuvah daily, do good daily and even help those who might appear to be your enemy. In doing so, you might turn an enemy into a friend.

Tanya teaches that we cloak our souls in Thoughts, Speech and Action. Beware of harboring hatred within, for it leads to evil speech. Beware the poison of l'shon hara, for it is the root sin that leads to hateful action. A simple look at history (as shown in the link which you posted) shows where that kind of evil leads.

2006-06-26 02:21:22 · answer #1 · answered by Daniel 6 · 0 0

Any one can site a list of seeming wrong doing against them. Especially when you go so far back through history the way this does. This list is propaganda, to stir up anger and in site more fighting. All you want to do is try and justify a people that apparently have been needed to be stopped from being so overbearing that it warranted each action over and over again. Stop trying to make a list of how abused you are so the world will feel sorry for you. You have a high sense of entitlement that is not justified. What ever the current boundaries are they should be frozen and forgiven by all. But most of all forgotten. It obviously can't be sorted out after thousands of years, so just stop, forgive, be thankful your children can live in peace. Or do you not care that your own fathers have murdered his own children with the hate? Will you also do the same? Why should anyone pity a murderer of his own children? The History is written and can not be changed but can be forgiven. The future is yet to be written, is your god such a piss-ant he can't even bring you peace? he's obviously not the same one as my God. Harsh words? I guess you'll whine about that too.

2006-06-26 05:40:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Interesting that someone that calls themselves father brop would express ideas such as "not the same God" This is typical of the people that call themselves "Christians" but in reality would not know Jesus Christ if he was standing in front of them. Father Brop as well as most of the radical right will stand before Christ to hear "away from me I never knew you". The Jews are God's beloved. They have been persecuted through time. The radical right, father Brop and other like him wants to use the Jews for their own purposes. And they will burn in hell for it. True Christians love the Jews as well as all other people.

2006-06-28 01:49:02 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dude. That's a lot. Have they accepted Jesus yet, by the way? Who knows, will they start a militia now in the name of -let's say-Mr.God. If they do, they will be allowed to kill Americans, and torture them horribly. But if an American yells at them, the world will come down on those infadel Americans?-I'm sorry-did I totally ignore your question with my own agenda? I've been listening to some middle-easterns talk-my bad.

2006-06-26 05:15:00 · answer #4 · answered by phwar68 5 · 0 0

i do not think people can justify a lot of things that has happened in this world.. and i do believe that one day we will all have to pay for our deed here on earth... but i just believe we better be right with god.. we all have sinned and come short of the glory of god.. but john 3 16 says whosoever believeth in me shall have everlasting life.. people make excuses for some of their deeds...but i do not think we will be able to make excuses on judgement day....god forgive me of all my sins and help me to be more like gods plan for me to be

2006-06-26 05:10:53 · answer #5 · answered by sanangel 6 · 0 0

i did you notice that it all stop by the time that hiltler died simple hiltler persecuted jews because of theyre belief just like the christian church the biggest murderers in history the biggest spills of blood in history were caused by the church itlesf.

2006-06-26 05:15:02 · answer #6 · answered by Leviathan 2 · 0 0

Fear is the reason, but nothing justifies hatred.

2006-06-26 05:10:33 · answer #7 · answered by penecontemporaneous 2 · 0 0

it's an eternal punishment from God...since they rejected any prophet after Moses, their "kingdom" has been taken away from them, given to their BRETHEREN...and they will never set peace upon themselves till Judgement day

2006-06-26 05:35:20 · answer #8 · answered by 【ツ】ρεαcε! 5 · 0 0

Well, why were they their to begin with? And yes the Mexicans need to go home.

2006-06-30 00:45:25 · answer #9 · answered by justme 5 · 0 0

There is no justification for it but, boy, some people are sure going to try!

2006-06-26 15:28:33 · answer #10 · answered by Sinthyia 7 · 0 0

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