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Four unique and quick questions: Does it exist, where and why was it created? Why do you get sent to hell if you're bad instead of being sent to a rehabillitation center? Do you get sent to hell if you don't believe in god? Is hell really eternal or can you redeem yourself?

2006-06-25 21:35:13 · 27 answers · asked by Billy E 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

1. Does it exist--no.
2. Where is it--no one knows.
3. Why created--So as to scare people into believing the church.
4. Why get sent to hell instead of rehab? Well at one time Catholics held that you went to Purgatory, a sort of rehab center, and if you paid a certain amount of money, you could ransom your friends, family, and so on from rehab and have them go to heaven. Needless to say, this is one way the Catholic church got fabulously wealthy, and one of the reasons Luther rebelled against that church and established Protestantism (as a protest against the abuses of the Catholic church). Protestants don't want any rehab--it's my way (heaven) or the highway (hell).
5. Hell if you don't believe?--You betcha. Believe or go to hell.
6. Is hell eternal--yes, according to the church.
7. Can you redeem yourself?--NEVER.
Christianity is a cruel and heartless religion, eh? Don't worry about it, it's all a bunch of baloney.

2006-06-25 21:45:50 · answer #1 · answered by Pandak 5 · 1 1

Yes, it exists. I don't know exactly where, but this world is basically 4 dimensions (3 dimensions + time), but nuclear physics makes it plain there are many more dimensions, so it could easily reside in some of these.

You don't get sent to a rehabilitation centre because this is the rehabilitation centre, why else did Jesus die? Because he wanted to rehabilitate everyone.

Jesus said that no one can see the Father unless he approves it, which basically means if you don't believe in God before you die then, I hate to say it, but your not going to enjoy enternetiy.

I'm not sure if being in hell is eternal, but Revelations does say that those whose names aren't in the Book of Life end up in the lake of fire, which is eternal

The real question you seem to be asking is "Can I continue to sin and then escape the consequences"? The answer is "No, you can't escape the consequences of sin, and more important, you can't escape the consequences of continual sin especially if you're aware it is sin".

2006-06-25 22:13:39 · answer #2 · answered by Bad bus driving wolf 6 · 0 0

As I said before, even being catholic, I don't believe on life after death. It's just how I feel about death. I think we die and that's it. Those whom enjoyed life fine, those whom didn't like it too bad.
I don't believe there is a second chance for life, perhaps, a cat has more chance than us with their "7 liefs"
From my religion, Hell does exist, and was created by Lucifer (Satan) after had being expelled by God from the Heaven. No one can redeem themselves, after be sent to hell. Those capable of redeem, are sent to purgatory, where they get redeem and finally sent to haven. Those whom god is sure can't never get redeem, are sent straight to Hell.
Hell is a eternal place for those bad ones to be sent after they die. Those ones, whom God is sure has no way to fix it, therefore, they are sent to there.
Purgatory, is the place where people whom God knows can be fixed are sent in order to go to heaven. It's what you call the rehabilitation center.
By my religion, people are not sent to Hell for not to have knowledge of God existence.

2006-06-25 22:26:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It depends on the reason of your question.If you really want to know, I'll tell you about it according to Islam:
believing in God is the main reason to avoid hell.You must believe that is there is only one God.No one can bare the harm of hell.You wish to die, but there is no death.None can see hell now.It appears only after the end of the life after every thing deaths.Only then God will send good people to heaven and sent dad ones to hell as a punishment for them.Do you think it's a huge punishment?.No,none go there unless person deserve.God give us this earth , lives,children,money,health,.... for all of our livies so we have to thank him for that not keep making sins.Thank is not just by saying "THANKS GOD".
One thing more:once you got to hell,you can never get out .

2006-06-25 22:18:09 · answer #4 · answered by icestorm 2 · 0 0

Yes, hell is eternal. No, you can't redeem yourself once you get to hell, but if you start to reedem yourself now then your chances of going are slimmer. This existence is the rehabilitation center itself! Repent for your sins and live! If you choose not to believe in 'God' then you recieve the results of not believing in 'God'. Yes, hell exists. It's located in a spiritual realm.(area code unknown) Hell, was created to hold those accountable who chose to indulge so foolishly in the 'Physical Realm'; without regards and respect to the one being who allowed them the benifit of existence in the first place, that being is - 'God' who exists in a 'Spiritual Realm' and the 'Physical Realm' at the same time. Anything you do, do for 'God' through the example set by his son Jesus Christ! Read your 'Bible'! -for every action there is a reaction; believe it.

2006-06-25 21:49:35 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ok.. i am sorry.. but there are sme STUPID people on computers these days.. they will just type any thing these days..
does hell exist : yes ( according to christianity )
hell was created for the unsaved
to be saved you must believe in you HEART and confess with your MOUTH that jesus is the lord.
yes u get sent to hell for not believing in god because...cuz your not saved..
man... do u really not know this stuff?? come on.. go to the nearest library and borrow a bible.. :?

stop tryin to ask everyone else answers when u can juss look it up your self ( sometimes its better that way )

2006-06-25 21:44:21 · answer #6 · answered by adrenaline_pulse 1 · 0 0

Yes, it is real.
Ask God where it is.
Createn of hell? see above.
Hell is God's rehabilitation center.

A few of us have seen it, on the operating table. Instead of seeing the white tunnel while clinically dead, they saw a dark and fearful place with a burning fiery lake, towering cliffs surrounding and the screams of hundreds of souls. One even saw people he knew before...telling him to GO BACK ..THERE WAS NO ESCAPE.

The doctors and nurses in the operating rooms of these two have never seen such absolute terror upon a human beings face. It still haunts them to this day. The two who were brought back ...They changed their lives completely the NEXT DAY swearing off the wretched lives they were leading.

2006-06-25 22:06:49 · answer #7 · answered by alexandria 1 · 0 0

Hell is eternal fire.
Yes, there are references to hell throughout the New Testament, and Jesus spoke about it frequently. No, it’s not titled “hell”, it goes by other names, but the fact of hell, state of hell, result of hell, etc. is undeniable. The state of “hell” is often referred to by the Hebrew word, sheol. It’s also, often, referred to in the Greek word, hades.

Now, realize, that these places I’ve listed above don’t necessarily mean the exact same thing as “hell”, they are synonymous, but they are understandings of the state of hell, as they permeated the consciousness of the people. That’s a big way of explaining that it doesn’t literally appear as “hell” in the scriptures.

Live for Heaven, and pray for those who aren’t...So, “where is hell mentioned in Scriptures, basically?” Well, there are several places, actually, that point out the truth of “H-E-double hockey sticks”.

Whenever you hear the term Gehenna, that is another term for hell. You’ll find Jesus reference it in such verses as:

MT 5:22, 29-30
MT 10:28
MT 18:9
MT 23:15, 33
MK 9:43-47
LK 12:5

Also, often times when you see the word darkness, it can be referring to the devil’s home:

MT 8:12
MT 22:13
MT 25:30
JN 3:19

Other places within the New Testament, beyond the Gospels, which reference that hot and unholy place include:

ACTS 2:20
ACTS 26:18
COL 1:13
1THES 5:5
2 THES 1:9
JUDE 1:13
REV 16:10
REV 19:19-21
REV 20:7-15
JMS 3:6

The Old Testament, too, speaks of the place where God’s love does not exist – the place that we call hell…it is often referred to as Sheol. A few of the (over 70) places that you can read about sheol are:

NUM 16:30-35
1 SAM 2:6
2 SAM 22:6
JOB 11:8
PROV 9:18
AMOS 9:2
ISA 14:9
EZEK 31:16-17
And scattered throughout the Psalms.

Further, in the Old Testament, you can read:

Job 33:24
Psalm 63:9
ISA 28:18, 30:33
EZE 32:19

Hope this helps. Do everything you can to keep your path straight to heaven.

It’s one thing to talk or read about hell – but it’s something totally different to be on the path there.

Compared to each other, some people are nice and some are mean. But compared to God, all people are not very good. All people need to be forgiven for their sins, not just "mean people." To be fair, God has to punish sin. God doesn't want to send anyone to hell. That's why he sent Jesus - to pay the penalty for our sins by dying on the cross. But, unfortunately, not all people are willing to admit that they sin and ask for forgiveness. They don't accept the payment of Jesus' death for them. So God lets them experience the results of their choice.

Key Verses
The Bible says, "No one is good without God. Every person in the world has sinned." No one has ever really followed God's paths or even truly wanted to. Everyone has turned away from God. All have gone wrong. No one anywhere has kept on doing what is right. (Romans 3:10-12)

Related Verses
Romans 5:16; Jude 1:4

Only God knows who will go to heaven and hell; we don't. But there is only one way to heaven - through Jesus. So we can go to heaven only if we have given our life to Christ. If your friends don't follow Jesus, you can help them understand by telling them the Good News about Jesus and how he died for them. Heaven is worth going to even if your friends don't. There will be no good times in hell.

Key Verse
Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one can get to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

Related Verses
John 5:24; 11:25; Acts 4:12; 1 John 2:23

Although it is very important to watch what we say, God doesn't decide who goes to hell because of our speech. Instead, our forgiveness and eternal life are based on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If we trust Jesus to save us, we are forgiven. Ofcourse, that doesn't make it all right to swear. We should try to speak and do what is right.

Key Verses
Because of his kindness, you have been saved through trusting Christ. And even that trust is not your own. It, too, is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good we have done. So none of us can take any credit for it. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Related Verses
Romans 3:14; James 3:10

"The man with two tunics should share with him who has none, and the one who has food should do the same." (Luke 3:11)
A man was wondering what hell and heaven might be like. One night he had a dream, in which he was taken to visit hell and heaven.

Hell consisted of a large room, with a long table down the centre, and the table was laden with every kind of food. The people sitting around the table, however, were totally emaciated and malnourished, as each had six-foot long chopsticks, and they were unable to get the food up to their mouths.

Next-door was heaven, which was also a large room, with a long table down the centre, and, once again, the table was laden with all kinds of food. In this case, also, the people had six-foot long chopsticks. However, they were all happy, fulfilled, and contented, as each picked up some food, and fed the person sitting opposite.

Hell and heaven are both real places and every one of us is going to finally end up in one or the other. Let us all be determined to make it to the latter.

Mortal sin, unconfessed, “causes exclusion from Christ’s Kingdom and the eternal death of hell, for our freedom has the power to make choices forever, with no turning back” (Catechism, No. 1861).

Live for Heaven, and pray for those who aren’t.

Be God’s.

Note:- I am not bluffing or joking.
The answer that Pandak gave was rubbish.

2006-06-25 21:56:10 · answer #8 · answered by len 3 · 0 0

Hell is on earth.Think about it...someone is born in the projects, with a heroin addiction and his mother throws him in a garbage can. Than he lives in a foster care where he suffers tremendously physically and mentally. Than he goes to live with some people who introduce him to drugs. Than he finishes in jail for a murder.
Is not all that just like hell? Then when you are through, you get to live in heaven. You paid your dues. There is no other hell beyond this one.

2006-06-25 21:50:52 · answer #9 · answered by sheba 3 · 0 0

If I am to base my response from my Catholic upbringing, I believe it is best that you consult the bible for the hell I know of and understand.

Personally, I cannot tell you much because it is not easy answering all your questions unless someone has already been there, got back and told everyone else about it. So far, no one has.

2006-06-25 21:44:06 · answer #10 · answered by Jo Ann 6 · 0 0

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