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do u believe in the bibles view on sex, casual sex, swinging, marital sex, other (explain why)

2006-06-25 21:55:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Other - Health

8 answers

See what I wrote for the following answers (most are fairly long):

RE: Cheating boyfriend

RE: Sexual orientation, marital & premarital sex

RE: Literal v Allegorical View of Bible

RE: Swinging

RE: Size (end addresses question of multiple sex partners)

RE: Faith

Having a life effectively destroyed by conspicuous adherence to Biblical teachings, and having a personal relationship with Christ: I am absolutely confident both that from the Beginning, God intended that sex should be enjoyed between any parties so consenting; and that all Scripture to the contrary evinces the corrupt calculus of thugs having usurped the vernacular of faith and religion for the purposes of enslavement.

I waited until after I was married to have sex, then expecting to have as my sex partner only her for the duration of my life. Within our marriage, though she diligently tried to share me with her friends and her mom, I stupidly and stubbornly resisted -- and I ultimately divorced her, which was also stupid.

Almost a year later, another woman had sex with me; from a physical perspective, it was the most enjoyable experience I've ever had. Both women apparently very much enjoyed their respective experiences with me as a lover.

That made me think back to all the opportunities I had in elementary & high school, college, church, at work, etc. -- and a part of me will always lament the fact that I could have brought to many of those women great pleasure -- and I might have either married one of them, or I would likely have at least been able to understand and accept my wife's eagerness to share me.

The Creator never intended that any person or group of persons should be governed by any other person or group of persons, but instead intended that each person would be subordinate directly and only to the Almighty.

The Creator never intended that any person or group of persons should for any reason evince violence towards any person or group of persons (notice the absence of "other"); the Creator never intended that any person or group of persons should for any reason or by any means purpose or conspire to cause the death or injury of any person or group of persons.

The human body was DESIGNED for virtually continual daily sexual intercourse beginning about the onset of puberty or the early teens until well into very advanced years; ethics suggests this should be limited by the principle of informed consent (the parties should comprehend the nature and quality of the act to which they are giving consent); every law of man (and every Scripture) prescribing or proscribing limits other than these is contrary to the manifest Will of God.

In the case of Biblical laws governing sexuality, the principle of parody and satire applies; to wit: Hebrews 4:12 ("For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.")

Thus we have the Word of God (Jesus) and the written testament(s) of men allegedly inspired by God; to any reasonable person it is obvious that "The Law" reveals the nature of the person attempting to enforce it. Whereas God is love, "The Law" reveals both those that don't love (are apathetic) and those that hate (seek gratuitous penalties against "offenders").

2006-06-26 01:10:06 · answer #1 · answered by wireflight 4 · 1 0

Yes, I believe in the Bible's view on sex. It is the most intimate thing you can do with another person and should only be shared with your spouse; otherwise, you are taking something from your spouse that belongs to them and giving it to some other person. Casual sex and swinging are both unfulfilling and all about physical lust. Marital sex builds physical and emotional intimacy between spouses, and sets the relationship apart from all other relationships because the sex is something they share together that they do not share with anyone else. Furthermore, marital sex can be very fulfilling because you get to know your partner on a deeper level and can satisfy them emotionally and physically.

2006-06-25 22:03:40 · answer #2 · answered by ampotratz 4 · 0 0

Sex in the bible is intended for the marriage couple for various reasons:
1) Procreation (thus gay/ home is out).
2) Completing the pleasure of both parties.

However, it is the sinfulness of man that twist it otherwise.

Some may ask, why so many sex mentioned int he Bible? Casual sex, male to male, sex outside marriage, father and daughters etc.

This is where the true word of God is, that is, there is no attempt to cover up some of the sinfulness of man. Including the great Kind David (Daud for Muslim), where the bloodline of Jesus come from. He was punished for having sex with his general's wife.

Yet why God still choose him? Well, it shows that the salvation f God depend not on our individual effort, but by God's grace. And we all know, King David repented, and wrote the famous Psalm 51. Even in his old days, when his son turn against him, he seems to submit to fate he dies in the hands of his son.

In Song of Songs, there is a very explicit expression of sexual love. Some may try to tone down that it is not. But when you go thru the books, it is one time too many, where they talk about the physical contact and pleasure derive from it.

Sex, in the right setting (within marriage) is intended to be fun and cheerful. For me and my wife, we do treasure the love we had for each other.

To us, it is not just another physical contact, but the connection of our soul, touching of our hearts, and it is all enriching.

So, what is my view on Sex in the Bible? Wonderful. I wish I know them right from the start.

2006-06-25 22:11:47 · answer #3 · answered by Melvin C 5 · 0 0

i believe in the bibles views on sex although i don't practice the way i should

2006-06-25 21:58:03 · answer #4 · answered by nastaany1 7 · 0 0

Yeah, I agree to the Bible's view. If you go the other way, it may be fun, but in the long run, you're goin to get messed.

2006-06-25 21:59:32 · answer #5 · answered by jinxedcradle 2 · 0 0

if you love the person karma sutra or tantra....study them and you will find out what i mean....if you want a hook up casual sex....its all in what you prefer and are in the mood for...

2006-06-25 22:01:31 · answer #6 · answered by caydizzie 1 · 0 0

God love you, so he give you sex to be use responsibly

2006-06-25 22:19:23 · answer #7 · answered by Perawan 4 · 0 0


2006-06-25 22:00:38 · answer #8 · answered by blood_hooks 3 · 0 0

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