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2006-06-25 13:26:53 · 20 answers · asked by hisgirl_2455 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

All they do is cry about citizens being racist, not understanding their plight in their own country, the US denying them rights, you name it, they want to whine about it. It's the "poor me" syndrome.

2006-06-25 13:33:14 · update #1

20 answers

since the citizens of the US of A started figuring out that we are being invaded by illegal aliens mostly from south of the border. they wanted to project an image that Americans are racists and that they are the victims of racial hatred.

we are in a state of emergeny. they can call themselves "VICTIMS", "SAINTS" or the "ONLY HARDWORKING" race every existed on earth...they are still CRIMINALS and should be thrown back across the border. yeah right...victims. victim my azs.

2006-06-25 13:33:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

They are using every invalid and totally mindless reason in the world to try to persuade us to let them break our laws. They try to make us feel guilty by calling us racist. We can explain that we are not, further explaining that we are not against immigrants but illegal immigrants until we are blue in the face. They are trying to hold on to the only argument they have, even if it's ridiculous so they chose not to hear it.

...and I suppose they know that the great American traitor Bush is for them, just like the other smug bastards Kennedy and McCain. McCain is a Viet Nam vet and a POW, can you believe that?

I think of it like this: when they play that pity trip, think of how much they have hurt the middle class. Think of how many Americans cannot get the help that they need for their medical aid or their children's medical aid, as someone on here posted a few hours ago, because of illegal aliens taking so much and not paying their share of taxes. Honey, we have nothing to feel guilty about. We only want to protect our country and our people. They are not even supposed to be here, why should we care what they think? I don't and I never will unless they become legal. I don't have respect for criminals or cowards who hide when they break the laws.

2006-06-25 15:13:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As far as I know, the U.S. do not deny them the right to apply LEGALLY! What other rights should they have? Since they don't have any arguments worth a dime (It's our country! We didn't cross the border, the border crossed us! etc., etc.), all a lot of baloney, the only thing they can use is the race card and the poor-hardworking-me-card - can't for the life of me understand why it works ... being anti illegal immigration has nothing to do with race, and there are millions out there in the world who would gladly come to the U.S. legally and work equally hard!!

2006-06-25 13:58:24 · answer #3 · answered by Sashie 6 · 0 0

When people KNOW what they are doing is wrong, they fall back onto this kind of behavior. La Raza and Mecha - two of the driving forces behind this whole mess are very adept at manipulating the press. They are propaganda machines that are trying to portray the illegals as victims, hard working, honest, doing the jobs Americans won't, etc., and the media is eating it up. Most Americans are smart enough to see through the charade.

2006-06-25 13:51:32 · answer #4 · answered by Mr. Boof 6 · 0 0

Good question.

There's nothing wrong with immigration, it's what this country consists of, but there's a correct process to follow, which includes SPONSORSHIP!!!!!! to ensure that the person immigrating will NOT become a burden of the state! There should be a national hotline which is MANDATED to check each and every tip. You could pay upteen salaries with the money saved from the burden these illegals place on our country!!!

2006-06-25 13:32:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes, all the press reports are becoming Journalistc Bias trying to change people's minds against America and for Mexico, I see that all the time.

I believe that there is such a thing as America and American citizens and their rights - the immigration bill wants to dismantle that and bend to the will of another country.

If there was ever a time to speak out and vote for America, now is that time.

2006-06-25 13:34:02 · answer #6 · answered by yars232c 6 · 0 0

Are you BLIND? Do you READ the paper or WATCH the news on TV? They became the victims when they realized the U.S. AMERICAN citizens were outraged at their abuses to our governmental services. When USA citizens started speaking out at the outrages of their protests and demands. Suddenly they are "po' ol' illegal immigrants just trying to feed his family", or "you don't know what we had to go through to get here", or "life in Mexico(or wherever) is dismal, no jobs, no supportive govt."and then in the next breath, "We do jobs Americans won't do", BS!, "Americans are lazy and fat",BS!, "We are taking your jobs because we are hard workers", BS! They call us 'racists' for wanting our LAWS enforced!! They speak with forked tongues, they came here to try to take our country and our leaders are giving it to them on a silver platter.

▪Impeach BUSH
▪CLOSE our borders
▪GUARD our borders with ARMED GUARDS
▪Build a WALL
▪DEPORT ILLEGALS, all of them
▪Demand NO AMNESTYor anything that even
.... resembles amnesty
▪VOTE for the candidates who believe we are
...being abused by ingrates.

2006-06-26 04:23:05 · answer #7 · answered by vacant 3 · 0 0

Since a bunch of oversympathetic gay fags decided that they would actively stick up for the aliens at our expense because they really had nothing better to do.

2006-06-25 13:31:19 · answer #8 · answered by Sparkiplasma 4 · 0 0

unlawful can by no skill change into criminal in the US whren he's released he will be deported and banned continually from the US they'd ought to bypass to his u . s . .... probably a faux tale besides

2016-11-15 06:16:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Since President Bush started talking about giving them amnesty probably because he has them working on his ranch in texas

2006-06-25 13:34:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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