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*Use volunteers to watch the borders canada too.
*give licenses to undocumented workers so they can get insurance and papers to get legal Its only a license to drive and a way to document them that's what you want right?.
*Kick out drug and violent offenders when screening.
*Stop complaining about migrant workers americans are the ones hireing them they would not be here if americans did not want them you would not eat one more day with out them.
*They process all the food in this country and mexico
Legal mexicans dont want them to enter illegally either but you are going about it the wrong way dont be so mean and hateful and insulting.

2006-06-25 21:23:44 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

19 answers


2006-06-25 21:27:08 · answer #1 · answered by ma_isa 7 · 0 1

Yes and No. Yes, we need to give those who are here and serve us properly and are needed (and there are good reasons to have non citizen, labor style workers here) to do simple labor some kind of ID that is for that purpose and that alone. It makes them legit and not law breakers. It controls the situation.
Sorry, but I ate well before they came, the Canadians eat well and the Europeans eat well and they don't have the illegals doing all their food work either.
We have let the situation come to this. It's going to be like a bad hangover. If you indulge yourself and drink too much (allow illegals) It's going to hurt a bit when you sober up (remove them)! I guess the USA needs to feel the pain on this to get the message across that we can't allow this behavior.
Being mean and insulting is certainly no answer, however, there are disrespectful people here on this site that are probubly not legally here. The tenor sometimes is swayed by their fear and guilt. Of course, we have our resident racists here too. So get over it ...the smoke screen of hate and insults that obscure the point interupt our ability to address the issues at hand. If we share and communicate with each other in earnest, these problems that we discuss will be solved properly and in a democratic way to the ultimate benefit of all.

2006-06-26 11:45:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I read the many questions about immigration on this site with interest. It seems a particularly American phenomenon.

Illegal Immigration is a huge problem all over the world and Americas problem is very small in comparison.

Several thousand black Africans have died already this year trying to reach the Canary Islands in little wooden boats. They set out knowing that they have a very high chance of dying but think that is better than staying in their own countries.

The reality is that illegal immigration is fuelled by poverty, lack of work, food and in many cases civil war and terrorism. It will only stop when those countries have a stable economy and offer people a safe place to live and work.

Therefore the real answer is for the developed world to assist the undeveloped world to better itself.

In the case of the American immigration problem I note that whilst there is a lot of reasoned debate you still hear a lot of anti Mexican invective. Perhaps those people might pause to consider that America is only a short time away from the point where there will be more Spanish speaking Americans than English speaking!

Whilst you can deport illegal immigrants, detain them and lots of other things under law it must be recognized that immigrants are human beings and should be treated and spoken of with dignity.

2006-06-26 05:23:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No not so simple.

Many work now but there is still the drain on our State Services. Most will not work high end jobs. Most will need more assistants just for basics, schools, health, food and housing. If the schools are to survive (they are in trouble now-from Florida to Washington) they need more money-taxes most can not afford. Check Oprah's web on the teachers board,
Every year these programs have been rising in trouble (not just the Illegals fault) at a great speed of debt. This debt can not continue for long. We can hide it for a short time.
If you have been reading many States have already needed funds to cover cost-California is a biggie. The new taxes that are brought in by Illegals getting Amnesty doesn't cover it much .
I understand that the people do not mean to cause a strain but it is the results--sorry. It was too much at once-understand
Many will sprout there is no problem -but unfortunately there is. You have read many post if you face that we can not afford more by reading what those problems are you will understand. Adding more to a system in trouble is not the answer .
I am not suggesting that they should go without help ever. But something must change-or many more will be hurt-or die. If our States can not pay the disable and elderly now (average check $700.00-rent, medical, trans, food, utilities) how will they survive on less. Give up medical? give up rent? Average rents are usually 600 or higher.
What you (and others)are asking is more money than we can pay. If you think that if they all work-they won't need it -you are wrong. Enough will need help .
It all boils down to we are rich in accents New York and Chicago and Seattle are beautiful and rich looking but even they have had money problems.
To add more will only hurt more. We are hurting now.
Now if you have a suggestion that will solve this continuing and growing strain on the economy-I'm all ears.
But until than--the pot of gold is running out.
The rich in Washington are not going to take a pay cut. Nor our big business. Nor will most Americans . So where is the money going to come from---more program cuts? More taxes? Should we do away with our elderly and disable (that would save). Do you have any idea how many now are disable and getting befits in numbers not percentage? How about SS for the old-do you know how many not percentages but numbers-? Do you know how many now who are getting Aid? In numbers-millions.
So try a new plan that include this.
I do like the idea of getting rid of the nasty. And we know they would like to be legal.

How about those who want someone to stay -adopt that person or family for life-and always be responsible for all their debt-no mater what-I don't see that plan working neither. Will enough people adopt 12,000,000 people and cover the cost-after all most will work?

Nice try-back to the thinking tank-let us see what you come up with next. Very good attempt-you just forgot parts. The real problem.

And there is much more to add to that-but I am tired.
Looking forward to your next post-Best wishes.

2006-06-26 05:30:12 · answer #4 · answered by *** The Earth has Hadenough*** 7 · 0 0

Well truth be told a DRIVERS LICENSE is to DRIVE and does not prove CITIZENSHIP, thats what a PASSPORT is for. In my opinion illegal aliens are here in the US and don't seem to be going anywhere even if it does become a felony to be one. The best option is to give Drivers Licenses to illegal aliens, most states do anyways. If they are licensed that means they know how to drive correctly etc and therefore the street will be safer.

Voter registries are not STUPID, when they get a application to register as a voter they know just by putting in the ID number in the computer the status of the person.

Example when you apply for financial aid for college they match your information against Homeland Security.

What people don't seem to understand is a DRIVERS LICENSE is exactly what it is for "DRIVING" and nothing more.

Another option is if the person is a ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT they can simply mark the NATIONALITY of the person on the license.

And for Citizens and Legal residents their licenses will have no marks on them.

I still think the whole PASSPORT idea to just go to Canada and Mexico are STUPID why not just issue CITIZEN CARDS THAT CAN BE PUT IN YOUR WALLET???


Why not a plastic hologram SS# with a photograph?

2006-06-26 04:55:00 · answer #5 · answered by Big_Blue_Bird 1 · 0 0

There is a problem with that. If illegals are issued driver's licenses they can easily get a voters card. In the state of Texas, California, Florida, and a few other states, a photo id is all that is required to register to vote. These people can not be given anything that allows them to vote, they started out as criminals.

2006-06-26 04:29:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just a thought, the book one studies, the written test, and road signs are all in English...forget how they study and pass the test, the road signs are still in English. Do you really want 20 million criminal invaders that Cannot Speak, Read or Write English driving on our roads?
I personally don't want them documented, I want them Deported...Period! And the thought process behind your "They process all the food in this country and mexico, and you would not eat one more day with out them." With such intellect and logic??? How do you afford Internet much less a computer?
Odds are it's mommy and daddy's "puter? Right?

2006-06-26 05:32:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nope that's no the solution. You are still rewarding them. If anyone is here illegally and undocumented, then they are breaking the law and should be deported. It's as simple as that. They should be entitled to no benefits or anything else but a swift kick out of this country.


2006-06-26 10:13:49 · answer #8 · answered by Julie 5 · 0 0

It is much simpler the that, enforce the laws as written, arrest the people that do the hireing put them in jail, fine the company's that they work for enough that is not worth it to hire them at substandard wage. In a short time employers would varify their paperwork and there would be no jobs for illegal aliens and they would just go home to their countrys.

2006-06-26 04:50:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Are you all crazy? Why would you want the illegal aliens to be given legality? They are leaches, they send the American dollar back to their home country and don't put anything back in the system. They are bleeding our economy dry. I don't care what country they came from. But Mexicans are the largest population by far to invade America. Aren't you people worried about THE INVASION of our country?

2006-06-26 08:00:37 · answer #10 · answered by howthehellshouldiknow 3 · 0 0

I can see it now.All the old people that couldnt get a job standing by the door at walmart watching the borders.That'll work.Have a nice day.

2006-06-26 04:35:02 · answer #11 · answered by Professor Riddle 5 · 0 0

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