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::::::::---->>>>The Da Vinci Code <<<---::::::::
wats the controversy?????????

2006-06-25 21:07:21 · 16 answers · asked by Abhi 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

it was because the book sold the idea that Jesus was a mortal man, not a divine being, and that he did something as 'dirty' as having sex with Mary magdelene and having a baby. christians do not want to believe or accept this, so it is controversial.

i am not bagging christians by the way (i am athiest)

2006-06-25 21:14:27 · answer #1 · answered by ezzaphill 3 · 0 1

According to Chirtian Catholics, Christ is the Son of God and so, Christ is God and an incarnation. The Da vinci code movie speaks of Christ as a noble human being and he was married. So the chiristian community is opposing the prposal. The Courts have upheld the Davinci code saying that Christ was a of the Past and anyone can write a fiction... More over there is a feeling that some people are belonging to the family of christ and they will be killed if disclosed.. so this became a thriller movie.. watch the movie and enjoy. Although a work of fiction� the book Da vinci code, claims to be meticulously researched� and it goes to great lengths to convey the impression that it is based on fact. It even has a "fact" page at the front of the book underscoring the claim of factuality for particular ideas within the book. As a result� many readers-both Catholic and non-Catholic-are taking the book�s ideas seriously.

2006-06-26 04:33:05 · answer #2 · answered by Vishwa Pratibh G 2 · 0 0

There is this fiction writer who has written da vinci and aslo othe book called angels and deamos...well, the movie is doing good in the box office...it is fiction

Anybody who knows anything about church history knows that Mary Magdalene was not present at the last supper. And Da Vinci did not draw Magdalene, the debated figure is John, and that info is from the practice drawings the painer wrote to figures.

Catholic church was the paintrs patron...why on earth he would draw Magdalene over there???

If Jesus was married, whe shoud have some kind of historical dat about it. HE was not.

He was God. John 1:1

Constantine did not decide what books was accepted to Bible. Canon did. A lot before the time of Constantin.

There was a man who admitted about year 2000 that he made up the whole Jesus' bloodline theory...so it is known HOAX!

Priory of sion was formed much later...for low income housing...nothing like the book suggests..

It is a good beach book..fiction...maybe even 20% truth over there...

2006-06-26 04:24:11 · answer #3 · answered by SeeTheLight 7 · 0 0

It started over a novel which too many people took seriously. The idea put forth in it is that Leonardo Da Vinci painted a woman into the last supper painting and that there are many sorts of coded information in that painting and other messages that say that Jesus was married to Mary Magdelen and that they had a child and that child is what was called the holy grail, not the cup that jesus drank out of. Its all a fiction and people just latch onto these silly ideas because they are so wrapped up in unreality instead of living their daily lives like life mattered more than an afterlife.

2006-06-26 04:13:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Itsa book yes full of fiction and facts why do you not believe it because it goes against your belief because there are things in it that you do not understand thing that goes against the bible a book written by man.Church is a fraud it has always been a political entity it prefers to kill individuality and let live those that follow them if you look at it clearly the biggest blood spills in history where caused by the church because they cant accep the fact that many open theyre eyes to things that put the power of the church in jeopardy thay whant everyone to be the same instead of wanting all of us to think as individuals.They dont believe the Da Vinci Code because it puts in doubt all that has been taught by them because just a slight of proof could just prove the fact that they are liars and a brainwashing murderous entity with a hunger for power. The bible is imcomple since the people that putted it together took out numerous parts of it uncluding parts that would show that the church has always been a political agency and has always tried to cover up things that would put in doubt the belief of believers and the power of the church.Also where does it say its the word of god besides in it since it was written by man how would you know whats real or not god is a symbol this world is god gives life and takes it away nothing else and yet we choose to kill it. I mean jesus might be the self proclaimed son of god but still a man that means he could have been married and have kids to me he was a mere human with a big story. Besides he died for our sins and were still sinners and if we have free will its because god gave it to us so its his fault we sin.In other words we sin becaause of him there is always a choice and we choose to do wrong we are evil i say evil. There is no god only the present the only one that can give shape to ur life is you no one else.damalber@yahoo.com

2006-06-26 04:15:06 · answer #5 · answered by Leviathan 2 · 0 0

It relates to the plot. The plot of the novel involves a conspiracy within the Catholic Church to cover up the "true" story of Jesus. In the book, the Vatican knows it is living a lie but continues to do so to keep itself in power. The novel has helped generate popular interest in speculation concerning the Holy Grail legend and the role of Mary Magdalene in the history of Christianity. Fans have lauded the book as creative, action-packed and thought-provoking. Critics have attacked it as poorly written, inaccurate and creating confusion between speculation and fact. From a religious point of view, some critics consider it sacrilegious, and decry the many negative implications about the Catholic Church and Opus Dei. The claim is that Mary Magdalene was carrying Jesus' child.

2006-06-26 04:16:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

DaVinci 's paintings were supposed to be symbolic. They told a story ? It wasn't just a painting , for example, of an angelic child. That angelic child had a halo, and there was controversy over it being Mary's or her cousin's, and who was the other baby in the painting? Pretty interesting. I'd like to know more myself. Did anyone out there see the movie, and like to educate us?

2006-06-26 04:18:04 · answer #7 · answered by Scorpius59 7 · 0 0

doubters question codes of hidden meaning ,pictures are like symbols and symbols like words i could say g.o.d is an acronym for (genes of dna) and john 3 the word of god became flesh is shown true or i could use (drawn arts vices in near connectiveity inscribeing consealed order definitions encrypticaly)and you can see the davinci code are items having historical meaning &use to reveal the story about the history of the gospel in pictures ,like heirogliphic language(=but if man = made after nothing what is our name and the name trade about ,or perhaps we are both like spirit and flesh like person indivdual man human all is our name, now if you was fameous and you just wanted to be like ne normal person on earth how would you run off from everyone to live with the love if everyone knows you and seeks after you,well i think macavelly is not the only one to fake his death ,and im sure if god is the father of jesus he had a plan to save his son,but the mary magdalene thing?im not sure yet! personaly i dont marry cuz i prefure to be merried with lovebut its just like the god thing comin down to live as a normal person and then his cover blown and hes does unnormal human things ,fake death cover bac up then live normal

2006-06-26 04:30:37 · answer #8 · answered by freikeygee@sbcglobal.net 2 · 0 0

No controversy except the one that the 'christians' made. It;s just a movie but they got all excited about it

2006-06-26 04:14:56 · answer #9 · answered by Nemesis 7 · 0 0

Its going against the truth what the true christians believe in.

2006-06-26 04:39:56 · answer #10 · answered by poorboychristian 3 · 0 0

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