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Since God saw first hand how hard it is to lose a child when His own Son died, why does He still let children die?

2006-06-25 14:25:51 · 32 answers · asked by Chainsawmom 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

It's a hard question.

The best answer I've ever seen is that its one consequence of really allowing choice in the universe, really making us free beings.

Without genuine choice, we can't be united with the father in genuine love. But the cost of that is that terrible things can happen in the physical world.

Best wishes and God bless.

2006-06-25 14:29:26 · answer #1 · answered by bobhayes 4 · 0 2

God has the power to do anything. He has control over everything. But he has also given the human race free will
(as seen in Genesis, where eve took the fruit by choice)
It is by these different choices that peoples fates are determined God is watching over us and hopes that we will make the best decicions with the freedom he has given us. Children often die by the choices made by others. It is very hard to say why very young infants die though. This is an interesting question.

2006-06-25 14:31:13 · answer #2 · answered by Rachmanioff 1 · 0 0

the title of this question, i thought you were asking an intellectual question, i found out that you weren't.

Didn't God know before jeezer died what loosing a child was like, even before HE created the universe, or was HE at one point in time, NOT ALL-KNOWING????

So, since this is not an intelligent question, i will answer in this way, because he wanted to see the adults suffer.

Now, if you are smart, which you probably aren't, you will see that that is a stupid, and incorrect answer for a stupid and idiotic question.
But if you are dumb, as you most certainly are, you will probably take offense and chastize me for my abrasive and cruel comments.

So, i will say, Thank you for proving my point. After all, to be damned by the devil is to be truely blessed, and to be called a moron by an idiot, implies that i might not be too far off from real intelligence, but if you were to understand and accept it, that would mean that we were on the same wave link, *shudders* oy, no.

2006-06-25 14:33:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

From a Christian Faith pov... because mankind rejected God and all thea he offered to men. So now mankind is living in a sinful world and must suffer the hurts and sorrows of this world.
I believe, absolutly, that all children who die before the age of accountability will be found in Heaven with God.

In some cases...some, not all, God could be taking that child out of this world beause of the conditions the child was in. Abuse for example.... God has His purpose for every thing He allows. We will not understand All that God dose.

2006-06-25 14:32:50 · answer #4 · answered by IdahoMike 5 · 0 0

Maybe because He does not want the children to see the world as it is: cruel and unforgiving to the young and the weak. He does not do it out of spite; He do it to shelter those children from learning the harsh truth about life, not until they are ready to accept the world as it is. Although it really saddens me when I hear about children dying, especially those with so much promise, I just think about it in those terms and it alleviates my sorrow.

(You know what? Just thinking about it now makes me wanna weep. Heheheh... Sorry I'm a bit mushy when it comes to these things. I have young sisters, too, and I can't imagine my life without them.)

I hope I've helped. I'm sorry I can't be more fluent with my words today because I feel too choked up in emotion I can't think. Heheheh... I'll think about it and add some more later if it will help you. (^_^)

2006-06-25 14:41:39 · answer #5 · answered by chad 3 · 0 0

How about this idea?

Because he's compassionate...

He has selected them as some of the few which are not going to suffer the horrors that are modern day society. Why is it bad for a child to die? Especially if you believe in God and Christ... they're going to heaven, all young children (who aren't capable of really knowing right from wrong yet) go to heaven... He wants them to have everlasting life in eternal bliss without having to suffer through life and its trials.

2006-06-25 14:31:18 · answer #6 · answered by tripforyou 5 · 0 0

If God exists, then he's doing the best he can. This would be the best possible world that God could create given human nature. It's horrible when a child dies, but life continues and you should find solice in the fact that you can live through it. If you believe in God your faith will help you.

2006-06-25 14:30:08 · answer #7 · answered by neoliminal 2 · 0 0

We have to remember that the "death" that we experience in this temporary world is a temporary death. In fact, in reality - that is, God's Reality - there is no such thing as death. There is just a passage from one world to the next, but the person remains. What is hard for us when someone dies - and hardest of all when it is a child - is the separation. And to that point, we have to remember that God knows all things, including the intentions and purposes of our hearts, what will happen to us in the future, and what is the precise moment for us to leave this world and go to the next so that our passing will be of the most benefit to our own souls and to those around us.

It's a hard thing, but we who believe in God must trust that what He does is for the best in all ways, and that it will result in our inexpressible joy in the end. Christ said that He would be take away from His disciples and that they would weep and mourn; but then they would see Him again and no one would take away their joy. This is true also of those who believe in and follow him. They will be reunited with Him and their loved ones and no one will take away their joy.

May God be with you always.

2006-06-25 14:56:11 · answer #8 · answered by LDRship 2 · 0 0

God does not kill children...or let children die. He is probably just as sad when a child dies. It is obviously not possible to have a world where each child reaches adulthood.

2006-06-25 14:29:24 · answer #9 · answered by toe poe gee gee oh 5 · 0 0

When Job was faced with losing his family and his wealth, he praised God saying "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh, blessed be the name of the Lord." God gives life and takes it away. We all have to die at some point. We are not immortals. Do not hate God, he made everyone and everything. Hating God has dire consequences, eternity in hell. Do you think hating God will stop death, illness, it will not.

2006-06-25 14:28:47 · answer #10 · answered by JESUS IS LOVE 5 · 0 0

If you have a belief in God you would understand dying is not a bad thing. He who believes will find a place in heaven. That is our final reward.

I don't think God is up ther sitting on a cloud swinging his legs deciding who lives or dies. Or if someone has a good or bad life. When our time comes we die.

2006-06-25 14:32:54 · answer #11 · answered by Jay 5 · 0 0

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