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2006-06-25 18:51:15 · 34 answers · asked by Nemesis 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I had a wife, she died several years ago. I don't particularly want another partner. All you christians are telling me that I should live the remainder of my life without sex. The chances of disease or unwanted pregnancy are minimal (which they weren't when your guidebook was written). I think your biblical justifications aren't really valid.
I wanted logical reasons

2006-06-25 19:19:20 · update #1

34 answers

its not a sin, but its not recommended coz the guys we meet early are basically losers who just use u and go and if ur indian let me tell u .. all indian men deep down in their hearts are chauvinistic pigs,
if u want to go in just for teh experience , even then its a bad idea , coz te guy wont be experienced.
and in teh end love is all that matters... usually its just infatuation.well.. if uv already done it then... just go ahead and live ur life .. no need to feel guilty coz its very natural and please dont be obsessed with sex. once its over.. the thing that lasts is love:)

2006-06-25 19:14:59 · answer #1 · answered by ishojah 2 · 0 1

. Our bodies and minds are such complicated things that only God is smart enough to know everything that's bad for us. Also, we humans are so interdependent on each other that only God is smart enough to know all of the consequences of what we do. In both the Old Testament and the New Testament God is clear that He only wants us to have sex with the person we are legally married to.The problem that I know from personal experience, is that when a man and a woman have sex together that feels wonderful, there are chemical things that go on in our body that makes us feel as if we are "in love with" the person. This chemical responce was designed by God to happen after we got married. Because of this, people often feel as if they are in love with people that are wrong for us. The best that can happen if this is the case, is that the couble break up before they have children or get married. Of course because of the sexual bonding that takes place, there is terrible heartache. Often, the couple get married and have children before they find out that they are so wrong for each other and get divorced. When my X-wife divorced me, I would not have believed that it was possible for a person to be able feel so bad.
God knew what He was doing when he designed us; and He knew what He was talking about when He gave us our Operating Instruction Manual, The Bible. I wish I had learned these things before I made so many mistakes. God bless you.
It took me awhile to compose this so I didn't see your additional information until after I submitted my answer - this part is an edit and I edited out a lot of what I said about premarital sex.
You say that your wife died several years ago, I'm really sorry about that. I was married for 17 and 1/2 years when my wife left and that was 5 years ago and know what a hole in your insides that leaves. You should have asked about extra marital sex instead of premarital sex, they are different you know. They are both sins but the latter is not your issue. You complain that the answers you got were not logical but let's look at the question you asked (changing premarital to extra marital). To pagans and atheists there are no such things as sins (as evidenced by some of the answers you got). So you must be only asking Jews, Christians, and Moslems. The scriptures of all 3 of these religions say that sex except with your spouse, is a sin. Whether something is a sin or not, is not decided by logic, it is decided by God and written in the scriptures.You could get married again and have sex that is not a sin. You say you don't want to have a "partner" again. Well, that is your choice, so no one is condemning you to anything. My wife left me because I became physically disabled. I wish I had the option to get married again. My body is in bad enough shape so that no woman would want to marry me. I wish I had that option.

2006-06-25 19:50:00 · answer #2 · answered by Smartassawhip 7 · 0 0

Adamray, I absolutely your answer!!! Yes, sexuality is a beautiful gift from God, which should be unwrapped and enjoyed in the holiest of settings, which is marriage. To unwrap it too soon and to "play with it" at an inappropriate time would be insulting to the Giver, as well as to such a beautiful gift.

krishna_ksharma is right, there are no loopholes. Most people will pick & choose what's right for them, with a complete disregard for what God has appointed for them. And it's true, you ain't married 'til you're married.

Also, corpuscollossus makes a great point. When sex is in marriage, and the result is a baby, the baby has two loving, committed parents to care for it. (I hate to call a baby "it" lol!) And he's also right in saying that many times, people's emotional well-being is compromised when they fornicate.

beautifuldimples brings up an excellent point:
"Everything that used to be serious, before figuring out all of it's benefits (such as money after divorce or it's just SO fun) are now fully understood, so people don't take them serious anymore. Just ask God forgiveness after the 5th. divorce and the millionth time you';ve had sex...even on the days you simply don't feel like it."
Do we really wanna end up THIS jaded???

2006-06-25 19:36:10 · answer #3 · answered by Dolores G. Llamas 6 · 0 0

Premarital sex is a sin because sex creates children. Hence, if sex is kept to marriage, you have children born within a safe, loving and wholesome environment. Sex outside of marriage, like it or not, produces children that are unwanted, unnurtured and that don't have the benefits of two loving parents (most of the time). That has knock on effects all down the line, as our generation is testament.

The other aspect is that sex has a real impact on you as an individual. The more casual sex you have, the worse off your spirit is. I'm still not sure why, but it is true.

That's why premarital sex is a sin.

2006-06-25 18:59:37 · answer #4 · answered by corpuscollossus 3 · 0 0

It's sex before marriage, and although marriage is nothing more than a document these days, it's supposed to be the joining of two lives. It's a sin, but who cares? What the hell is marriage anymore, and when you think about it, what the hell is sex anymore? Everything that used to be serious, before figuring out all of it's benefits (such as money after divorce or it's just SO fun) are now fully understood, so people don't take them serious anymore. Just ask God forgiveness after the 5th. divorce and the millionth time you';ve had sex...even on the days you simply don't feel like it. But, premarital sex isn't a sin in all religions. I don't see why it's a sin when it's apart of nature.

2006-06-25 18:54:50 · answer #5 · answered by beautifuldimples 3 · 0 0

Premarital sex is not a sin, only sex between a married man and an unmarried female, or a female married to a different man. While its not a sin, its very dangerous. Why would a man marry you if he can get it for free? Also, if you have a child by that union, there is no guarantee that the man will marry you. His argument would be, "how do I know you didn't have sex with someone else?" Also, raising a child needs two people, if only for relief. Don't be a sucker, wait for an honest mate.

2006-06-25 19:03:15 · answer #6 · answered by Marcus R. 6 · 0 0

Notice that after you are married, then sex is appropriate between you and your spouse. But before you are married it is still premarital sex (fornication). So if premarital sex is a sin, then it is a sin up until the moment you are married. The New Testament never says that if you're totally in love with each other and you're committed to each other and you're certain that you will get married and spend the rest of your lives together, then premarital sex is okay. The New Testament also never says that premarital sex is okay if you're over a certain age limit, or if you had previously been married before, or anything like that. Sorry, but there are no "loopholes"!

Also, consider that there are many people who were engaged to be married, and who expected to spend the rest of their lives together, but then they broke up. Some of them gave their virginity to each other because they were certain that they were going to get married, and they ended up regretting that they gave up their virginity to the wrong person. Life is full of uncertainties, and you're not married until you're married!

2006-06-25 18:57:00 · answer #7 · answered by Krishna 3 · 0 0

Because more bad than good can come of it.

God wants you to be safe and happy.

Think AIDS, un planned pregnancies, abortions.

I have never met anyone who was happy about getting an abotrion. Plus having a baby at 16 isn't easy at either. However you can get past this stuff with God, but why bring that baggage if you have the choice NOT to, and you know better anyways!?!?

God Loves YOU
Heather :)

2006-06-25 18:53:16 · answer #8 · answered by hdb8241981 3 · 0 0

Well my best understanding would probably be because it can lead to many unwanted things.
For one many people could percieve sex as not that special and do it whenever and it can increase feelings of jealousy, obsession, and the view of human beings as sexual objects, which does not influence love at all.
Also it can cause sexual diseases, and unwanted pregnancy (sometimes leading to abortion as a form of birth control).
If a person waits and saves sex for their marriage partner it will be special and they will not have to worry about spreading a disease to their spouse. It can be another form of love if viewed and treasured properly,an intimate relationship that is only shared with eachother. :)
Also marriage seperates us from animals, we are given the gift of being human and having such a love that is meant for certain circumstances. God gave us this gift and wants to see us treasure it, rather than abuse it.

2006-06-25 19:01:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God created sex as the covenant seal for marriage between a man and a woman. When we have sex outside of that covenant then we are giving away the seal prior to having the agreement and the blessing that comes with a godly marriage. It is complicated to understand without a study of covenants but that is it in a nutshell.

Also, because God knows the drama and turmoil that result from the things that happen when we have sex with people we are not married to, he would like to protect us from it. But, those who are outside of Christ, (non Christians) are not accountable for those sins anyway...so, if you are not a Christian, don't worry about your sin. All the sin in the world cannot send you to hell and all of the purity in the world cannot get you to Heaven. The only way to Hell is to reject Christ and the only way to Heaven is to accept Him. It's that simple.

2006-06-25 19:00:41 · answer #10 · answered by Pamela 2 · 0 0

Premarital sex, or fornication is a violation of the 7th Commandment, "You shall not commit adultery." Jesus called "lust" adultery of the heart. Any man who LOOKS upon a woman with desire for her has commited adultery with her already in his hearts (see Matthew 5). Outside the context of marriage, any sexual act is considered immoral in the eyes of God according to this commandment.

An example i've heard that helped me understand this principle. A father goes to the bank and withdrawls a crisp $20 bill for his son. When he gets home, the father places the new money in his sock drawer, away from his son until the appropriate time comes to reward him. But while his father was away at work, the son sneaks into his father's bedroom, opens up his sock drawer, steals the $20 out of the draw, and proceeds to spend it on ice cream and candy.

The son transgressed the father's trust by spending that ahead of the appointed time, that which his father INTENDED to give him anyway. In the same way, when we as men fall (or dive head first) into many adulterous affairs, we are stealing from God a sexual relationship that He intends for us to enjoy within the context of marriage. Sex is good. But when we take it and engage in it outside the context of God's design for male and female unions (marriage) it becomes a practice of lawlessness.

Hope this makes sense and helps!

2006-06-25 19:06:07 · answer #11 · answered by Adamray 3 · 0 0

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