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These are significant numbers and I can understand many of the concerns expressed by some US citizens.

However, lets say that 15 million are working. The unemployment rate in the USA is 4.6% (May 2006) and will never be 0%. This comes to 13.5 million people being out of work in the USA (pop est 296 million).

If the 'illegals' leave, who is going to do the estimated 1.3 'plus' millions jobs that will be left vacant?

2006-06-25 21:16:30 · 10 answers · asked by Ferret 5 in Politics & Government Immigration

10 answers

The answer is easy ... our teenage children! When I was a teenager, I mowed lawns, bailed hay, worked as a dishwasher and a short order cook.

I grew up in Illinois where most illegals were domestic help from the Philippines. When my friends and I needed work we would do most of the stuff the illegals do in the Southwest.

Now days, it's harder for teens to find jobs and the above listed jobs are beneath them!

2006-06-25 21:23:32 · answer #1 · answered by rexski 5 · 1 0

The numbers reported on the unemployment rate are inaccurate. Way more off than I had thought if there are twenty million illegals. Most illegals use stolen identities which in combination with the claims for unemployment denied to Americans because their ss numbers are being used by these criminals. One woman on tv, channel 34FoxNews tracked her stolen identity to more than two hundred illegals, and the numbers were still rising, as she continues to dig deeper into her ss number's history. My husband who's identity was stolen three times this year, that we know of, has six jobs in five different states, and we own a home in New Mexico with an illegal family living in it, that we never bought. The unemployment rate of Americans in this country is an out right lie. If twenty million illegals vacate there jobs, how many out of our estimated population of 300 million will fill those jobs,?

2006-06-26 04:25:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Who will do the jobs in Mexico, if the Guatemalans,El Salvadorians,and folks from Honduras leave Mexico to go back home?? They are taking the jobs that Mexicans won't do.. I'm sure they will figure it out though. Just like we would here..

Maybe if the illegals are made to leave then we can get some of our own folks off welfare. Maybe more of our own people can get jobs that are being given every day to people that don't even belong in this country.. Maybe our prisoners can take some of these jobs. We wouldn't suffer from it. I think it would save the country a lot of money to make them leave...

I just seen on the news where 1,100 undocumented workers were found to be working at some high security jobs, airports, power plants, missile ranges, and a company that makes MRE's meals for our soldiers. Now that is frightening to know that undocumented people were working at places like this.

2006-06-26 11:54:09 · answer #3 · answered by GTcasper 2 · 0 0

You are bringing up points that have NO bearing on illegal immigration. It doesn't matter what jobs they are doing here. By just being here they are breaking the law and stealing our resources and jobs that Americans can do. You can get rid of them and let Americans do the jobs. Therefore the unemployment rate in this country will go down. Anyone who is an illegal alien should not be allowed to work in this country or receive welfare, medical benefits or be allowed to use our public schools. All of these are for our citizens and those here legally. Not a bunch of criminals who are breaking the law to be here


2006-06-26 10:20:54 · answer #4 · answered by Julie 5 · 0 0

No one.Americans dont want to do most of the jobs most illegal aliens do.And employers dont want to pay the money that a legal citizen might be entitled to.Its a supply and demand type of thing.If there weren't jobs that aliens could obtain,they wouldnt come in the millions.problem isnt the aliens,its the cheapskates that provide employment and therefore a living in this country.How many of them do you think are repulicans?

2006-06-26 04:30:53 · answer #5 · answered by Professor Riddle 5 · 0 0

Well, I guess if the illegals leave, people will be back to mowing their own lawns, taking out their own garbage, cleaning their own homes, just like people have done for years, and the beneficial side will be that it'll be pretty darn clear who belongs here, who doesn't, that kind of thing....the latinos are pushing heavily for 'immigration reform'(read 'free ride' into the United States), and our 'representatives' are bone-headed enough to give it to them...the only way to reverse the current trend is to get out and vote, and hopefully when the House has their 'hearings' we'll see some people step up to the microphone and help the House to better understand the negative impact their support for liberalization of immigration law might have on american communities. The Bush administration is willing to bull-doze anything that gets in its' way as far as making way for their version of 'progress', what happens, say, if they choose to seize YOUR house to build a school for little mexican kids? Would you feel displaced? Here's the gag: About 70% of the 'economy' is actually composed of REAL money-making jobs. the other 30% is composed of service-sector crap, the fill-ins, and only about 20% of all those jobs are really what you'd call high-paying. The Senate sees no problem with letting in an endless stream of 'guest workers', well we've seen how well that ended up for France, haven't we?

America's PLENTY diverse etc. with the current set of immigration laws and standards we have now. The people that are trying to modify and change all that are the ones with their eye on the cash register, and YOUR wallet. Mine, too. Do YOU want the government to basically sell out the country, what kind of country do YOU want to live in, in 20 years? It might be a good time to remind you that hispanics/mexicans especially work TOGETHER on all this, kind of stepping on the fence so the rest can get through, and other groups do the same, first it's a baby, then it's mom, then it's the whole damn family, and at the end of the day you've got all KINDS of people trying to play americans for stupid, I don't know, maybe we are, so they can garner for themselves the benefits of being/living in america. You can call it 'competition', you can call it 'selling out', call it a cheese pizza with anchovies, for all I care, but it amounts to the same thing,
politicians tend to honor the bottom line and those groups who they believe will be the most generous contributors. There's only so much altruism in the world, the world revolves around money, and if ya ain't got, ya don't get, simple as that. Mexico can't tend their own poor, and they see no moral issue with pitting their poor against our own poor in america, either way it sucks to be without, sucks more in Mexico, but what's the end deal, here?
Illegal immigration, or 'the practice of not doing a very professional job of guarding the borders against illegal entry',
has helped push america DEEPER in debt. That debt is now 8 1/2 trillion, and climbing, and by the time it's all done with, you'll find that there will be MORE poor on america's streets, priced out of homes, favored against in the job market, and screwed by a disintegrating school system. Kind of makes you wonder whose side the politicians are on to begin with, doesn't it?
Then, you pick up a newspaper, or get online, and you realize that the hispanic lobby's been pretty darn active in getting their people elected, around the country, then you read about the policies being advocated, and put 2 and 2 together. There may not be any bullets involved, but this is still a slo-mo civil war, of sorts, and 'si, se pueda' is the battle-cry of the mexican reconquista. We've been socialized into a corner by our poltiicians, who've been dutifully catering to their business friends(see CNN for details), and forgetting the rest of the country that mistakenly believed they had honest representation on Capitol Hill. Well, I guess the 'reparation' from that will be that when china finally overtakes the US in the global markets, we'll have diversity in the slums...which by then will stretch from coast to coast, and it'll look a lot like Mexico here...yaaayyy, Congress! There. I feel better! LOL

2006-06-26 11:46:29 · answer #6 · answered by gokart121 6 · 0 0

Exactly. Immigrants are a vital part of the United States. It can't do without them.

Blue angel, real criminals are those selfish disgusting perverts that physically and sexually abuse children and women.
These people are just trying to work for their family.

2006-06-26 05:47:38 · answer #7 · answered by bubble toes 2 · 0 0

I agree with rexski ... many of these jobs were done by motivated teenagers in the past. I'm sure they would do them again if they had the opportunity and could work with other English speaking teens.

2006-06-28 17:55:36 · answer #8 · answered by Aaron H 2 · 0 0

unemployed American citizens will do the jobs

2006-06-26 08:29:58 · answer #9 · answered by WMK 2 · 0 0

we can just get our food from somewhere else (other country)

2006-07-03 00:09:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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