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For the last forty years or more the majority of religions have been saying that God loves everyone. No matter what you do, no matter how evil you are, even Adolph Hitler. I have been reading my Bible through and through and have yet to find that doctrine anywhere in the Bible. Everyone runs to John 3:16, For God so loved the world.... but that is Jesus Christ talking so for starters that verse has nothing what so ever to do with calvary because it had not happened yet, secondly God's love is spoken of in the past tense. Thirdly that was an inclusive verse, not a exclusive verse. God's love was poured out at that time only, it did not say that God was in love with the whole world for eternity. Religion wants to make God out to be a single emotion robot that has only one feeling. Anyone with a little bit of common sense can figure out that you cannot have love without hate, you cannot have death without life.

2006-06-25 17:58:16 · 76 answers · asked by mcraefamily_2005 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Everyone should have been taught in school that every action has a opposite and equal reaction, so therefor you should know that just as great the love of God is, there is also a hatred from God that is just as great. Look at these verses if you do not believe me. Psalms 5:4,5. The Foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou (God see vrs 4) hatest ALL WORKERS of iniquity. Psalms 7:11 God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day. That is just a few verses that state that if you want more read Romans. 1:29-32. Who knowing the judgment of God, that they wich commit such things are worthy of death....... Romans 9:13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. Revelations 14:6-11 The same shall drink of the win of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture....... and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever:...... that sounds like a God that does hate and does judge. Do not be decieved, God does not love everyone.

2006-06-25 18:20:47 · update #1

I find it very funny that so many people replied that God must love everyone. Where was the love of God when he commanded the Isrealites to kill all the woman children and men in Jericho, of when he commanded Saul to kill all of the Ammorites. Where was the loving God when Jesus drove the pharisees out of church with a whip. Do you call it love when God puts you in hell for your sin. America is a fool if you think that God loves all of the child molestors and rapist. TELL ALL OF THE CHILDREN THAT ARE VICTIMS OF MOLESTATION THAT GOD LOVES THEM SO MUCH THEY CAN GO TO HEAVEN, AND BE WITH JESUS AND WITH THE PERVERTS THAT MOLESTED THEM. I AM SURE ALL THE WOMAN THAT HAVE BEEN RAPED WOULD LOVE TO GO TO HEAVEN AND BE WITH RAPIST ALSO. WHAT A JOKE. That is not heaven that is hell. If you think that you are insane, God is not like that at all.

2006-06-25 18:40:56 · update #2

76 answers

Yes, your argument is clear and right. But I believe that God really loves people, but that does not mean God can not hates. He hates evil things, but God shows his mercy and love to human so that we (human) can receive God's mercy and blessing.

2006-06-25 18:00:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The confusions come when you see love as only an emotion...Love is actually an energy...a pure & very powerful creative energy...the basic make-up of the being we call God (among many other names).
And let's not forget the times of the Bible's parables, the way people interpreted happenings & things they never experienced before, their comparisons are as best as could be expected with the knowledge they had at the time, as well as our lifelong humanity of fearing or being in awe of that which we do not understand, along with the fact that they have been editted unmercifully by many ruling powers that were afterward.
Like any reading, you must take what you find postive & useful, & leave the rest...your heart will provide the choices.
And, yes, unconditional love is just that...no conditions. As far as being "evil"...I'll try to clear some smog here...yes, there are not so nice folks who do invoke many attrocities during their lifetime, and there are what is known as dark entities...big difference! "Bad" people still have souls, and do what they do so that those they effect can learn & experience something that they chose to for their spirit's higher good. Dark entities have no soul, they have no conscience, they are not a part of God, but rather made of the negativities here on Earth and very very few are allowed to exist at any one time--God has His way of dealing with these types. No, Hitler was not one of them.
Read a bit more, and you will find the promise "I send you nothing but Angels". Then pick up the book by Neale Donald Walsh called "Little Soul & the Sun"...a children's book with a most excellent point made for anyone.

2006-06-25 18:52:14 · answer #2 · answered by msE758 3 · 0 0

At least you know that there is a system with checks and balances. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In order to answer your question you need to know that we were all at some stage with the Supreme Personality of Godhead or God. It is due to our attachments to material life that we have fallen from the spiritual realm or Heaven.

God truly does love everybody, but for sinners there is a temporary hell that has several different punishments for the various sins committed while in the human form. After your soul has endured the hell, it is placed into the material world as a reincarnation of what ever the soul was doing before it's body died. A meat eater will be reincarnated into a carnivore for example and gradually work its way back to the human form.

God loves us enough to let us leave him and pursue our own needs. Just a father must let his child go and make his own mistakes, so too must God, our Father, allow us to make our own mistakes to realize that we really want to be with Him.

2006-07-09 11:46:52 · answer #3 · answered by saprof369 1 · 0 0

Here's the answer:

The modern message of the gospel is "God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life." However, our idea of "wonderful" and the world’s may be a little different. Take a sinner through the pages of the Book of Acts and show him the terrifying scene of boulders breaking the bones of Stephen. Then smile and whisper, "Wonderful..." Listen together to the sound of a cat-o’-nine-tails as it rips the flesh off the back of the apostle Paul. Follow together the word "suffering" through the Epistles, and see if you can get the world to whisper, "Wonderful!"

After such a ride down Honesty Road, they may think the pleasures of sin are a little more attractive than the call to "suffer affliction with the people of God." John MacArthur said, "We need to adjust our presentation of the gospel. We cannot dismiss the fact that God hates sin and punishes sinners with eternal torment. How can we begin a gospel presentation by telling people on their way to hell that God has a wonderful plan for their lives?"

Who in the world is going to listen if we are so blatantly honest about the Christian life? Perhaps not as many as are attracted by the talk of a wonderful plan. However, the answer to our dilemma is to make the issue one of righteousness, rather than happiness. This is what Jesus did. He used the Ten Commandments to show sinners the righteous standard of God (Luke 10:25,26; 18:18– 0). Once the world sees the perfect standard by which they will be judged, they will begin to fear God, and through the fear of the Lord, men depart from sin (Proverbs 16:6). They will begin to hunger and thirst after the righteousness that is in Jesus Christ alone.

If you study the New Testament you will see that God’s love is almost always given in direct correlation to the cross: herein is love, for God so loved, God commended His love, etc. (See John 3:16; Romans 5:5,6,8; Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 2:4,5; 5:2,25; 1 John 3:16; 4:10; and Revelation 1:5, among others.) The cross is the focal point of God’s love for the world. How can we point to the cross without making reference to sin? How can we refer to sin without the Law (Romans 7:7)?

The biblical way to express God’s love to a sinner is to show him how great his sin is (using the Law—see Romans 7:13; Galatians 3:24), and then give him the incredible grace of God in Christ. This was the key to reaching so many on the Day of Pentecost. They were "devout" Jews who knew the Law and its holy demands, and therefore readily accepted the mercy of God in Christ to escape its fearful wrath. When you use the Law to show the world their true state, get ready for sinners to thank you. For the first time in their lives, they will see the Christian message as an expression of love and concern for their eternal welfare, rather than of merely proselytizing for a better lifestyle while on this earth.

2006-06-25 18:09:21 · answer #4 · answered by Adamray 3 · 0 0

Yeah, god supposedly loves everyone, including the maniac serial killers who if they only mutter a few lines will spend eternity in heaven with you!!!

Yes you make a very good point, you should post it again tomorrow morning so that the early bird fundamentalists can try to attack it, which they are never able to really do or explain in any kind of way that makes sense!!
Only that God loves you, Jesus loves me!! well, aren't you special!! I don't see that in the bible, I wasn't taught that crap in Catholic School.
It is the wacko fringe of the Christian Church who twist this in all demented ways.
Why do you think this is the perfect religion for convicts and the most evil f***ers on earth? Every psycho in jail who is potentially being put to death (or not) "finds Jesus" through this religion. Well, how can they not? what else do they have to lose, All you have to do is utter some lines on the back of a pamphlet and "really believe it" and your in!! no matter WHAT you've done, ridiculous. To quote the church lady, "How convenient!"

and no, (below)
god does NOT forgive everyone, he forgives every single horrific act no matter what someone does as long as they "believe in him"
God never forgives those who don't believe, no matter how "good" they are, since the God of justice obviously has no care about good or evil, only if you have faith or not?? how that load can make sense to you people is beyond me.

2006-06-25 18:00:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It makes me so happy to know that you are trying so hard to get your answers from the Bible. Keep reading. You'll find that God does love us all but, not our sins. Those that don't turn away from sin and ask for forgiveness will not be in heaven. Read Ephesians chapter 5:1-20. Also Revelation 21:6-8...It is like your own Dad , He loves you no matter what happens in your life. But, He does not like it when you don't mind him. He may even punish you. God is like that too. A mother who loves her son and daughter... caught her son raping her daughter (if she is a good mother)she will turn her son away. It will break her heart because she loves him unconditionally but, she can not let him enter back into her home. She must protect her daughter. God loves everyone but, can not and will not look at sin. He will turn your soul away. There are going to be alot of people that think they have been saved that do not get to enter the gates of Heaven. God will say, "You knew me not yesterday and I know you not today".

2006-07-09 15:26:16 · answer #6 · answered by duck 2 · 0 0

God loves all. Let me try and answer your statements. Starting with John 3:16. This past means nothing. Why? Because WAS, IS and IS TO COME. God says in His Word "A thousand years is one day and one day a thousand years. God has LOVED the world since ever.

Romans 9:13. Jacob have I loved, Esau have I hated. When Adam tried to hide from God in the Garden of Eden, God was calling 'Adam where are you?'...You think God did not know where Adam was. No! God was asking rather..."Adam where is your heart...it is not with me? Why do you hide."
So with this Romans verse, see it as God saying, 'I have loved all Jacob has done for me. I love his heart but Esau's heart I despise. God does not hate the sinner...but He hates the sin!

I John 2:15. Eaxactly right. The love of the Father is not in him. This doesn't mean God doesn't love the man but that he doesn't hold the Love in his heart, that God asks for. If God didn't love him, would God not say, "The Love of the Father is not WITH him."

Ecclesiates 3:8. Yes. Hate the kingdom of darkness. Hate evil. Hate demons and the Devil. 'A time to hate.' There is a time to hate...hate the evil when you see it. Hate the works of demons and the devil when you see it in play. A time to love, meaning you should love what God says. Do not love evil but hate it. However, do not hate the man who does evil, love him, just hate his actions.

Matthew 5:43. If you read the whole Bible, time and time again you will see what 'the enemy' is. The enemy is Satan and his kingdom. It does not say Hate YOUR enemy. Because it isn't refering to personal matters. 'Enemy' is Satan. Love thy neighbour...again it does not say YOUR...for if it did, it would mean you only have to love the people in your street. However it means love the people all around the world.

This thing about going to hell. Let me ask you this. If you were without sin. You never did wrong and say your mum murdered someone and the law was after her. You knew where she was so would you hand her in to recieve her punishment. (God Forbid.) But would you? Remembering you're perfect and without sin. Yes you would because hiding her would be wrong! Though you still love her. Same as God. God is perfect. Therefore the actions of the wrong are punishable and God sends them to be punished. Does not mean He does not Love them.

I hope I have helped in answering your question. Seek God and your questions will be answered. In Jesus name. Amen.

'Know this...There is only one true God and you will see the Son of God returning on the clouds.'

2006-06-27 19:17:05 · answer #7 · answered by Lucky 2 · 0 0

What is the question? you seem to have a pretty solid idea of the answer. In all honesty I remember stories in the bible of Jesus throwing out those rich guys that were showing off how much they could give away. The bible said Jesus himself flipped Tables and dragged the rich dudes out of his communion. It also has several mentions of people who should be murdered, mostly sorceress/sorcerors. This im pretty sure is a fabrication when the bible was edited by that group of kings.

My religion is combat based and has little to do with love, its more about honor and respect.

Someone clean this up if you, can im a little rusty on the bible, but I know its in there.


2006-06-25 18:05:46 · answer #8 · answered by silencedwatcher 3 · 0 0

It's basic Christianity 101 that God loves the sinner, but hates the sin. The entire Bible is based upon the FACT that God loves mankind, so much so that He sent His only begotten Son into the world to suffer and die for our sins. Romans 5:8,9 reads, "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Only a very immature believer would claim that God doesn't love ALL sinners. In case you may have forgotten, we're ALL sinners. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" -Romans 3:23. "There is none righteous, no, not one" (Romans 3:10). I realize that a believer is under grace and not under the law, but to say that God hates the wicked is foolish and ignorant. The heart of God is much bigger than that. God has mercy on us all. Each day we awake he has given us another day.
1st John 4:19 declares, "We love him, because he first loved us." Ok, when did God start loving us? The Bible teaches that God loved us before we loved Him. So when we didn't love God, the Bible says that He still loved us. The truth is that God loved mankind before He ever spoke the universe into existence.
God does love everyone. He loves each and every person on this earth. But he does not love the sin.

2006-06-25 18:11:28 · answer #9 · answered by Angie R 4 · 0 0

Yes, God does love everyone, but it is the acceptance of His love that allows you to reap the benefits. The whole reason of sending Jesus was out of love. If God did not love us, He would not want to save us. The Bible is pretty clear that not everyone will be saved. It is also VERY clear that those who are not saved are not saved because they did not accept Jesus, NOT because God did not love them. John 3:16, for example, is in the past tenst because it had already happened when John wrote it. It only happened once because it was enough to cover all sin, both past and present. Read Romans.

2006-06-25 18:10:23 · answer #10 · answered by q2003 4 · 0 0

I Know This is Long, But Do Me the Courtesy of Reading All of It, as I did Your Question.

You have some interesting points. I am not a scholar, but maybe I can help.
First, about John 3:16
Jesus is God,(John 17:21, 22) so He knew what was going to happen--that He would die on the cross in payment for the sins of the world. He even told His disciples that, and they didn't understand.
Also, God is not confined to time. If He loved the world once, He still loves it because He never changes. By the word "world" he seems to mean past, present and future.

Second, you are right about "religion" trying to make God out to have only one emotion. The Bible says that God hates sin. In fact, there is a list in Prov. 6:16-19 of seven things that the Lord hates.

Third, the Bible does say that God loves the world in John 17:23. He is talking about the future poeples of the earth.
I hope that helps. If you have any more questions, please email me.

I just saw that you added a ton more to your question.
First, I disagree with Ms_Zee that God looks for good in us. Isaiah says all our good deeds are as "filthy rags" in God's eyes. We are nothing without God. We hve no ability to do good things without His righteousness in us.

Next. If that is so, ALL of us are equally bad without Him. (Rom. 3:23) If you commit one sin, one evil thought, tell one juicy gossip about a friend, you are unacceptable in God's eyes without the blood of Jesus covering your sin.

Next. When you do believe that Jesus' blood covers your sin, making you righteous in God's sight, there is a drastic change. Your sin nature is crucified with Christ (Gal. 3:20). You no longer have to sin. You have the freedom to do right by the power of God because you have a new nature.

SO, do I believe that Hitler is in heaven? NO. But he had the chance to go there as equally as you and I. There is a point when God gives man up to his own depravity and stops trying to work on his heart. God still loves them, but He hates their sin and knows they will never repent.

The very fact that God gives everyone a chance is proof of His love. If He only gave "good" people a chance to go to heaven, how would that be loving?
Oh, you gossiped a little too much about your neighbor and looked at their spouse too many times, so you are now "out" of the race for your chance at heaven. Is that love? I don't think so.
"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His MERCY, He saved us."
Do you really believe that any of us are more deserving of mercy than others?

2006-06-25 18:42:53 · answer #11 · answered by IveGotTheAnswer! 2 · 0 0

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