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I am 14 and everyone who finds out I am Athiest either feels sorry for me and tries to convert me, or hates me. Why can't people just leave me alone and accept me for who I am?

2006-06-25 18:30:42 · 27 answers · asked by ezzaphill 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

please don't say jesus and god love me...it's like trying to convert me. i don't celebrate Christmas or Easter or anything like that. I am NOT a spoilt brat, just an opinionated teen and I do not hate Christians, alot of them just seem to hate me for some reason.

2006-06-25 21:00:06 · update #1

27 answers

I'm an Atheist as well. Some (not all) Christians are closed minded, and believe that their religion is "the way", and they won't accept anything different from that point of view. The world has diversity, and I think people are intimidated by that. We're not all going to fit into one category.

I especially hate when people say "I'll pray for you". To me, that's like the majority of the population telling me that Santa Claus is real.

Don't listen to the answers that say "your brain isn't working" or any other nonsense. I discovered I was an atheist at 14, and at 19, I'm still going strong. It's a life-time decision for me. I've already read the bible, and came to my own conclusion. Good for you, that you DO have the brains to be so independent, and so courageous to publicly come out with this.

And for those who do say that atheists have "mental problems", or their brains aren't "functioning".... Some of the most intelligent people on the planet are atheists, including Bill Gates.

2006-06-25 18:34:52 · answer #1 · answered by Psychology 6 · 2 3

I think some of the people probably have good intentions, they don't hate you. They don't want to see you spend eternity in Hell and that is loving and caring about you. Granted, a lot of people probably take the wrong approach to telling you about Jesus Christ and that can be a major turn off. When I was 14, I had this stereotypical image of 'Christians' in my mind...they were the people who ran around saying "the end is near" and "Jesus loves you" and hypocrites. Now that I'm older and wiser and have a better understanding of Christians (true Christians), I see how wrong I was.
God is real, He is very real. I hope you figure that out for yourself before too long, you are missing out on a lot. A personal relationship with God has limitless benefits!

2006-06-25 18:37:28 · answer #2 · answered by amylynn25 3 · 0 0

Christians aren't perfect. Neither is any 14 yr old that I've ever known. I'd guess that some of them have an honest caring concern for your well being. Out of this caring they are trying to help you. You may not want it, and thats your right to make that decision. Have you ever tried to convince anyone that there is no God? What's the difference of you doing it or them doing it? I mean if you do it then they should be able to do it. I can't say for sure since I've never met you, but it has been my experience that some atheist are very sensitive when someone says something they don't like, but can dish it out with no problem.
As for the one who hate you, quite simply their wrong to do so. Your wrong if you hate them back. But why is it wrong for either of you to hate each other? Where did that desire to treat others kindly come from?
As for whoever said Christians don't like challenges. I doubt that you know any of us. We seek them out.

2006-06-25 18:50:13 · answer #3 · answered by unicorn 4 · 0 0

I am a Christian. I was raised in a strong Christian home. I believe in God. I don't feel sorry for you, I'm not going to try to convert you and I could never hate you (that's the Christian in me..lol!)

You say your an Atheist...do you know what an Atheist is? Are you a weak Atheist, a strong Atheist or could you be something else? You're 14, I figure you have some questions about what Atheism is ...SO PLEASE READ.....
Atheism is characterized by an absence of belief in the existence of gods. This absence of belief generally comes about either through deliberate choice, or from an inherent inability to believe religious teachings which seem literally incredible. It is not a lack of belief born out of simple ignorance of religious teachings.
Some atheists go beyond a mere absence of belief in gods: they actively believe that particular gods, or all gods, do not exist.
Just lacking belief in Gods is often referred to as the "weak atheist" position; whereas believing that gods do not (or cannot) exist is known as "strong atheism."
Regarding people who have never been exposed to the concept of 'god': Whether they are 'atheists' or not is a matter of debate. Since you're unlikely to meet anyone who has never encountered religion, it's not a very important debate...
It is important, however, to note the difference between the strong and weak atheist positions. "Weak atheism" is simple scepticism; disbelief in the existence of God. "Strong atheism" is an explicitly held belief that God does not exist. Please do not fall into the trap of assuming that all atheists are "strong atheists." There is a qualitative difference in the "strong" and "weak" positions; it's not just a matter of degree.
Some atheists believe in the nonexistence of all Gods; others limit their atheism to specific Gods, such as the Christian God, rather than making flat-out denials.
"But isn't disbelieving in God the same thing as believing he doesn't exist?"
Definitely not. Disbelief in a proposition means that one does not believe it to be true. Not believing that something is true is not equivalent to believing that it is false; one may simply have no idea whether it is true or not. Which brings us to agnosticism.
From here you can learn on your own.....any questions?


2006-06-25 19:14:56 · answer #4 · answered by princessshellaire 2 · 0 0

I guarantee not EVERYONE hates you for it. It's just that those who oppose your views will always be the most vocal and in your face about it. Most Christians are frightened by the mere concept of Atheism. Especially when Atheist bring up points that they have no answer for. They have based a big part of their life on their faith and it's a scary thing for them to consider that they may be wrong. It's hard to face the fact that there is no afterlife. Good for you that you that you are willing to consider the facts and choose for yourself based on evidence rather than what you have been told. Keep it up. Don't let anyone get you down and ALWAYS question authority!

2006-06-25 18:37:45 · answer #5 · answered by Christet 2 · 0 0

You being 14 gives off the sence that you just didnt get what you want from god, and so to be defiant, you say.. im an Athiest.. Woo hoo
Now, im 15, so i cant say that your not intellectually able to make a true decision based on facts, because i could when i was 14.
Another reason, is because, how can you say there is NOTHING out there that could be a god, or nothing out there that created something.
I am agnostic.
id like to know why you dont believe.
Email me

2006-06-25 18:36:15 · answer #6 · answered by mymansionisabox 2 · 0 0

i don't hate u. i don't even know if i beleive in god or not. i don't know what religion i am and i've only been to church w/friends when i spent the night on a saturday or something. i can relate but only 1/2 because not many people hate or sorry for me. well only 1 person was sorry 4 me i was w/a friend and a guess i took bread wrong so the after this lady came to me and said "bless your soul" and put holy water on my 4head so that was wierd and then in the car i told their fam and we were crackin' up! but anyways, i don't know what i am but i don't care so just pretend like u don't mind.

2006-06-25 18:39:58 · answer #7 · answered by oOtanglordOo 3 · 0 0

Not necessarily. So you are 14. When you get to be my age you will come to understand that you don't have to hate people just because they are Atheist, you can hate people for lots of reasons. For example, are you a damned liberal or conservative or just a wishy washy middle of the road person. Are you for the war or against, do you crack your egg on the big end or the small end. There are lots of reasons to hate and if you practice enough, hate will come really easy you rotten TOO YOUNG little brat. Do your parents know what you are doing. I just hate it when parents don't keep better control of their kids, it just spoils them. I hate spoiled kids. See how easy that was. We don't want to accept you for who you are, we want to accept you for who we want you to be. Otherwise, it's back to the BIG H.

2006-06-25 18:37:35 · answer #8 · answered by valcus43 6 · 0 0

Why does it bother you so much. If you don't belive in anything, nothing should bother you. I don't understand. If you want people to leave you alone, tell them to. They will. You don't need anyone anyway. There's nothing for you to belive anyway. So, what did you get for Christams? Oh, that's right. you can't celebrate christmas....or do you. Just to get goodies. Oh are you true to your beliefs and don't. So many questions I like to ask. And don't forget, the same tolerance you desire, should also be coming from you as well.

2006-06-25 18:38:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm in the same boat, and I've decided that these people who try to convert you or take pity on you are just scared of you. They aren't self-willed enough to make it through the day without believeing that there is somehting out there that will "save our souls" and they can't understand how we can either.

2006-06-25 18:35:05 · answer #10 · answered by iamthepapaya 1 · 0 0

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