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God is the creator of Satan (Evil, Serpent), Satan's mind, Adam, Adam's mind, Eve, Eve's mind also. What did eve do is'nt the human characteristics? If Satan has the ability to alter the Suprime God Command then Satan is'nt an Evil God?

2006-06-25 20:41:14 · 12 answers · asked by areffiin 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

Easy....there is no god, the bible is the greatest comic book ever told !


2006-06-25 20:44:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Beautifully symbolic folk tale, huh...

First, there is the theme of how too much curiousity and knowledge gets a person in trouble. It is a perfect way to keep people quiet: don't try to understand or you will be punished eternally. WOO HOO. That sure worked well, if one looks at the centuries during which research was forbidden - medical research, cosmology, astronomics... anything with the exception of theology.

Second, the part in which Eve - the woman - is the source of evil, the vector of perdition for man. If we take the story literally, the only reason Eve did, is because god himself wanted her to do so - he is the powerful creator, and all the set up was done knowing perfectly the results. And Adam, that simpleton, ate the apple. This too worked well for millenaries, effectively putting women in subservient position. For centuries, there was even a debate if women had a soul - but then, even without a soul, they could be burned as witches - I fail to see the goal here, a being without a soul cannot have a god, right?

2006-06-26 04:18:25 · answer #2 · answered by OneLilithHidesAnother 4 · 0 0

Satan is no where near God, he can only alter things God has made for the worse

Satan used the pleasure of free will for the humans and turned it into the wrong direction

2006-06-26 03:47:32 · answer #3 · answered by 0110010100 5 · 0 0

satan is evil... he was on the hand of god but he became jealous of god.. i have read satan was a very good looking angel but he chose to go against god and his plan.. eve was tempted and took of the apple from the forbidden tree.. and thus forth sin was brought in.. and then they knew they were naked and tried to cover theirselves with fig leaves.. the devil is here to kill , steal and destroy.. the devil can come in sheeps clothing .. and we need to know the bible and try the spirits to see if they are of god...but all of us that believe in the lord jesus christ and strives to live gods will and plans for us.. john 3 16 says whosover beileveth in me shall have everlasting life.. things will not be a bed of roses for us on this earth.. but we must endure to the end and read our bible and stay as close to god as we can.. anyone that seeks the lord they shall find him...and a relationship with god is the most wonderful thing we can have here on this earth....

2006-06-26 03:52:00 · answer #4 · answered by sanangel 6 · 0 0

Boy, are you mixed up! I read your other questions, so I don't know if you think well enough or know English well enough to understand this, but here goes! God's nature is love. For love to be love there has to be something or someone to love. The reason that God created both angels and humans is so that He would have someone to love and to love Him in return. Also, if humans love each other as well as love God, the love is multiplied. That is why when Jesus was asked, What is the greatest commandment? He answered, "To love the LORD your God with all your heart and all your mind and all your strentgh. And the 2nd is like unto it, to love your neighbor as yourself."
Now, here is where problems came in. The nature of love is that it can't be commanded. If God created us so that we had to love Him - that we had no choice - then, that wouldn't be love. Love has to be a choice. That is one of the reasons why God gave us free choice, so that we could choose to love Him.
God did not create Satan. Satan's original name was Lucifer,
which means, the light bringer (or bearer). Lucifer was the smartest and the most powerful angel that God created. But Lucifer and the other angels were also given freewill so that they could choose to love God. Lucifer, became full of pride at being the smartest and the most powerful angel and chose to not love God and to not obey God. He wanted to be God himself! Satan convinced 1/3rd of the angels to follow him instead of God and for this they were kicked out of Heaven. This is also why that after Jesus's 2nd coming Satan and the angels that followed him will be cast into hell and never let out.
Now, as you can immagine, Satan is very angry about this. He knows that he is going to hell and also that God doesn't want any human to go to hell. Satan wants to cause as many humans to go to hell as possible. His main weapon is lies. At the time that Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden they had only one commandment they had to obey. Only one, can you immagine it.
God told them to "not eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil", and if they did, that they would die. Satan lied to Eve and said that God lied to her. That if she ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge she would be like God and be able to tell good from evil and that she wouldn't die. Satan said God lied about her dying if she ate that fruit (it wasn't an apple!) because God didn't love her and Adam and have their best interest at heart. Too bad that Adam believed Eve instead of God and here we are. Adam and Eve got kicked out of the Garden of Eden, they did die, and all of us will die too, at least our bodies will.
Satan is still telling the same lies today. He says that God doesn't love us and that the rules he gave us in the Bible are not in our best interest. An earlier person who answered your question said that freewill meant that we could do what we want and accept the consequences. Well, God said the consequenses of sin are pain in this life, death, and everlasting suffering in hell. Since those are the consequenses of sin, I will choose to the best of my ability, not to do what I want if it is a sin but what God wants and tells us in the Bible. I think to choose anything else is stupid! Remember, Satan is a lier and God really does love us. I hope this may help anyone who takes the time to read this, God bless you.

2006-06-26 05:05:21 · answer #5 · answered by Smartassawhip 7 · 0 0

It was just a conspiracy by a patriarchal religion to supress their women. They twisted childbirth pains (which ALL creatures have, not just humans, and what loving god would punish innocent creatures as well as the transgressor?) all around, too. They wanted to make everything related to women seem wrong.

I'd have liked to see them have the children, though! Hehehe.

2006-06-26 04:51:02 · answer #6 · answered by Ally 4 · 0 0

Acording to the bible she didn't know it was wrong to BECOSE she hadn't ate from the tree.

Seams wrong to me that god would punish her and all her desidants till the end of time for something she didn't know anybetter for.

Why was the tree even there in the frist place? o.o

2006-06-26 03:46:21 · answer #7 · answered by CrazyCat 5 · 0 0

every one has ..an independent mind.....and that is how GOD created us.....
but...to pick right or the wrong ..is up to us....and that is how we are..programed...so we are.....building our...path ..either to heaven or hell.....
and as for Eve...that is how her..mind..got tricked.....by the devil..its a constant fight..one has to pick ....against the evil....to on the right path....

2006-06-26 03:45:48 · answer #8 · answered by kaka90250 5 · 0 0

god gave men and women freewill. he told us that we can do whatever we wish, as long as we are willing to accept the consequences of what we do - good or bad.

eve called him on it.

2006-06-26 03:44:55 · answer #9 · answered by synopsis 7 · 0 0

The same way all of us do.

2006-06-26 03:46:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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