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18 answers

that's the sign of the cross everytime i say a prayer. it simply is the holy trinity as one God that is god the father--god the son--god the holy spirit.

2006-06-25 21:52:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Jehovah is the name of Almighty God,who created all things in the heavens and on the earth.
He has no beginning and no end.(Ps.83:18).
His Son is named Jesus.Jesus was the first born of all creation and through Jesus all other things were created.
Holy Spirit is not a person,but is God's active force by which He accomplishes his purpose and executes his will.
It may be noted that the word,"in heaven,the Father,the Word,and the Holy Ghost:and these three are one"(KJ) found in older translations at 1 John 5:7are actually spurious additions to the original text.A footnote in the Jerusalem Bible,a Catholic translation,says that these words are "not in any of the early Greek MSS manuscripts,or any of the early translations,or in the best MSS of the Vulgate itself".

2006-06-26 10:12:11 · answer #2 · answered by lillie 6 · 0 0

God is 1 and 3
One God almighty
3 Father Son and Holy Spirit
Father in Heaven
Son on Earth and in Heaven as a king
Holy spirit everywhere (it's the linking power)

2006-06-26 05:09:14 · answer #3 · answered by Bazsa 3 · 0 0

The father is YHWY (pronounced Yahweh) or El both of which were ancient Canaanite gods that the Jews adopted and later combined into one.
Joshua Bar Yussef is the son, mistakenly called Jesus due to erroneous Greek translation ( the new testament was originally written in Greek.)
The Holy Spirit is called that or the Holy ghost and is usually represented as a pigeon.
They are called the trinity and the combination was invented by early church theologians in order to confuse and mystify gullible people. Joshua (Jesus) was a Jew who followed the Jewish religion prayed to YHWY and never claimed to be anything more then a teacher he would be ashamed of the lies attributed to him by Christians.

2006-06-26 05:01:33 · answer #4 · answered by Vermin 5 · 0 0

GOD is the supreme being (the father). The son is speaking of Jesus. The holy spirit is an entity that GOD sends to help you interpret scripture and helps guide you in your daily walk. When you ask for and receive the baptism of the holy spirit your world or view of it will never be the same.

Some Christians believe that they are all one -GOD-. That GOD became flesh and came to earth as Jesus. Then when Jesus ascended into heaven he sent the holy spirit as our comforter.

There is evidence that the holy spirit was around with Abraham. Which was wayyyyyyyyyyyy before Jesus. But that is for a different question.

2006-06-26 04:54:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is a HUGE difference in a "triad" and a "trinity". The writer of that statement needs to brush up on the differences before saying they are one and the same. A triad is three different "gods" which is typical of pagan gods and the like. A trinity is ONE God that has three parts. It is hard for the feeble human mind to fully understand or comprehend that.

The Joshua Bar Yusseff theory is one that the ancient Jewish leaders of the time brought about to combat the Truth of Jesus Christ and to try to promote thri way of thinking. Any way you slice it, you are wrong.

The Holy Spirit is part of God so yes, He was around in the time of Abraham just as Jesus was before this world and universe were ever created. Jesus, however, sent the Holy Spirirt as a comforter in the New Testament. Any scripture in the Old Testament that you might refer to that the Holy Spirit was sent as a Comforter is misinterpreted. Abraham, Moses, and others spoke either directly with God, or to an angel God sent.

Lastly, to answer the question...
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three separate parts of God but not three different beings. God created this world and later sent His Son Jesus to pay for our sins. The blood of Jesus washes us clean and this pure blood is what God sees when He looks at us to make us perfect and worthy of going to Heaven. Without it, there is no amount of sacrifice or good works that can make us pure. The Holy Spirit was sent as a Comforter to help and guide us and for prayer until Jesus returns. Think of it this way.
Time. Three sepaprate parts. Past, present, future. They are different in what they contain, but together they make up "time". You cannot have "time" without all three parts, but they all work as one.

2006-06-26 06:01:43 · answer #6 · answered by green93lx 4 · 0 0

Just as you have the Hindu Triad of Brahma the Creator, Vishnu or Krishna the preserver and Siva the Destroyer or Recreator, all representing the "Godhead", so in Christianity you have a similar triad, God, the father figure, the creator, Jesus, the son figure, the preserver, and the Holy Ghost, the Recreator.

2006-06-26 05:00:07 · answer #7 · answered by djoldgeezer 7 · 0 0

God is separate. The holy spirit is God's Power. All things are joined by this power.
eg. Think of a car: The Father is the driver, the son is the passenger and the car is the holyspirit that brings them together as one unit. They're all separate things but the holyspirit brings them together.

2006-06-26 04:56:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The great and mighty God, has three most distinct offices He reveals to us. The Father in creation, the Son in redemption (if you please) and the Holy Spirit in the operation and power to currently interact with the world.

2006-06-26 05:11:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There was this young boy in the sea. St,\. Augustine happened to pass by and asked the boy what he was doing. The young boy said," I am digging a hole so I could put the ocean in it."

That is the answer to your question. You are trying to grasp with your mind the infinite meaning of the HOLY TRINITY.

2006-06-26 04:52:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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