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Why do you think people hate on military members? Their spouses? Their children? I (I'm a Marine spouse) was at an intersection waiting for the light to change and some man gave me the finger and yelled some military hating obscenities. I was not in a military town and the only indicator that I was in any way affiliated with the USMC was my husband's chevron decal and barely visible base decal.
I do not agree with what is going on over there but I will support the soldiers and their families who in turn defend and support our nation. Please if anyone can enlighten me....?

2006-06-25 13:05:46 · 32 answers · asked by sukey32 2 in Politics & Government Military

32 answers

First off, I am a veteran of the Gulf War. I was in Kuwait but as a female, did not actually go out to do hand to hand combat. Irregardless I was there. I was actually on inactive status at the time and volunteered to reactive to go because I'm in a highly demanded field.

With that said, I know a lot of military ppl who don't agree with the war but feel 'stuck' because they will get punished for opposing. BUT, I also know a lot of them have convinced themselves they are doing what is right. They do this blindly because it is the only way they can deal with what is going on.

I, personally, think it takes more courage to stand up and say NO and be dishonorably discharged and probably sent to Levinworth for a few years. If I had been active when this war started, that is what I would have done because this war is unjustified and in no way, shape, or form is protecting any 'american way of life'.

That is bologna used to brainwash the troops.

2006-06-25 13:12:27 · answer #1 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 3 1

They hate on Military members because they disagree with our troops being in other countries. But remember the most vocal of people are always those that disagree. It's like most people's jobs when you only hear from your boss when something goes wrong, not about the millions of things that go right.

Just know that people like the one hating on you are a small minority. The majority of the people in this country do support the troops. If that wasn't true, would Bush have been re-elected? Would another Bush of been elected after what happened with Iraq in the early 1990's?

Going into the Middle East was a lose/lose situation. There is no way to please everyone. If our military didn't do anything after the events of 9/11, about the Taliban or that tyrant Saddam people would have protested and complained. When our military does try and do something we get the same outcome. In Vietnam our soldiers were called "baby killers". Are military didn't get a hero's welcome home. Maybe because we lost the war. Maybe because it wasn't the outcome these people wanted. Now I have imaged about World War II. What if we never got into the war and just aloud the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor. People would have protested and complained. Or what if we lost that war and we weren't able to defeat the Nazis in Europe. Would people of also of protested the war and say we had no business going into Europe? I bet they would of. It seems that using the military is only ok when the outcome is what they want. But things aren't that easy.

Now I don't like one bit that American soldiers, or the soldiers of any of are allies such as Britain's are dying. And I don't like that we are involved in this mess in the Middle East. But personal I support our troops and appreciate what your family has done for our Armed Services and our Country.

Thank you. :)

2006-06-25 13:31:16 · answer #2 · answered by overlord_1138 4 · 0 0

People that hate the miltary are ignorant. You don't have to like it or agree with what it's doing, but what kind of person can't support, or at least respect military members and their families? People that have not been in the miltary should not criticize when they have no idea about the sacrifices that soldiers make. My husband has been to Iraq and other places around the world, right now he's a Drill Sergeant. He averages about 15 hours of work a day, 7 days a week, training civilians to become soldiers. How can you not respect that?

2006-06-25 15:56:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have a son in the Marines also and it breaks my heart hearing and seeing other Americans putting down the Military troops. If only they knew what these men and women has to go through they would respect them more.
Our troops don't enjoy going to war but it's their jobs and when they are in Iraq they have to do what they can to survive.

People don't understand what the Military is all about, it's about protecting and helping other humans. They train hard for their jobs and it sadden me when I see and hear stupid comments about them.

I was a young child during Vietnam and didn't understand at the time what was going on but seeing what is happening today with our soldiers I have more respect for the men and women who fought in past wars.

And now with the Gulf war I think we have a bunch of wanna be anti war protesters, They are trying to get into the history books just like the cowards who protested the Vietnam war soldiers.

Sorry if I upset some people but my son, her husband and all the other military guys ( present and past ) gave you your freedom so at least you can give a little respect back to them.

2006-06-25 19:03:52 · answer #4 · answered by joonam_21 3 · 0 0

I am an X-Marine (nam) and U.S. Army infantryman. There are people in this country of "ours" who are communists in their thoughts and deeds. They do not support anything unless it gratifies them and their goals. They could care less about the war, the lost lives, or anything else but themselves and the bent way of thinking that motavates them. They do what they do now but let one of those nuts from over there come here and blow up their home. The, and only then would they see the light and jump sides. Our Government is not perfect and niether are the men whom we choose to lead our nation. Things happen and there are results that take place because of those things. This is why our country is in the place it is in now, but should we abandon it? no. I know what its like to get looks of silent contempt and the funny stares from even family members! This went on until I finally went back into the military because there was such stench created by the left that I wouldn't tolerate it anymore. Don't ever allow anyone to tear you down. You are a Marines wife, you are a Marine mom and this is your life. If the creeps who flip you the bird don't like it then too bad. The other side of heaven is where they need to take a dip.
Those kind of people in my book are epistimilogical savages, better known as communists. They don't even know it.
Regards and Semper Fidelis, Ammo

2006-06-25 13:22:28 · answer #5 · answered by ammoconfidential 3 · 0 0

hi and semper fi from a former marine (vietnam)
I know what it's like to be in an unpopular war and i learned some things about many of those who opposed us then and oppose the war now. A lot of them are just misinformed and very influenced by a biased media and the constant bombardment of rhetoric they hear coming from others. Many however are out and out communists in their ideology whether they admit it or not. Though looked at as a joke today Joe McCarthy knew what he was talking about back in the 50's during the so called communist (witch hunts). There really was a concerted effort on the part of communists to infiltrate virtually every institution in America, especially schools, newspapers,the motion picture industry, labor unions, and even government itself. We are now in the second and third generation after this all began and the results are evident. People have a totally different idea about what is right and wrong. It wouldn't matter if you could convince them that such a conspiracy actually existed because they have already been indoctrinated. They are convinced that capitolism is evil, that everything that motivates our actions is based on the greed of the wealthy, that every move we make is orchestrated by them through their puppets in government, and the only way to make things "right" is to see this corrupt system totally dismantled. To them our actions in the middle east are totally evil and those who are carrying out the orders are "immoral". They align themselves with our enemies and pray (or chant) for our defeat. The thought of a young person putting on a uniform and serving this country in war disgusts them. Does this sound like someone whose opinion you care about? It shouldn't. The next time you run into someone like that you just hold your head up and smile and realize you are a proud American and your husband is a United States Marine who knows who he's serving and why. In your question you said, "I do not agree with what is going on over there but I will support the soldiers and their families who in turn defend and support our nation". Well, that's your right not to agree, but I'd just ask you to think through why you don't agree with what's going on, and ask yourself if maybe you haven't been influenced a bit by the way others have talked. Best of luck to you and your husband . God bless.

mel18 are you qualified to make a psychiatric evaluation? Do you think you know me well enough tomake that assessment? How much do you know about Joe McCarthy? Have you ever read anything by him? Have you ever read transcripts of the senate investigations? Or are you just going by what you've heard? Bobby Kennedy believed in him. Now what was that other comment you made?.."I've got nothing against the troops as a whole, some I do, because some are in fact warmonging jerk-offs, it's the government I ******* hate, I've never said anything obscene to a soldier though, because their the ones that get ****** the most in the united states because of bush, they pay with their lives, what a shame"
ok...which of the troops in your opinion are "warmonging? jerk-offs"..answer that one please. Then if you will kindly explain why you only have something against "some" of the troops and not ALL of the troops. In fact as an enemy of the people of the United States, which I assume you are based on the statement
"it's the government I ******* hate" because after all they work for that government by choice, and that government IS the people. I would think you would have something against ALL who serve. Obviously you have a right to think and believe as you choose. Trust me the last thing I'd want to do is control your mind, and obviously the job's taken.

2006-06-25 14:29:53 · answer #6 · answered by RunningOnMT 5 · 0 0

Some people are very ignorant and or misguided and make associations that do not exist. Some associate dissent against the war with not supporting the troops. Some associate Iraq with 9/11. I could go on, but whether or not these people do this because they are stupid or have other motives, you must hang onto the truth, not perception. You know what you stand for. You know what your husband stands for. Don't spend too much time trying to make sense of what crazy people think and do. It will make you crazy too.

2006-06-25 13:15:12 · answer #7 · answered by ClintH 4 · 0 0

Some people act like it is our military's fault for starting this war. I don't support the war, but I do support our troops. It really bugs me when people say stupid things because my boyfriend is currently in Iraq. People need to realize that those men and women are over there because of what the government wants, not them. If they can say cruel and terrible things about what our military does, then they should go spend some time there fighting instead of running their mouths.

2006-06-25 13:11:54 · answer #8 · answered by Liz 5 · 0 0

I've got nothing against the troops as a whole, some I do, because some are in fact warmonging jerk-offs, it's the government I ******* hate, I've never said anything obscene to a soldier though, because their the ones that get ****** the most in the united states because of bush, they pay with their lives, what a shame

oh and runnin on mt, you are paranoid and so was joe mcCarthy who was a complete joke, in fact it was people like him tryung to indoctrinate u.s. citezens, and nobody likes being forced to believe in a certain way, so people naturally rebelled and followed their own set of ideals, it's not that what's wrong and right no longer existed, it's that their idea of wrong and right is no longer your view, ( and who's to say your view is right and the only way?)

2006-06-25 14:58:04 · answer #9 · answered by mel18 2 · 0 0

Well that guy who gave you the finger is a jackass. I sure as hell would not do what your hubby is doing, but I can admire him for it. They just follow orders and get killed for it. I think people in the military get a bad reputation because of ignorant people (like the man you came across) that don't understand that the individual soldiers are just doing what they are told to do. The ones to blame are their superiors who give the orders...especially that superior jackass Bush. Please don't get upset over stuff like this; those people are just morons. People like your husband are heroes, even if the cause they are fighting for is unjustified. I know I would not want to get shot at for just doing my job. I hope your husband gets home safe and you enjoy a happy fulfilled life thereafter.

2006-06-25 13:16:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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