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I'm reading lots of answers here from professing Christians who don't believe the Creation story; that God created the universe, this world, and everything in it in 6 days, 6,000 years ago. But this is the basis for the Christian belief.

Science tells us that the world is billions of years old. That dinosaurs lived here millions of years ago. If that is true, than there's been millions of years of pain, suffering, and death as these dinosaurs killed and ate each other. But as Bible believing Christians, we believe that pain, suffering and death came about as a result of Adam's sin. Prior to sin, everything was good. After sin, the whole universe was cursed.

If you're a Bible believing Christian, do you believe Adam's sin brought pain, suffering and death into the world, or are you going to believe the world that says there were millions of years of dead bones before Adam?

2006-06-25 14:38:18 · 22 answers · asked by ted.nardo 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

There were some really great responses to my question. I'm really thankful to Father Chuck, who pointed out a big misstatement I made. My saying the basis of our faith is the belief in 6 days of creation. Father Chuck was correct, the basis of our belief is the attoning sacrifice of our Lord and Saviour on the cross. I want to thank the Father for pointing this out. But I do believe that a belief in a literal 6 days of creation is important for every Christian. As for some of the answers I read: Adam and Eve didn't bring sin into the world, Adam did that alone. Eve was beguiled by the Serpent, but Adam sinned. When it comes to dinosaurs, there's lots of evidence that they lived here with man. In almost every dinosaur dig, human artifacts are found. There is absolutly no evidence that a first world existed before this one that contained dinosaurs. Reread Genesis. I believe God says what He means, and means what He says. My next question will cover evolution.

2006-06-26 15:12:51 · update #1

22 answers

6 day creation is true. Your scientists need a Prozac.

If a day equals 1000 years and 1000 years equals a day, then since Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, does this have significance for His Second Coming?

Let's see some things that really do seem to have significance, first of all from Ha'aretz "Small Quake Hits Dead Sea; Experts: Big One On The Way." And from Templemount.org "Israeli President asks Vatican to Reveal List of Temple Treasures, Vessels and Judacia they Hold."

I guess they had some things right there in the Vatican that they would like to know about and they would like to have. First of all,

the Rabbis said that there would only be seven days in world history because a day was like 1,000 years, Psalm 90:4, and it was patterned after creation. He created the world in six days, Genesis 1:31 and rested on the 7th day, Genesis 2:2. And since each day represents 1,000 years, and we Christians also set that according to II Peter 3:8, we then have four days of Old Testament time and three days of New Testament time for the total of 7000 years, So let's just deal with the three days of New Testament time.

Here is proof that this is correct, Hosea 6, verse 2. The Jews didn't have their own land for a couple thousand years and they say after two days, 2,000 years, He'll revive us - that happened in 1948, almost after 2,000 years, then on the third day which just started in the last number of months, He will raise us up that we may live in his sight, the Jews are raised in Daniel 12, when the Messiah comes and sets his foot upon the earth. Now here are two exciting signs that , They're expecting the greatest earthquake ever and it's right there at the Dead Sea fault and when Jesus Christ returns His Feet hit the Mount of Olives and it splits down the center and they say, we are waiting for that big one and that could be the return of Christ. But the most exciting thing, beyond that, is that the Jews are asking for all of the things the Vatican has from the old temples. Why? Because they have built the replica of the exact temple 269,000 square feet by the dead sea! And they are putting everything in it and getting all the Cohen's. For they are the Levites, they're prepared to do sacrifice so that when the real one is built, the one in which antichrist sits, 2 Thessalonians 2:4 and says he's god, Daniel 11:36, it will be ready. It's that close. Then Christ comes and sits in it permanently. Ezekiel 40 to 44.

2006-06-25 14:56:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The bible does answer this question, but you need to understand the context of when the bible was written and when the scriptures first came about (thousands of years before the bible is published) The bible declares a day to God is like a thousand days on earth, which was the only way to communicate to his people of lesser knowledge back then. In other words, the word of God was given to his ancient people in a format in which they could understand. God didn't tell the prophets in term of millions or billions of years, they could not concept this. Instead he made his presence well known and spoke of his laws and the concept of heaven and hell. Its all about timing and faith. Heres the kicker!!! If you look at the story of creation in Genesis and the order in which the earth was formed and man came about, it follows the same principles and order that scientists theorize about earths formation. To attempt to disprove God and his works is like trying to disprove that that you came from your parents. The Christian faith is a little more than what you are being exposed to. Give Genesis a look see and then move on to the New Testament about Jesus. If you have questions I will help the best I can in an unbiased manner. I am a science teacher at a high school and have had all of the same questions you have presented. I have also struggled with these issues as well. I still teach evolution, but that a whole new issue, but I have found the knowledge and the courage to keep to my faith. Let me know if I can help--once you eyes are opened, trust me, your life will change--the emptiness and confusion will be filled with knowledge and power---and its the best feeling you will ever have

2006-06-27 04:53:26 · answer #2 · answered by browning.338 2 · 0 0

First of all, it was Eve who brought sin in to this world, not Adam! She brought sin into him. Prior to sin, everything was good? There was no humans prior or during the dinosaurs---animals can't sin. Dinosaurs were not important to earth and the Bible. AND, God's scale of time is unknown. We only have our own timetable. His could equal 1 million or 1 billion years to our 1 year. Keep in mind, Jesus created the universe (God was the architect)..The dinosaurs served no useful purpose, that's another reason they were killed off. You could say their only purpose was to give us fuel centuries later. What Eve did to Adam and mankind, had to happen as earth was not to be paradise, only heaven where there's no pain & suffering. God knew before creation how the earth would turn out, so He created a Master Plan and its still with us. What is life without pain and suffering, and death. That's how we exist and struggle. Yes, I'm a believer.

2006-06-25 22:06:06 · answer #3 · answered by ZORRO 3 · 0 0

I do believe in a six day creation, at or about 6,000 years ago. I believe that Adam and Eve brought sin into the world and thus brought death into the world.

I also believe that scientific theories of the age of the earth being billions of years old are faulty and it is fairly easy to find fault in the logic. I believe that the idea of dinosaurs living on earth millions of years ago is not true.

I look not only to the Bible for the source of my beliefs but to my study of history, of mankind, and of the physical sciences such as astronomy, chemistry, meteorology, palentology, entomology, and physics. I also enjoy reading up on history to gain even more insight.

Evidence form the cosmos:

1) The shrinking sun limits the earth-sun relationship to less than "billions of years." The sun is losing both mass and diameter. Changin gthe mass woudl upset the fine gravitational balance that keeps the earth at just hte right distance for life to survive.

2) The existence of short-period comets indicates the universe is less than billions of years old

3) Fossil meteorites are very rare in layers other than the top layers of the earth. This indicates that the layers were not exposed for millions of years.

4) The moon is receding its orbit a few inches each year. Billions of years ago the moon would have been so close that the tides would be much higher, eroding the continents quickly


there's more. This basically is supporting that the earth is not billions of years old (of which, if you logically think about it, we only need one argument to prove that it is not billions of years old).

2006-06-25 22:18:17 · answer #4 · answered by Paul McDonald 6 · 0 0

I have no problem with 6 literal 24-hour days "about" 6200 years ago. I have seen most of the creation seminars, I have read many books by scientist who believe in creation. I just don't stumble over this. However there are many who are a little weak in the faith for whatever reason. Many fall for the evolution hypothesis, it s really not a theory yet, not by scientific standards. most people are not aware that there is a fierce debate raging within the scientific community over Intelligent Design. Many scientist are creationist, although most are not. The resurgence in ID among scientist has been wrongly perceived by the public. They think it is a creationist theory, it was actually Albert Einstein's idea many years ago. Evolution has really slipped in popularity in the last 25 years or so, and big bang ran into some trouble with a couple of "laws" , so it is weakening. I have rambled on too much. My point is that Christians do not have to try to fit popular ideas about evolution into their belief about God and creation-they can stand on their own-and do.

2006-06-25 21:59:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Several things, first no, the basis for Christian faith, is that Christ died for our sins. Man can get almost all of the other details off slightly or be confused on them and still be ok, merley wrong but saved.

next no one knows how long Adam and Eve was in the garden ( another issue never addressed) how long did they live perfect, how long did Adam live before Eve was made for him, one day, one month, one year 1000 year, ???

as perfect man and women, they would not have aged prior to sinning and being put out of the garden.

And of course everything was good in the garden, that is what the bible says, it says that they were put out of the garden and it was hard, perhaps there were things going on outside of the garden.

Next pain and suffering of animals with no soul really is not addressed, only the pain and suffering of man.

2006-06-25 21:48:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why do people base their morality on creation myths instead of trying to think through the consequences of their actions?

If God created the world and everything in it, then God is an imbecile. There are serious flaws in the "design" everywhere.

For example, there are nerves in a giraffe that go from its brain to the top of its neck. Instead of traveling 1 ft. and going straight there, they travel 15 ft. and loop around a bone at the base of the neck first. An "intelligent designer" would never do something this stupid. Problems just like it are found throughout nature.

Creation is a myth that has no basis in reality. It also has no relevance to the morality of the Bible.

2006-06-25 22:22:20 · answer #7 · answered by scifiguy 6 · 0 0

No, I don't believe in the literal 6 days of creation, and I don't believe God rested on the 7th day. To rest means your'e tired and need rejuvenation. God REST? Maybe God paused, maybe God was doing other things, but God has NO NEED to rest. If so, then He wouldn't be Almighty God, now would He?

The 6 days are symbolic, of what, I have yet to learn. Genesis was never a science book. There is mounting evidence that the world has existed for billions of years. Geology, biology, archaeology (a branch of geology), seismology (another branch of geology), and all the other ologies have enormous evidence that the world is definitely older than 6,000 years.

2006-06-25 21:57:15 · answer #8 · answered by Dolores G. Llamas 6 · 0 0

Yes, I do.
Why ?
The Bible tells me so..
Science experts who study creation vs. evolution, their statements are Way off.
I believe creation experts have the correct fugues.
I also believe, dinosaurs and man, Did share the Earth together at one time, Adam and Eves, first "pets".
Who do you think named them all ?
God brought All the beasts to Adam to name them.
Mighty big leashes back then.
I'll look it up, but the Bible backs this up.
I'll get back to you on this..
I believe in evolution, it means change, animals did change, but not from any accident, or chain connections.
God created them.
Look at how different each animal is, each person, each brain cell. This took thought, creation, God....
Never the same rainbow, or sunset twice in a row, each one different..
I suggest, "Back to Genesis".com and or this book, it's terrific, and factual, not theory.
It will challange even the most stubborn of minds who are evelutionists.
How can truly born again believers Not believe in the Bible's teachings on creation ?
This is always been wierd to me.
If this is not true, then which part, Do you believe in ?
It's All true, and the Word of God, the Holy Bible, Is God's Word.
Praise the Lord..

God bless my sisters and brothers in, Christ..

2006-06-25 22:34:09 · answer #9 · answered by paula b 2 · 0 0

Of course, what the Bible says concerning anything is final. The Bible has the final say and settles all arguments.

However, the basis for the Christian belief is not in the creation story - but on Christ, Jesus Christ himself. His coming, his ministry as foretold by Isaiah here on earth, his death and finally his rising from the grave the third day ~ all these form the Christian faith. You remove any of these, there is no Christianity. That is why the greatest fight against the Church of Jesus Christ is against his very existence, his identity as revealed in scripture(old testament), his death as shown in the gospels and his rising from the dead as affirmed by many eye witnesses.

This is the Christian faith. It's author is Jesus Christ and it's finisher is Jesus Christ. He is the author and the finisher of our faith.

2006-06-25 22:03:36 · answer #10 · answered by RealArsenalFan 4 · 0 0

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