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16 answers

The answer is simple. If you stop them from getting welfare and free medical care then make it where employers have to check there status before they hire them they will not be able to work or get a free ride. After that is complete let them have the option to serve in the military over seas for a minimum of 2 years and learn English to become a citizen.

2006-06-25 23:14:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Most the immigrants came here 2 work not 4 handouts, so just let them get legal jobs so that they can pay taxes and then every1 can stop saying they are leaching off those who do. It is the american tax payers that deny immigrants the right 2 pay taxes, they are going 2 be here regardless so just make the best of the situation. I know many comments are going 2 be racial and all but every country needs someone to be the whipping boy and right now its latino immigrants, the nazi's had the jews, europe has the muslims, and a few decades ago in the US it was the blacks, so now that its latino's does it make it any more justified to insult a whole people out of the few that mess up? In New Orleans today 1/3 of all the workers are illegal immigrants, but the government won't complain about that because first you must extort, and then u condemn.

2006-06-26 03:36:50 · answer #2 · answered by AzztecDeath2012 2 · 0 0

Well we can't deport them-how on earth would we do that?

I think making it harder for them to survive here would be the best thing. If you feed a stray dog, it just keeps coming back. That's what we have here. We need stiff penalties for those who employ illegals. We need secure borders.

Then again, the soft hearted side of me thinks of these folks' families. Alot of these people come here to make money to send back to their wives and children. I think of their kids mostly. They want a better life for their kids. Maybe if Mexico had some incentive to do better by their citizens? Maybe if their corrupt government (which makes ours look like a gang of saints) was ousted, these people could get a fair shake. Honestly-Mexicans are some hard working folks!

Somewhere out there, some one has a good solution to this problem. I wish they would pass it along to our president.

2006-06-26 07:33:29 · answer #3 · answered by kelly24592 5 · 0 0

Boycott all the employers, fine both the employer and illegal immigrant heavily. Then they will have no choice but to go back to their countries and demand with protest that their governments provide a working wage for them.

2006-06-26 03:36:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

catch em, put em on a chain gang working in the hot desert sun 20 hours a day building a barrier between the good old U.S. of A. and mexico. keep them in small kennels in sight of the land they left to remind them of how good they had it before they broke Americas laws and got caught. After a year of hard labor, with no benefits except being left alive to work, ask them, if they could go anyplace in the world, where would they choose to go? Then release them to make their way to wherever they want to be. Which direction do you think they would choose?

2006-06-26 08:56:56 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Throw people in jail who employ them or offer them services. Empty out the 35% of our prison population who are illegals by dumping them over the border. Get rid of all welfare for them. Round them up wherever they are found and deport them. Shoot them if they try to cross over again.

2006-06-26 03:36:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Spend them back to their perspective countries so that they can apply through the correct channels. Think of the money this country could save.

2006-06-26 11:06:09 · answer #7 · answered by Swordfish 6 · 0 0

A better question would be, when are we going to secure the
southern border of the United States of America?
I Corinthians 13;8a, Love never fails!!!!!

2006-06-26 03:47:20 · answer #8 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

Round them up and deport them. If they return:10 years in a Federal prison.

2006-06-26 08:07:04 · answer #9 · answered by Leifr Eiríksson 2 · 0 0

LEGAL immigration = Good
ILLEGAL immigration = Bad

Read that three times.

2006-06-26 16:13:18 · answer #10 · answered by JoshInShermanOaks 3 · 0 0

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