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Does good and evil really exist? If so, who is to say what's good and what's evil. And please dont say God, because i hope that we humans can develope our own sense morals without Him telling us everything.

2006-06-25 16:33:56 · 35 answers · asked by opie 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

cdw:you make sense, and i agree that a group of people cannot rule themselves without a main ruler. However, that doesnt mean that i cannot decide what I personally believe without some interference with God.

2006-06-25 16:52:05 · update #1

35 answers


2006-06-25 16:36:14 · answer #1 · answered by ♥*´`*ღPink♥*´`*•.¸¸ 4 · 0 0

Yes there is a such thing as good and evil.

I would suggest basing your moral values on what keeps the peace, and makes those around you happy.

I suggest staying away from anything that will hurt another person, and yes adultery counts! Even having sex before you are married can hurt another person!

Even pornagraphy, believe it or not, can hurt another person, and is considered adultery!

God made up the rules, but hey they actually make sense when you think about it. It just surprises me that no one even realizes that God makes these rules up in order to protect us, but we choose to rebel and do just the opposite.

I suggest just looking at your life, and really being honest with yourself, and decide for yourself what is evil and what isn't. If you are depressed or unhappy for any reason I am guessing there is probably evil or, yes I am going to say the "s" word, sin in you life!

You can tell by the fruits of your life. Sin you bear bad fruit, i.e depression, sadness, stress. A person who lives their life for Christ bears good fruit, peace, happiness etc.

God Loves YOU
Heather :)

2006-06-25 16:49:47 · answer #2 · answered by hdb8241981 3 · 0 0

Evil represents a defection, a rebellion. If you are free to love, then you are also free to rebel! Aggressively flouts personal independence from all that is good.
Evil is represented by a counterfeit, not an absolute. Worthless and wicked, prostitutes potential, devises mischief and sows discord, personifies hatred.
Evil produces monotony, not creativity. Decline and confusion. Despises wisdom and instruction.
Evil ends in defeat, not triumph.

Good is the opposite of all of the above, and the evil I fore mentioned all comes out of an unclean heart!!!
Goodness is possible for everyone, while evil thrives on " me only ". Evil contributes nothing to one's personal and inward happiness, while goodness contributes everything.
Evil measures material wealth, while goodness measures character. Evil says we must Have Something, Goodness says we must Be Something.
Evil measures values by the degree of its own strivings and accomplishments, Goodness measures true values by the degree to which its power is permitted to flow through the person.
GOD!! ( I said it ).You probably could develop your own sense of morals, it was probably your own spiritual near-sightedness that made you think of such question.
Formality and Hypocrisy came tumbling over the wall into the Christian's path. They were going to Mount Zion and were searching for a short-cut. When they came to the hill called Difficulty, they shrank back. The hill was steep and high, and nearby were two roads leading downward into an enticing valley. The name of the one road was Danger; the other road was Destruction. Formality and Hypocrisy chose the easy roads, which led them into impassable woods and swamps, and they were heard of no more.

2006-06-25 18:32:23 · answer #3 · answered by trieghtonhere 4 · 0 0

Of course there's such a thing!

Every being on the earth knows the difference between GOOD and EVIL, Right and WRONG.

Where we run into trouble is... we ignore what we know... or blame someone else... "the devil made me do it" or "I didn't know it was WRONG to Disrespect her".

God or no GOD... Come on... don't we all know on SOME LEVEL when we're being EVIL?

God... (who I happen to believe in)... is still just another way to put the IDEA into words.

Did we have to be religious to know:
- you should not steal
- you should not kill
- you should not sleep with your next door neighbor?

If you have any trouble with this... then you've never been stolen from, know someone who's been murdered, or been the husband of that neighbor.


2006-06-25 16:41:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is good to ask questions such as this. Don't let people bother you when they don't understand.

It is very important that you do examine, on a case by case basis, what is evil and what is good.

If the answer comes from God, what God?

The answer is simple.

Good is anything that unites, increases love, promotes prosperity, and improves you, those around you, and those you care about.

Evil is anything that divides, hates, condemns, or destroys.

You know the difference between good and evil. You don't need a God to explain it to you. You certainly don't need the followers of a God to explain it to you. You know.

2006-06-25 17:12:55 · answer #5 · answered by Dustin Lochart 6 · 0 0

Juicy question, I think its a morality question which is about right and wrong. Personally I do not adhere to this way of thinking its too limited and usually stems from fear.
I think there are different types of energy, and that there is a reaction to every action. Intention is another powerful motivator, but creating a concept of evil out of intention again is very limiting.
I feel there is a very powerful force in compassion that moves past ego and from right and wrong.
Taking responsibility and creating awareness are also powerful. Love the question.
I didnt realise we were in the company of so many fundamentalists. To explain a little further and be clear.
A little boy is molested by a family member repeatedly. He is very very scared and cannot tell anyone. He goes to school and is found on the playground seriously hurting another child. He contiues to do this ect,ect he grows up he harms his child the way he was harmed. The behaviour is not inherently evil it is a causal response to what has happened to him. If something bad happens to you and it creates dysfuntion in you, how on earth is it effective to lable this behaviour as evil? Evil in our History has been used many many times to blame behaviour so we can punish without looking deeper into the situation. Its about blaming and using a quick judgement to end a problem, that often does not entail rehabilitation or support. Our obsession with good and evil has a very murky past, check out the witch trials. For society to change in a profound way the concept of good and evil [Im right your wrong needs to change.Eastern phlosophy has been aware of this in some of their spiritual modalities as has many religions in their essence befor people and time got a hold of them and got scared and self orientated..
And God? well again I steer clear of limiting understanding when it comes to something so profound as spirituality.

2006-06-25 16:44:10 · answer #6 · answered by bella 2 · 0 0

evil is just doing wrong by people or animals, not as prescribed in the bible or other good books. If something happens to you that you know is outside the bounds of good, theft, undeserved beating, rape, hurting others physically or mentally to feel better that is evil. germans have the word shadenfraud(check spelling) getting a good feeling from others misfortunes, thats evil. In my opinion any hypocratic behavour is evil. This is really a common sense issue.

2006-06-25 16:45:06 · answer #7 · answered by llkooldave 1 · 0 0

Well Opie, your minor tirade against God is really your answer. The moral core of the individual is the God centeredness of one's heart. Men cannot agree on who should be the starting quarterback on a football team, so to ask them to make a moral code without the guidance of God, is asking a bit more than they can do.

2006-06-25 16:40:46 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, Evil is the bad things happening on earth and the good is when everyone unites with each other which never happens. But I know someday God will appear!

2006-06-25 16:39:13 · answer #9 · answered by Humming Bird 4 · 0 0

Well, yes good and evil do exist. Whats good is whats done from the heart, out of kindness, and generosity. What is evil is a little bit harder to explain, but i can tell you , that you will be able to sense it.

2006-06-25 16:39:43 · answer #10 · answered by Miss Taryn 3 · 0 0

"Good" is whatever human society has taught you what "good" is. We take on our societies opinions and expectations and thus our society dictates what is "good" and "evil" for us. Take the Native American situation for example. When the Catholic missionaries came to America, they saw the Native Americans as evildoers who needed to be coerced into Christianity. Their choice was compliance or death. Now, to the missionaries, this was a good deed because they were "saving" those "savages." However, to the Native Americans, it was bad and evil because they were getting killed off and their children were being forcibly converted to the beliefs of their rapists and murderers. Either side would look at it differently. Society has taught us what evil and good is. It's up to us to open our eyes and see for ourselves.

2006-06-25 16:44:40 · answer #11 · answered by Ashley 2 · 0 0

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