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Believers don't do anything to them....but they come and bash on us becuase they don't believe in God.....they say they want respect and that Christians are too pushy but why do they even come to the religion and spirituality section if they are an atheist.......must they make fun of everything that we do....they ask questions like "does anyone hate christians" or "why are christians so dumb"....why don't they just leave us alone....we want to ask the believers their opioion not theirs

2006-06-25 16:55:30 · 35 answers · asked by ca_license_pl8t 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I understand that we must suffer....now its begining to make sense....but keep answering i want to hear about what you think

2006-06-25 16:59:55 · update #1

35 answers

They are afraid. Their fear of what they don't understand makes them always on the definsive. They are walking around in life in total darkness, while we as Christians can go through this world in Christ's light and not live in fear.

They fear what they can't control or see. What they do not realize is that when you become Christian, God gives you more of life than what you had without HIm. But since non believers don't have concrete proof of this, their fear of the unknown caused them to lash out foolishly. Essentially what they re doing is telling the world that they are satan's disciples when they behave that way. But consequentiy they will have all the proof they have been asking for, but by then, us Christians will be sitting with Jesus in heaven, and they will be sitting in hell with their lying buddy satan. But they made that choice. God did not put them there. They put themselves there.

Jesus is our armour in life. His name is as beautiful as the life we live with Him. His strength is more powerful than all the strongest men in this world put together. And He keeps His promises, which is something that most mortal people can't seem to. So...
If the Lord says something, you can bet your life that it is so.

Come visit my prayerline at...

Email me at carolbmartin1958@yahoo.com and I will give you a access code if you wish to become a free member of our little prayerline family in Christ. We even have a chat line called the shout box where you can chat online if you wish. The posting on the prayerlien is for Members only.

God bless you

2006-07-02 12:07:59 · answer #1 · answered by Carol M 5 · 2 2

1 Corinthians 1:18 - "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."

And Luke 21:17 (Jesus quote) - "The world will hate you because of me."

The atheist has no rational basis on which he can really attack Christians other than that which is described in the Bible. If we are really just "interruptions in the big cosmic act," then why care what people believe? According to them, it doesn't matter what people believe because ultimately, there is just nothingness after life. Life doesn't mean anything in an atheist-proclaimed "meaningless" universe. I have been told that the ideal atheist attitude is to not interfere with anyone's lives. However, when a Christian comes along, all of a suddenly... BANG, the hair on the atheist's neck rises. The Christian witnesses to a person in the presence of the atheist. The atheist's rage then builds up, "Why is he witnessing? How dare he witnesses! He's poisoning that person's mind!" Oh, but wait, (from the atheist perspective) why does it matter to the atheist that the Christian is witnessing? If asked on this, the atheist will usually respond by accusing the Christian of being rude. But wait, the Christian doesn't think it's rude, AND the Christian sees it as HELPING the person. The atheist is a moral relativist; he should not get angry when others violate his moral standards, because he is violating others' moral standards, especially those built on moral absolutes (God).

On what basis should Christians stop what they're doing? On what basis should atheists call Christians "idiots," especially when many Christians share about the same IQ as any other classifications of people? On what basis should an atheist hate Christians instead of others of other faiths? Why not hate the Hindu, because they believe in the supernatural? More importantly, atheists, when you answer those questions, from WHOSE authority are you making those claims? Man? That doesn't work. Man isn't absolute, God is.

There is only one basis. Men live in the darkness, and they will fight the truth.

2 Timothy 8 - "Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth—men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected."

2006-06-25 17:11:24 · answer #2 · answered by Soga 4 · 0 0

Be careful - being "made fun of" is not only about someone's religion - assuming so makes one an unneccessary martyr. This happens to many people, and not only about religious beliefs. People make fun of others because they don't understand themselves, are fearful, or because they have never learned to tolerate others. To say that it is a necessary suffering that Christians have to go through is not necessarily based on truth, but rather on a rationalization that makes you feel better. Being a good Christian does not automatically mean that I have to suffer - anyone who says that this is the truth is living a perverted version of Christianity. Yes, many Christians have suffered for their beliefs, and we may even experience suffering as part of being a devout Christian, but it's a dangerous thing to say that Christians have to suffer - this is an extremist view (just like we all talk about muslim extremists) that is distorted from the truth. I don't think Christ would have wanted anyone to suffer - rather, he acknowledged that one may have to face difficult times and opposition when living the life of a Christian. In other words, yes, it happens, but is it necessary, no.

2006-06-25 17:15:17 · answer #3 · answered by jonjon 3 · 0 0

First off, a lot more people believe in God besides just Christians. There are plenty of sincere believers in other religions. Not all people who have a different belief or don't believe make fun of or dislike Christians, just some of them do. They may be reacting to how SOME Christians have treated them and are judging all Christians by their worst experiences.
Not all Christians go around passing judgement on all who believe differently from themselves or go around telling everyone else they are going to hell...there are some who like to do this. I think some judge all Christians by those who act like that.

2006-06-25 17:04:32 · answer #4 · answered by Vicki D 2 · 0 0

I dont know whether or not you are likely to listen to anything a non 'christian' is saying in this post, but the simple fact is people, whether they be christain, catholic, wiccan, hindu or jew, simply do not like their right to use free will and free thinking, taken away from them, and those that you are so against on here, feel threated and are upraised in anger because of that and nothing else.

Beleive what you will, but dont come and knock on my door on a sunday morning, telling me what i need to beleive to be saved of eternal hell fire, i have as much of a right to beleive what i do, as you do ok, i dont make fun of christians, i never have, i used to be one, until i started learning more from life and things that alot of christians did and said were not as "christian", as they said they were......maybe you need to look into your own backyard before you judge all "so called" non beleivers.

btw i completely agree with janushyde and reynold..... they both also make a valuable point.......

also palevox also raises a good point.....did any of you know that if a religious organisation asks for a percentage of your wage it is then considered a cult????
So how many apparent religious orders are then deemed as cults.....think about it, there wont be many religious orders that can then be considered as churches if you use this theory.

A church is not built upon this earth to glorify manor andy particular religious order, it is based on mans love for the true god rather than having fellowship within these "churches"....why not try it on the top of a hill with all gods glory surrounding you as in the days of old....and open your ears and eyes ....... I gauruntee you you are more likely to hear the true voice of God out there.... than anywhere man made.

2006-06-25 17:06:50 · answer #5 · answered by Mintjulip 6 · 0 0

Yeah, I've seen a few of those, but not many. I've seen far more from 'christians' criticising other religions, particularly Islam.

You don't learn anything asking other believers, you learn far more by looking at alternative opinions, but I agree that those that come here simply to insult people are a problem. Try to ignore them. They are probably brain dead anyway.

I am not a christian but I try not to insult people unless their question or response is particularly shallow or illogical.

Oh dear, now you've gone and spoilt it with your persecution thing. This feeling of persecution is not going to bring you closer to god and it is going to annoy the people that insult you because you are not being picked on more than anyone else, you just want to feel that way because Jesus mentioned it.

2006-06-25 17:02:18 · answer #6 · answered by Nemesis 7 · 0 0

We are actually afraid of Christians because they want to cram their beliefs down our throats and create a theocracy in the United States just like the on in Iran and North Korea.
Fortunately for us, the Christians are so corrupt and divisive that they cannot get their doctrines straight to launch a major offensive on the Constitution which guarantees that I can be free of religion if I choose.
I actually choose a form of Jesus based religion, just no the kind that is spewed out of the Fallwell and Robertson TV shows.

2006-06-25 17:00:57 · answer #7 · answered by valcus43 6 · 0 0

Why are you on a public forum open to all beliefs if you only want to talk to like-minded people? There are other forums where you can do that - tons of them.

Yesterday, we had a rash of "I hate atheist" type questions here. You are grossly in error if you think believers are leaving the rest of us alone. Believers are a great threat to my freedom and well being. As a group, you are too dangerous to be left to your delusions.

In answer to your first question, there are a lot of really obnoxious and stupid believers on here who deserve to be made fun of.

2006-06-25 17:00:53 · answer #8 · answered by lenny 7 · 0 0

soon it will be the other way around. when the gnashing of teeth takes place. Trust this.

no mercy will be shown, only christian may enter. take joy in entering and let no man sway you. soon Bride. Patience in your long suffering. so that your character will expand. look the time is coming when the tree will be shaken hard enof to harvest it's fruit but not to break a single branch. this fruit will be juicy & sweet. the kind when eaten causes the fruit to cover your hands with it's tears like a summer peach.

2006-06-25 17:14:36 · answer #9 · answered by distroynot 3 · 0 0

That is simply not true.

I am a believer personally (Episcopalian) from a mainstream church, and the liberal end of that church.

I get offended at the constant drone of the fundamentalists, the "believers" in real life, say nothing of online. If I do I can just imagine how atheists and agnostics feel.

I've been challenged by people who don't know me, told that my priests were misleading me (I have considerable theological training personally and reach my own theological decisions), told I would burn in eternal hell if I did not instantly submit to the authority of men I'd never seen who are themselves from some pentecostal group or other and have NO apostolic authority in an old line church such as the Episcopal (I barely believe in purgatory, and if I thought for an instant that Almighty God would send people to such a place, I would instantly turn away from Him -- but I don't -- its a myth like most of the Bible), had some man in Milwaukee where we were for a convention three years ago grab ahold of me and try to cast "demons" out of me (demons don't exist, conditions like psychosis, which led to the belief in demons are well understood now and can be treated successfully with medicine.), and have actually seen men with "tracts" stand on the steps of an Episcopal parish (Grace in Brooklyn Hts.) handing them to people leaving Christmas eve mass.

The long and the short is, if you want to be left alone, all the people who think forceful prostelyzation is useful need to GO AWAY, not just a little away, utterly away. They insult everyone, and they make you far more enemies than they do friends. So the next time you see someone from your church forcing a tract on someone who DOESN'T WANT IT -- go over and side with the guy having the paper forced on him.

You know as well as I do that NO ONE in the US doesn't know the "message" of "Christ" and both of us know that most fundamentalists just lie in wait, hoping for a weak moment in someone's life so that they can drag them into their particular version of the Church.

They need to stop. Freedom of or from religion is more than just a phrase, its a decent way of life for a country with over 1400 different denominations and less than 300 million people.


Reynolds Jones

PS And to all those who wrote some variety of "they are just jealous;" or "they really know its true;" or "people attack the things they really desire" or some other variety of the same -- please have the pure honesty, if you can bear it, to apply the same logic to the treatment offered by evangelical Christianity to homosexuality. "they are just jealous, they really know its natural, and they are attacking it because they really desire it." Either your logic is bogus and a lie to comfort yourselves, or else...... Think about it. My church embraces homosexuals AS HOMOSEXUALS -- there is no belief that it is unnatural or sin. What about yours? How do you handle it, in light of your own logic on unbelievers.


2006-06-25 17:07:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think a lot of them are angry. Listen to how hostile they get. This leads me to believe that maybe a part of them does believe, but are just confused. Why would anybody get angry over something they thought was was made up. All of the problems out there in the world and they choose to attack Christians.

2006-06-25 17:25:37 · answer #11 · answered by plebes02 3 · 0 0

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