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Im a beliver in Christ and I have been trying for years to live according to what I belive God's will to be.( As the bible outlines.) But it seems Im coming up short in my attempts. It seems to me I just cant get it right. Each church says something different and hardly anyone agrees. I have been trying to find the right church to attend. Who's right and who's wrong. Why cant we just love God and Christ and treat each other with love as the word says? Why so many different church's and thoughts. I was taught in the bible that we are to be one in spirit and mind. What do I do? I must confess, this is taking a toll on my life in almost every aspect. I wish I could trust someone..

2006-06-25 14:06:53 · 47 answers · asked by aboyd1542 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

47 answers

I think you're on the right track by believing and trying to live your life according to your beliefs. But happiness is more of a journey than a destination that you arrive at someday. (Only in Heaven will we actually arrive there.) And I don't think it matters so much which church you attend (as song as it follows the basic beliefs taught in the Bible.) Live your life according to what you believe and don't worry about the details of what others believe. What matters most is how you live your life. The rest isn't important. Just look for a church that has those values. We will never all, even as Christians agree on everything.

2006-07-09 08:56:28 · answer #1 · answered by cj_justme 4 · 0 0

If you are, as you say, "a believer in Christ", then happiness is adhering to the dogma of your faith.

You can "just love god", alone, with no church - or someone telling you what to think. The reason there are so many different denominations is that since its beginning, Christians have not been able to agree on "god's word" (just as Muslims can agree on the same).

Trust in yourself. Be kind to yourself and step away from religion. Seek the great spirit of life and living. In these things you will find joy.

2006-07-07 01:45:46 · answer #2 · answered by Yngona D 4 · 0 0

I'm sorry to say, that you will not find a perfect church. You can't. Jesus said I have come for those who are sick. Those who are well do not need a physician. Therefore the people who attend the place of gathering are in need of help. Jesus calls us the church. You and I are the called out ones. Up on this rock (revelation of knowledge) I will build in the called out ones the truth and the power to show others to Christ. Will we all have it right? No! Not until Jesus returns. The real question is not where one can find the perfect church or gathering of people. But where is your personal relationship with him. The word declares he sent his Spirit to teach us in to all truth. You should find out where you are with Jesus. Jesus doesn't promises us happiness. Happiness is an emotion. An event must take place in order for one to be emotionally happy. Jesus gives us peace and Joy that is not based on emotions. I suggest you really need to take some time alone with God and ask him to open your heart to him. Trust him in what he tells you. It also seems that you are having challenges with self esteem, Self confidence, and just knowing who you are.

2006-07-08 15:22:12 · answer #3 · answered by Larry K 1 · 0 0

Follow your passion or what interest you. That rule makes must people happy. Ask God for guidance, He/She/It has all the answer and can help you figure things out. Have a journal and write your thoughts and spiritual insights. Things will become clearer as you do so. If you do that you may find the answers to your questions.

God resides in the heart. Although a church is good to help you grow in your christian life, it is not mandatory. I do recommend you continue searching for a church that fits you and also where you can feel that you belong. However, if you don't find one, that's o.k. too.

Read spiritual books they will help you get insights into God, your connections with God as a human being and the ways to behave to be closer to God. Go to your bookstore and look up the spiritual section or borrow books from your local library.

2006-06-25 14:45:45 · answer #4 · answered by richie 2 · 0 0

That first of all, would depend on your definition of happiness! You say you have been trying to live by God's will for years, how have you found out what God's will is?where have you looked for it?Who's right and who's wrong you ask well let me first tell you there is only one right that's the Bible, in the Bible you will find the right ways and the true will of God, any other thoughts or beliefs will be wrong and won't lead you to the true happiness and yes you can trust someone that someone is the author of the Bible, Almighty God, he tells us there what his will is how to find real happiness, God as our Creator knows best how we can get the real happiness, and he advises us in his word the Bible, how to go about getting it,and his thoughts are the ones that are best to listen to, that will work for our benefit, and if any church does not comply with God's word then, it is not from God!But God knows your dilemma, and you can trust him completely, so what you can do is to pray to him wholeheartedly and in humility, and ask him to help you find the truth of his word and to point you in the direction he wants you to go to, you have to take the chance and trust him I am sure he will answer your prayer of dispair and will show you the way you just have to be awake to the answer when it comes to you in what may be an unexpected way,I have asked and have been shown, remember, this, what God has done for others he can do for you too.feel free to email me if you want me to expand on anything in my answer or whatever!I'd love to help

2006-07-08 18:02:23 · answer #5 · answered by I speak Truth 6 · 0 0

I believe personally that a personal walk with God and "religion" are two completely different things. I do not belong to any particular church. I do not have anything against an all denominational church, but I have not attended in years. So many church "religions" are into the politics of it all. To me that feels plastic, not structured. Your own personal faith and walk is what will make you happy. It comes through faith and believing, not churches. Maybe take a break from looking for that certain church and do daily devotionals, or just set aside time for extra prayer. ~Keep believing, because that is where happiness is.

2006-07-08 07:16:24 · answer #6 · answered by roo 2 · 0 0

Suppose you are on a road and you cannot ever turn around and never return from whence you came. You come to a fork in that road and you must go forward and thus you must choose one of the roads. Suppose you see other people and you ask them which road you should take. Now suppose that you get different advice, but a "few" people tell you You are on the road of life. You must make choices every day of your life.
that they have "heard" from others that the left fork holds dangers and that there is a very high priced toll booth, but "nobody" knows anything about the right fork, and they are taking that one.
These are just rumors, right?
Who would you believe? Which road will you take?
Will you take the road that is rumored to be dangerous? Or the road, about which, no one knows or ever heard?

2006-07-07 23:05:25 · answer #7 · answered by ed 7 · 0 0

happiness is not found in the churches, for one reason, all religions are man made and therfore all of them are wrong. Only Christ is right, forget all the "you have to do this" for salvation/happiness/sanctification. All you have to do is focus on the Lord, quit trying to be happy and just live with the knowledge that you are the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ. I was a christian for three years and never set foot in a church and was walking in happiness with the Lord, until I did go to church.
I was never confused about the Lord until I started going to church, because churches teach religion, not christianity. I prayed long and hard about this because I have 3 step sons that I want to be saved, and the answer I got was a perfect image, a finger pointing straight up and flowing to the center of a facial image saying, "just look at me, nothing else matters." You want happiness, quit looking or seeking after "things" to do or say concerning God. Just look straight at Him, "Be still, and know that I am God". Place all trust in the Lord, since He is in control, quit trying to control your destiny.

2006-07-07 03:41:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are no perfect churches because they are made up of imperfect people. Remember, Jesus said, the Holy Spirit is your teacher and comforter. Don't look to humanity for peace and perfection. Look to Christ.Find a church where you like the worship service and worship God there. "God inhabits the praise of His people." Keep reading your Bible. Pray for God to lead you in starting a Bible study amongst friends, one night a week. You're not alone in your short comings. We all fall down. Any one that says that they haven't is lying. Only Christ is perfect. You know this. And only He sets the example for all of us sinners. God Bless you

2006-07-08 22:24:43 · answer #9 · answered by para 3 · 0 0

I've had the same problem. I have gone to many different churches, and they all have variations in their docturn. You just have to settle in a church that has the closest beliefs to what you personally believe. It's hard to know God's will. I read the Bible, go to church, talk to other Christians and I still don't know what God's will for my life is. I'm going to just continue to trust in God and pray that He will show me His will in His timing. We are impacient people. Just keep doing what you're doing and praying for guidance. But just because you're not happy doesn't mean you're not doing God's will. Look at Job, he was doing God's will but he definately wasn't happy. Being a Christian doesn't mean you'll have a perfect life. But you should feel a sense of peace when you are doing God's will.

2006-07-08 17:48:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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