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I don't know how to pass through this times :( . I can only sit and cry or lay down and sleep... Please tell me something good and kind so that could be better...
Thank you!
PS: That's all because of boys!! :(

2006-06-25 20:24:06 · 13 answers · asked by Maria 2 in Health Mental Health

13 answers

Cheer up!! We love you!!

2006-06-25 20:27:11 · answer #1 · answered by DL 6 · 1 0

YOU ARE WORTHY, wonderfully made and blessed.
I am so sorry that you are depressed. I have suffered depression it seems all my life. The best I have to offer is to fight it with all your being. You have to fight it, fight it as though your life depends on it, it does. Sometimes you have to make yourself get up and get moving, if it is nothing more than going outside and take a look at the great big beautiful world around you, taking a walk and note the trees, the flowers, small children playing, and smile, even if you don't feel like it, even if the first smile is fake.

Repeat to yourself that YOU ARE WORTHY. Write it down. YOU ARE WORTHY, no one is more worthy than you.
Is there someone with which you can talk to and tell about what you are going through, some one you can trust, who you can confide in. May I offer that someone, Jesus.

What has helped me is prayer and journaling. Write everything in a journal, and I mean everything. All that you feel and all that you think you feel. Do not bother with punctuation, etc. Just write and write and write and write and then write some more.
Prayer is a big part of my life and who I am. The following prayer has helped me a lot:

The eyes of the Lord are on me, and His ears are open to my cry....When I cry out, the Lord hears, and delivers me out of all my troubles. -Psalm 34:15,17

Another suggestion is to seek counseling. If you cannot afford private, there are agencies, (United Way has a 211 number that you can call to find out about counseling in your area) that can direct you in the direction for free or reduced.
I hope that this has helped, I am praying for you as I type my answer to you.
Remember that you are wonderfully made and blessed by the Lord and remember YOU ARE WORTHY.

2006-06-26 04:01:57 · answer #2 · answered by Cherokee 2 · 0 0

you seem to be suffering from depression over a period of time. we can not say, this due to boys or some other people. this is the tendency to get depressed, sit and cry, lay down and do nothing. you are insecure, because you think no one loves you, you are all alone, isolated, and miserable. if you continue to think in this manner, no one is going to help, or bother even, that you are crying, they will think it's weird and avoid you. so firstly, forget about the boys, just evaluate and find one good boy friend, but take your time. engage yourself in creative activities. also meet a counsellor and give vent to your problems. continue sessions as per her advice. if on all other fronts you are o.k., like finance, home, education, then making an issue out of nothing is not excusable. write down your diary at the end of the day, and think seriously now, how much precious time of your life you are wasting? so try and mix with some good company, be close to your family, and the depression is going to fade, but counselling or a psychiatrist is required.

2006-06-26 03:46:10 · answer #3 · answered by palador 4 · 0 0

Boys and girls & men and women cannot understand each other. They only understand they have to be with each other. But, again since they cannot understand the other it's difficult to be with them, which they must do. See the viccious cycle beginning? I mean I am a guy, have four older sisters and still cannot and never will understand women.
Don't give up, listen to some music (that does NOT remind you of the boy you refer to), read something, go do something you really, and I mean REALLY like.

2006-06-26 03:33:37 · answer #4 · answered by quntmphys238 6 · 0 0

If you are chronically depressed cllick on "Natural Healing" and see "depression" on how diet can help. Here is something that can help you. It has info about you and about being happy from top psychologists in the country plus a little old religion.


2006-06-26 03:35:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

.depression is due to several reasons normally it comes due to some chemical changes in our brain and Harmon in balance first of all it is to ruled out by consulting a psychiatrist and if he says it is due to pure psychological problem consult a psychologist do not rely on the advice given by quacks. i think you suffer from reactive depression and try to forget about the boys and engage yourselves in some good habits like reading and viewing comic stories and movies and do yoga and some physical activities like gardening

2006-06-26 03:59:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

we choose our moods,don't let someone take that away from you
you're beautiful
choose to love yourself and other people will feel that
love the journey
find people that think possitive,be possitive, the alternative path leads nowhere you want to be
these boys are part of your journey, their not the journey
this life is yours
be happy, be succesful, be a beautiful person this is your best revenge for anyone who treats you poorly

2006-06-26 03:44:32 · answer #7 · answered by charleybgoode 2 · 0 0

have you spoke to anyone? friends family? maybe chat to someone close and get all your feelings off your chest and that will make you feel better.
dont dwell on boys and how nasty they can be, smile coz i bet loads of people love ya.
cheer up, im sending ya some happy joyish thoughts

2006-06-26 03:29:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if you are depressed because of love affair,then you might be suffering from adjustment disorder,try to pull your self together and time will do the rest,if not,then you should talk to a psychologist.


2006-06-26 03:36:36 · answer #9 · answered by baghdadcatcash 4 · 0 0

You are a fantastic girl. Go out there and go to school or get a job and make something of yourself.

2006-06-26 03:34:01 · answer #10 · answered by Linda H 2 · 0 0

I don't know why I know this as a GUY.

But the BEST cure after being around BOYS who make you crazy is to spend some time with your GIRLFRIENDS!:-)

2006-06-26 03:32:46 · answer #11 · answered by Brian 3 · 0 0

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