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23 answers

or on drugs. put yes you would be insane keep up the good work......

2006-06-26 01:55:49 · answer #1 · answered by vorlon1967 1 · 0 1

If you understand that, at the time, Paul was a worshipper of Zeus the Sun God, and he claimed to have heard this voice from overhead at midday, when the Sun is directly overheard, and he described a bright light, brighter than the Sun, which again is the Sun God Zeus, then you wont have a problem, for if you look directly at the Sun you will see the Light much brighter than when you dont.
Paul's three accounts of the sighting have given us witnesses who saw and did not see the light, who heard and did not hear the voice and who fell to the ground and also stood speechless (Acts 9, -12, 22:6-11, 26:13-18).
The Acts of the Apostles was written by Luke of the Gospel of Luke more than 100 years after Christ.
You must also think about the name of this new God being a combination of Zeus and Jah to make Zeus equal to Salvation as with Yashua.
If you told me Jesus appeared to you I will feel pity for you and may ask you what you had to drink for the morning or what you smoked, and why would you want to look up at the Sun without the right protection for your eyes.
If you say it was at night, then I will think you had a nightmare.

2006-06-25 20:51:06 · answer #2 · answered by mythkiller-zuba 6 · 0 0

I'm not sure about his appearance to St. Paul. But many people thought that St. Paul was crazy. As to if i'd think you'd be crazy for seeing him, i say no. I've seen him work and i've talked to him before. it's one of those things that you don't think it's real until it's over and then you don't enjoy it. So next time you see him or see him work, enjoy it for all it's worth.

2006-06-25 20:17:31 · answer #3 · answered by juniorteen312005 2 · 0 0

Saul did NOT believe in Zeus...he was the most devout of Jews...that is why he wanted to kill Christians because he believed that Jesus was a heretic....however after being blinded by Jesus, Jesus told him to go to Damascus and Saul would be told what to do. 3 days later another disciple named Ananias was told to go to Saul and put his hand on Sauls eyes and something like scales fell off Sauls eyes as Saul was filled with the Holy Spirit. So they each upheld what had occurred to one another and there were witnesses, in Acts 9. As to people saying they see Jesus now...JESUS HIMSELF SAID in Mark 13:21 that many would claim that Christ was "over here or over there" but when Jesus DOES return it will be ON THE CLOUDS WITH GREAT POWER AND GLORY and the whole world will know that He has returned. Mark 13:23 ......BE VERY CAREFUL, people when giving your answers for Rev.22:18 & 19 warns not to change the words of the Bible!!!!

2006-06-26 01:06:38 · answer #4 · answered by CHARLY 1 · 0 0

After his conversion, Paul spent three years with Jesus - which is the same amount of time that the other Apostles spent with Him. In order to be an Apostle, one had to be taught by Jesus and be an eye-witness to His life, death and resurrection, which is why there are no Apostles today. (Acts 1:21-22 and surrounding)

This is also evidenced by his ability to work miracles and pass on the gift of the Holy Spirit and of course the monumental change in his life.

2006-06-26 12:08:31 · answer #5 · answered by Contemplative Chanteuse IDK TIRH 7 · 0 0

If Jesus appeared before you, you would be crazy. Paul, on the other hand was not.

2006-06-25 21:47:37 · answer #6 · answered by ALLEN F 3 · 0 0

Jesus appeared to St.Paul as a vision but not as a real person, but technically I'd say that he did appear. Some people would think he was crazy, others would not. If you told me that Jesus appeared to you, I wouldn't think you were crazy.

2006-06-25 20:20:39 · answer #7 · answered by dragonlover 1 · 0 0

If he didn't then all of Chrisitanity must be false. The other 12 apostles accepted Him, and Paul and Peter worked closely together in founding the Church, Paul traveled throughout the world of the Gentiles while Peter helped establish the church among converted Jews.

2006-06-25 20:20:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, but not like you have been taught. His name was never St. Paul, it was simply Paul. Ironically in chapter 8 of the book of Acts. The next chapter over, God Himself calls him Saul. God did not speak to St. Paul(whoever that is). God spoke to Saul who was not a Christian and certainly not a Saint. He was a murdered, for his job was to kill Christians.

God met him on the way to a city called Dasmascus in chapter 9. He was not saved or a Christian. He was a sinner, and God wanted to used him for His cause. Read chapter 8 then read chapter 9 in the books of Acts. God calls him Saul. If God calls me by a certain name, that is the name I want to be called, you agree?

2006-06-25 20:28:18 · answer #9 · answered by Richard Stapleton 2 · 0 0

I think if you were more at peace with yourself and didn't claim to be told to behave in a way that hurt other people then those would be signs that you are NOT crazy.

As for your first question - probably folks thought him crazy too - but he did a lot of sane things AFTER his conversion for which many of us can be thankful for.

And not forgetting that Jesus' own family tried to get him 'committed' for his ministry too

2006-06-25 20:20:48 · answer #10 · answered by Aslan 6 · 0 0

One could accuse Paul about this but he has valuable support... Christian disciples who don't want to be near him since before Paul's conversion, he was killing Christians. It is funny that the ones who upheld this vision of Paul were people who treated him as an enemy... people whom he persecuted!

The Christian Ananias was instructed by God to go to Saul (Paul) because the latter has seen Jesus Christ revealed to him. Ananias was so afraid to go there and wouldn't attempted unless it was a direct order from the Lord.

"In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. The Lord called to him in a vision, "Ananias!"
"Yes, Lord," he answered.

The Lord told him, "Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying. In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight."

"Lord," Ananias answered, "I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your saints in Jerusalem. And he has come here with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who call on your name."

"But the Lord said to Ananias, "Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name."

(Acts 9:10-16)
So two people hallucinating at the same thing at the same time? Two people one that despise Christians and the other feared Saul will have the same event in their minds?

2006-06-25 20:27:16 · answer #11 · answered by seedplanter 2 · 0 0

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