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I am 5'2 and weigh about 200lbs. and am 37, what is a good way to lose weight? I have been drinking SlimFast in the a.m., eating a normal lunch, then drinking SlimFast again for dinner. I have also been walking about an hour and a half every day. What else can I do to help the weight come off faster? I have a very bad back, but would like to do some form of home aerobics. I live in a VERY small town so going to a gym is out of the question (the closest one is 2 hours away!). I only drink water,water,water. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!

2006-06-25 14:04:31 · 14 answers · asked by carolscreation 4 in Health Diet & Fitness

14 answers

Finally! Someone losing weight the right way!

It will take time, but keep at it. Other people will notice your progress before you will.

Make sure you walk 4 days a week, at least 30 minutes. And make sure you sweat...that is important.

3 days of aerobic activity (activity that makes you sweat) will maintain your weight, 4 days will make you lose.

Since you don't have access to a gym, but some weightlifting tapes/DVDs. Tony Little had some good ones for beginners, using dumbells and ankle weights.

The purpose of lifting weights, is to make your body dense. Muscle is heavier than fat. The denser your body, the more it has to work (in a good way) to do normal things like breathing or sleeping.

Keep up the good work!

2006-06-25 14:50:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

How are you feeling? Sick or well, grumpy or happy? Has this plan been working for you? I don't know so I will guess.

When I did the slim fast twice a day thing I felt tired, run down and a little ill. Either you feel better than I did or you are much more determined, because I couldn't have walked that much on that diet. Now that I do nutritional evaluations I know that I was not getting the nutrition I needed from that diet. That may have been not the slim fast shakes fault so much as the fact that my normal lunch was MacDonald’s or Mac and Cheese - Mac something anyway. Although Slim fast counts on you getting a LOT of nutrition from that 3rd meal. They also don't include much protein to KEEP you from having a 3 hour rush followed by a drop. I finally found a plan where I could make my own shakes (taste much better and don't have to be actual liquid shakes) and the nutrition was better. I also got a free weight-loss counselor to call with this kind of question. There are several companies that to do similar things to this, of course after losing 40 pounds and a wheelchair, I am a little partial to my own. I feel weird promoting it here, so email me if you want to hear about it. As you search for your own plan ask these questions:

How long do I have to stay on this plan and can I? What is the success of the maintenance plan?

Slim fast patients after 4 years showed an 8 lb mean weightloss since starting the plan. In the study they included "regular instruction" from a dietitian which is not included in the regular plan. I could not find if this included people who "quit". The study I found did not say what percentage gained more or regained original weight. What pushed me over the edge on my plan was the 93% success rate at two years. Whatever you choose, you should be impressed with their long term success rates.

Can I eat the food? Does it provide enough variety for me?

Only you know this. I am a very picky eater. I needed something I could cook with.

Do I feel better on the plan?

Feeling ill is not a sign of good health - no matter what the weightloss gurus say.

Does it provide for my particular needs?

Get an evaluation for nutrition and lifestyle (I and many other people do them for free, but be sure you get one where you won't be pressured to buy a product) even if you plan to stay on Slim fast. You will eventually start needing some kind of supplements on that plan.

Can I mix it with supplements and medications safely?

I think slim fast scores pretty high in this category. It really isn't that far from Oval tine so it shouldn't interact with much (IMHO). NEVER start or stop a diet without discussing it with your doctor.

Can I afford the entire program including Maintenance? Is this something I can commit to forever?

Be sure to include things like the extra multivitamins and omega three tablets etc. you will likely need to take with Slim fast. I pay $3 per day for two meals on my plan; I don't know what your final cost will be on Slim fast.

Do I have a friend or coach to help me?

In my experience this is the most important thing. If your plan doesn't provide a coach or counselor, try to get a friend to do it with you.

Do I have to add to this plan to make it work?

The more components you have to add, the lower the chances of success in my experience. My friends and I call it mydietand. If you feel in order to succeed you HAVE to walk a mile a day AND drink shakes AND drink a ton of water AND avoid snacks AND eat a healthy meal every day AND go to bed by 9pm AND avoid eating 4 hours before bed AND wiggle your left ear before you rise - you will eventually drop one of these balls and then you feel like a failure and tend to give the whole thing up. Those are all good things, but doing them all at once may reduce the chances of continuing any of them.

This is the longest answer I have ever given. If you want to know more you can contact me and I will be happy to discuss your personal needs in detail. (I am a volunteer in the Keep America Healthy campaign.)

2006-06-25 21:59:50 · answer #2 · answered by Jeanne- LEAVES Military Ministry 3 · 0 0

The truth is many people will swear by magic snake oil.

There is only one way, proper eating habits and exercise the more intense the more you loose.

Eat high in protein, low in carbs "carbs are sugar", drink lots of water.

If your looking to loose weight fast your going to have to run at-least 30 Min's a day. Cardio is the fastest weight loss available, swimming works wonders too.

You need to create a calorie deficit in order to loose anything.
"Spend more energy than you save"

I could right all day long about this but I am going to keep it short and give you a link to a message board that is free to join.
They have more knowledge on the issue than yahoo answers will ever have.

There are literately 100's of members that post there daily that are achieving amazing results and the motivation is great. It's like a group all with similar goals

I visit here alot, for lifting tips and such from the pros, but it covers it all.

Visit the forum that is where you will want to begin your research.
This is no magic cure, and takes time and patience, but with the information here I believe you will accomplish your goals.

2006-06-25 21:19:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

weight watchers , then again u live in a little town so you may not have it there , and drinking water is good but if you drink a few cups of diet green tea daily it will help you lose pounds and i advise you to get off of slim fast and do it on your own , because once u lose the weight with slim fast you have a good chance of gaining what you lost back plus more. the smart thing is to eat about 6 small healthy meals a day, lots of fruit and veggies

2006-06-25 21:46:33 · answer #4 · answered by sumthangluvly06 1 · 0 0

It has been a long while since someone wanted to know how to lose weight. You do not weigh too much. You are just short for your weight. It is mostly NOT your fault, that you need to lose weight. The way you have been taught to eat is responsible for making obesity the number one health problem in the world (according to Atlantic Monthly magazine) soon surpassing hunger and infectious disease. So you are a victim of this pandemic (epidemic).

You need to re-learn how to eat. Learn everything on site below so you can understand how food and exercise affects your body. Do this and you can be thin. Do this not, and you will remain part of the biggest pandemic in all of history. Due to this pandemic, for the first time in 100 years, the children of Americans have a lower life expectancy than their parents.

2006-06-25 21:12:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well you need to excercise. This is my only solution for you, you see the problem with slim fast is you take it maybe lose weight. If you work out and lose the weight you get satisfaction (i did). And say if you put on a few pounds again you have that motivation to work out again. Also before you eat meals, have a large glass of water, it has the effect that you cannot eat as much. Also reduce sugar in your diet, introduce proteins like fish and chicken and don't eat food after 8pm. I hope this helps

2006-06-25 21:08:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My brother had been drinking SlimFast before and he had great results. You should give yourself a goal every day for example instead of doing 50 juping jacks do 60 today and keep on adding. You should try doing some sports with some friends so your getting active with people who want to hepl you and care about you. And not to forget that sports can be fun. Try swimming, its fun and its a great work out.

2006-06-25 21:12:38 · answer #7 · answered by :-) 3 · 0 0

That Slim Fast stuff will work BUT... You need to eat to loose weight. You need 3 meals a day and snacks. Look on the computer for diet programs. They can help a lot. Just remember you need to eat to rev up your metabolism.

2006-06-25 21:10:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Switch from the Slimfast to STACK. It nourishes, cleanses and has "real" hoodia in it to suppress your appetite. You'll lose about a pound a day on STACK.

2006-06-25 21:09:51 · answer #9 · answered by RobsVision 5 · 0 0

your on the right track just remember just as it took you a long time to put it on. it is going to take you a while to take it off. just remember pace yourself set short term goals like "i'm going to lose 5 pound by August" you should ask your doctor about the water. and remember to have fun this is your goal only noone elses. and I would go rent Susan Powter dvd's she was 400lbs when she started and now she is 140lbs good luck.(not being sarcastic when I say good luck I mean it )

2006-06-25 21:19:47 · answer #10 · answered by illprayforyou 5 · 0 0

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