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I was reading a question if Islam was the only right religion and people were answering those type of questions religiously as if they could convince the questioner or to convert the whole world as Muslims.

Islam might be the right religion before 9/11 but Osama and company has changed the face of Islam. West call them terrorists but they and their followers call themselves true Muslims.

If you see the video of Nickberg's beheading, even if he wasn't innocent, nobody would like to convert into the religion of terror.

People should see the video of some Nepali civilians that is widely available on the web. It is more graphic than Nick's.

9/11's vitims don't have the videos of dying but what was their fault? The only fault seems to be the at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Is this Islamic way of killing innocent people? Or Jihad means to kill people who are weak and who have no arms and who want to earn some money for their families? Are they really true muslims?

2006-06-25 14:23:56 · 14 answers · asked by Junkie 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

The reason for asking this question is, because after Bali's killing of more than 200 civilians, they said all australians should convert as Muslims and recently they invited Bush of America and Howard of Australia to become a Muslim otherwise they will meet the same fate as of .........

2006-06-25 14:29:15 · update #1

14 answers

This is one of the most lucid questions that i have seen on this site!

I saw the Berg killing and I was shocked at the brutality of it. I was sickened. This is not the work of a man of any faith. They are butchers.

I believe that they are thugs that use Islam as an excuse to murder people. I have worked with many Muslim people and found them to be decent, respectable people so I cannot believe that true Islam would condone this behaviour.

Having said that, there is a Muslim priest who has recently been released from prison in Indonesia for his involvment in the bombing in Bali, who preaches hate and violence. I am a peacful man but I think he needs a bullet.

Unfortunately, I believe that the invasion of Iraq and talk of Iran has fuelled the passion of these murderers and given them justification in their own minds to continue with their actions In the name of Islam

2006-06-25 14:42:14 · answer #1 · answered by Nemesis 7 · 0 1

As Muslims we are not allowed to judge another persons faith. Only the creator can judge peoples faith. Just as many people believed that Abraham was a crule horrible man because he was willing to kill his own son because he believed the creator had ordered him too, It is hard to understand the creators plans in this world. I will not clam I know the contents of there heart even though I hate what they do. There are pushishments for there actions and they deserve to face those punishments

That said, Islam teaches that if you kill one innocent man or woman, it is as if you killed all of mankind. I can by no way shape or form believe that these people follow the same Islam I follow. I could not do those things and face the creator in prayer 5 times a day.

There are many people who kill, maim, murder abuse children, burn people on crosses and so on. And these people also read the bible and subscribe to the basic beliefs of christianity. Muslims do bad things, Christians do bad things it is not always about religion.

Just a note. Jihad is to struggle to be better in the eyes of the creator not to kill. Jihad MAY mean that you fight to protect innocents. But it does not mean you attach innocents ever. Most Jihad is internal. It is our daily struggle to be a better person.

Third world countries are harsh and people are fustrated and they act out in frustration. Many Muslim countries see american companies coming in and setting up sweat shops and then paying them such low wages so that Americans can have tons Nick nacks while they can not even feed their families. And they get frustrated and they act like frustrated people do. I do not condone what they do. But I will say if you are hungry you act differently.

2006-06-25 21:44:20 · answer #2 · answered by lovingmomhappykids 4 · 0 0

hi how r u? i hope u r fine

i don't know what 2 say 2 u but h think that it will be wrong 2 judge millions of people because of hundreds people that did not understood the religion so right and did some bad things but if u want 2 see truly terrorists look 2 soldiers in Iraq and how they kill women children and old people is this what is the world about every 1 kill 2 get respect.
so i think that if u want 2 know the real things about Islam
go and read and i am sure that u will change u r idea about terrorists.

2006-06-25 21:46:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I could say I'm a true christian yet i wear a veil and pray 5 times a day, but i attend church every sunday and believe in Jesus, does that make me a true muslim or a true christian?
Osama does not represent Islam. he's one of those who tried very hard to understand a simple matter that he had to complicate it til he misunderstood it.
and when muslims answer here, they're nt trying to convert you to Islam, they're just trying to show you what islam is, if it felt like they're trying to convince you, then maybe because Islam made sense to you or mixed you up on the inside.
Once again i say it, you wanna know what islam is? refer to Quran or Sunna (that is what the prophet did and said). don't listen to ppl saying we're muslims and we're right and surely dnt watch the news!
everyone can lie but no lie can last 1000 year and keep on living. and imagine, it's still the same thing! nothing changed about Islam and there was no arguments about Quran! it is still the same book it was over 1000 ago.

2006-06-25 21:38:29 · answer #4 · answered by Kisha 2 · 0 0

What's happening now is no different than the Spanish Inquistion, who by the way were Christians. To answer your question, it is not the Islamic way to kill people. It is strictly prohibited to kill innocent people. In fact, in the Quran it says "if you killed one person, it is as if you killed all of humanity. If you save one person, it is as if you saved all of humanity." Jihad means a struggle to overcome something, it can be both physically or mentally. For instance, someone experiences Jihad if they are continually looked down on in society. Also, families in Iraq right now cannot walk outside without the danger of bombs or getting shot at (Haditha anyone? Wait a minute, that was inside their homes that they were shot). Are these American military men, predominantly Christian (don't believe me, look up the statistics), really Christian? They are going out there killing innocent Iraqis every day.

Who said they should all convert?

2006-06-25 21:34:09 · answer #5 · answered by curious 3 · 0 0

Are Christians preaching their religion by terror?

The vast majority of those supporting the slaughter of innocent Iraqis claim to be Christian. Is being dismembered and maimed by a rocket or bomb the preferred Christian method for terrorizing men, women and children?

2006-06-25 21:28:07 · answer #6 · answered by Left the building 7 · 0 0

I saw the Berg Video.

No different than the Christian Crusades of old, sorry to say. How many died then?

Please don't judge fanatics in any religion as Spokesmen for the whole congregation.

2006-06-25 21:27:27 · answer #7 · answered by pickle head 6 · 0 0

the radical muslims are not considered muslims by other muslims because thy kill( i hope u understand that)its sorta like a christian being excommunicated
dont judge the entire religion because of a couple of bad people.

2006-06-25 21:26:12 · answer #8 · answered by fify 2 · 0 0

You ask them specifically about Islam and killings, and what do you get? hahahhahahahaha

Every answer has mention of Christian in it. as if to justify it. hahahahahahha

wooo hooooooo

another answer ...done goneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

2006-06-25 21:46:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

And unfortunatley it is people who allow the minority to rule who dont see the big picture. So dont allow your self to infulenced by a minority groups to judge inslamic beliefs.

2006-06-25 21:29:27 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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