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I have a knee replacment some how I have ended up having a spetic infection around the knee replacement. They took the replacement out and now I have no knee inside, The Doc:said it my take up to a year to clear up, They had me on antb. though IV, at home for over 6 weeks, along with oral antb., They put a spacer inside, where the knee was with antb. in the spacer. There I alot of heat Sweeling, redness, heat,& pain, When I talk with the doctor. before the surgery in early April, after I have the surgery done. He treats me like another # When I try to show him, what is going on with my knee he changes the subject and tell me I have a drug problem, I think NOT I went into his office he grab my purse and took my pain pills. he said, He would send them to me in a week he has not. I am under pain mangment
He keeps trake of my med. That one week still has not happen at all. My ? is. what happen to the meds. I am in pain mangament. and he keeps close trake of how much pain meds, I have !

2006-06-25 17:14:03 · 7 answers · asked by Nancy D 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions Infectious Diseases

7 answers

well..... 'need an answer' you state you are a medical professional. All I can say is thank god I dont have anything to do with you. What a closed mind. As someone also in the medical profession, what you allude to certainly does happen however you are being extremely judgemental here, and remember it's the internet here. sounds like you are purely siding with the doctor.... people usually do that to protect their own.

I prefer to have an open mind and treat each patient as an individual, have in my mind the potential reasons why patients have complications... but assess each case on it's own merits.

'treefrog' - nice answer. Hope you are going well.

To help the person asking this question however ----

Sepsis and septic infection literally means an infection around the site.. which has the potential to travel around the body and cause many more serious problems. It is not uncommon to have infections after a surgery. The professionals involved do everything they can to reduce the risk however they cannot reduce the risk to zero. We all have bugs that live on our skin happily, healthily fighting off other viruses and bugs that we come into contact with. It's when these bugs get into your system, into a spot they shouldnt that they cause trouble. The treatment you have undegone is fairly standard for your condition and complication ( in regards to the antibiotics) It is vitally important that the infection get under control so that your knee surgery can finally be finished.

However if you had told me this story... I would have the following concerns -

1. Sounds like the doctor, by what you describe here, isnt listening to you, or is... but not allaying your fears. that is all about communication. If potentially he isnt hearing what you are saying, or not explaining things properly because you may be too upset to listen properly, my suggestion is to take a friend along to your next appointment. Have a list of questions written down and ask them, one by one. Do not give your doctor the list, just ask them the way you have written them - its your list, you need to understand it.

2. The doctor removing medication from your handbag. I am afraid no professional has the right to do this. The medication is legally prescribed, you have had it legally dispensed from a pharmacist, it has your name on it. It is yours. My question here to him would be... why did you do that... why havent you sent them to me... If he thinks you may be starting to have an addiction to pain medication... then he has handled it poorly. Communication is the key again. He has taken your pain medication and not sent it.... maybe I can jump to conclusions like 'need an answer' did and say the doctor is taking the medication himself and he is addicted????

Assumptions dont help. Getting you comfortable and pain free and on the right treatment is the goal here.

Take a friend along, ask the questions, if you dont get satisfactory answers, then seek a second opinion. Maybe it isnt your fault, but a fault of the doctor in question.

After all.... we are all human. sometimes everyone needs to be reminded of that. ( including you, 'need an answer' )

2006-06-26 02:02:03 · answer #1 · answered by emjayare69 2 · 0 0

Sorry, that you are having these problems. I had both of my knees replaced last August. Luckily, with no infection, though.

The winter before that I was in the hospital with sepsis. So, I kinda know a little about that, too.

I think that as long as you stay on the antibiotics and keep your wounds clean, that you will be fine. The sepsis you have, sounds like it is only in your knee. It is a very good thing that it hasn't spread into your bloodstream.

Before I even had knee surgery I had sepsis, that had entered my blood....and my whole body. And, I was so very sick! Chills that would cause me to shake the whole bed....and fevers that left the sheets drenched....alternating.

Sepsis can be really dangerous, even life threatening....so TAKE YOUR ANTIBIOTICS, religiously.

As for the pain, I know it is difficult to cope with, sometimes....but, we really do have to learn to lived w/o the pain meds as soon as possible. With any kind of bone pain Motrin and Aleve work really well.

The reason for stopping with the pain meds is because we do not want to build a tolerance...in case we need them more later. And, the obvious....that they are very addictive.

It sounds like you are really not happy with your doctor. Maybe, it is time to find a new one. I do know what it is like to need pain meds, though....and then have a doctor treat you like a junkie because you ask for them. It is very insulting and frustrating.

I'd find another doctor.

2006-06-26 00:30:34 · answer #2 · answered by treefrog 4 · 0 0

Septic infection, is something 2ndary to initial problem, yes it can take along time to clear it up and heal it. As for him taking ur pain meds, that is his call, if your taking them and they are not doing anything for you, you have built a tolerance to it and need something stronger to get it done, you may be addicted and don't want to admit it. I had a step-daughter that was addicted to them and would lie,steal and do what ever she could to get her hand on them...Stay with the pain management, but it you can get help from the Doctor for the Med issue, sounds like you have ground for possible suit for negligance. Septic issues can be really bad and lead to the most difficult of all amputation of not cared for promptly...get it done ASAP...

2006-06-26 00:23:42 · answer #3 · answered by back2skewl 5 · 0 0

Sounds to me like you have not followed your post surgical instructions, gotten an infection. And did it purposely to get pain pills.

Once had a guy rub feces in a wound to get it infected and got his narcotics for a while then the test came back as ecoli infection. (infection from feces.)

Get off the drugs and follow your doctors health regime.

2006-06-26 01:25:04 · answer #4 · answered by Need an answer 3 · 0 0

well go to your doctor and tell him it has gotten worse and you need your medication go all the time to let him know that your serious because if it gets worse the mostly likely will have to amputate it so tell him that he said he was going to send you your medication and it has been a week and havent received anything tell him of th symptoms your getting and the pain and redness because you havent gotten your medicine dont wait for it to get worse before you go see him go now and get the medicine okay and i hope you feel better and dont wait go now

2006-06-26 00:24:40 · answer #5 · answered by Rivelle W 3 · 0 0

The medication would be considered STOLEN PROPERTY and he could and should be PROSECUTED!!! Federal law applies here!

IMMEDIATELY get another specialists opinion and report this doctor to the AMA and all the hospitals he practices at!!!

2006-06-26 00:21:14 · answer #6 · answered by jennifersuem 7 · 0 0

sounds to me like you need a second opinion from another orthpaedic consultant, it is within your rights to be able to be pain free so get to your doctor and ask to be referred onto someone who cares.Just mention you will go to the papers if you have no joy.

2006-06-26 00:22:12 · answer #7 · answered by kmbl 4 · 0 0

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