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I may have posted this question in the wrong area...SO why can straight people ask for 3 somes, degrade their spouses, commit infidelity, and not live up to God's idea of a husband/wife and be forgiven? A gay commited relationship is supposedly an abomination? WHY????

2006-06-25 12:22:53 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

44 answers

I look forward to the day when the only people able to enter heaven in the rapture turn out to be married homosexuals.

2006-06-25 12:27:12 · answer #1 · answered by Bad Liberal 7 · 3 2

The answer that I heard most often is "Gays can be forgiven by God, they just have to stop being gay, just like adulterers have to stop being adulterers." That's all fine and dandy, Christians can have any rules that they want, but what I think is a double standard is that these same adulterous people who don't give up their lifestyle are forgiven BY THE COMMUNITY of Christians, while gays are protested against, prevented from getting jobs in some areas, and until just recently, were criminalized for the act of being gay. Gays are an easy target for Christians to bash. Gays in committed relationships don't hurt anyone, while on the other hand adulterers hurt their spouse, their children if they have any, and anyone else close to the family. Not only is this a double standard, but it's the same as giving the death penalty to a drug offender, and letting a child molester out after a month.

2006-06-25 13:04:07 · answer #2 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

The short answer is that you have heard wrong. Both adulterous straight people and homosexuals can be forgiven, as well as bi-sexuals, uncommitted confusaruses, commited murderers, and transexual diseases caused by genetically engineered but sentient germs who repent.

To review, being committed, content, and steadfast in doing something that is deemed wrong is not right nor repentant. You can argue about whether you agree that it is right or wrong.

Second and independently, however, forgiveness is useless if the act is repeated again. You are to realize that the action or activity does not please God, if you so believe in that God, stop doing it and move on. Each failure is its own individual sin, each must be judged so before it can be forgiven ( you cannot forgive a blessing or good deed , for example), and then you must show that you have changed your actions because of your faith and understanding it was a sin, this will allow you to get closer to God again.

Simple as that really. So you have heard wrong about what Christians think or believe. You can still decide to disagree with them about the gay lifestyle being sinful or not, but your supposition here was that they ONLY FORGAVE heterosexual sins versus homosexual sins ... and that is not what christians believe, sorry.

I wish you well.

2006-06-25 12:33:54 · answer #3 · answered by LostMyShirt2 2 · 0 0

The Bible teaches that people get forgiveness based only on their repentant attitudes. Think of this: Would you forgive a person that continued to hurt you either physically, emotionally or mentally after you clearly told them that doing so is unacceptable to you? No. Because it would be hard to believe that anyone would just allow a person to abuse them. In this case a person would only likely give forgiveness to a person that has the intent of mending and reconciling with them. Basically a person that is forgiven by you would be a person that shows you that they are truly sorry and therefore actually stop doing what it was that hurt you in the first place.

The same is true Biblically speaking. Christians believe that God forgives anybody no matter what the person did, said, straight, bi, gay, murderer, thief, homo and hetero, adulterous, fornicating, drunk, revilers.... it doesnt matter what. When a person stops doing what God disapproves of he forgives them. Why? Because through actions he see that a person really loves him by what the does and not just what they say. Actions speak louder than words.

I answered this question just from my perspective. Other people may feel differently. That is okay and I approached your question with maturity and respect and answered to the best of my knowledge.

This is not to convert you because I respect your beliefs but Read 1Cor. 6:9 just so you can at see what some Christian may mean. Again this is not to convert you or anything it's just for your general awareness.


2006-06-25 12:49:20 · answer #4 · answered by Bijou 1 · 0 0

I sometimes think that Christianity is full of hypocrisy. Think of the furor that came about because of the Da Vinci Code. Is it really so bad of an idea that Jesus may have had a wife - which by the way is what God is supposed to want; for man to find his equal in a woman so that they can support each other and go forth and procreate - but the people protesting the movie weren't really making a big deal of the fact that the church was covering up for some of the priests that were taking advantage of their position of power and molesting young boys even though homosexuality is supposed to be a sin. Go figure!

2006-06-25 12:34:17 · answer #5 · answered by Chef2B 1 · 0 0

The straight person is only forgiven if they repent (renounce, promise not to do again) what they have done.

A gay is continuing in sin if they continue to have sex with the same gender. They will be forgiven if they repent and no longer have sex with the same gender.

The same rules apply to both straight and gay.

To c_jinnett-- The adulterous person is NOT forgiven by the Christian community until they repent and stop the relationship. Their friends will talk with them and work with them, but if the person continues to want to continue in the relationship, they will be ostracized. This has been the case every time I have seen this happen in a church I was attending. This is the same treatment that would be accorded gays if they wished to end the sin or not.

2006-06-25 13:06:39 · answer #6 · answered by bobm709 4 · 0 0

Any sin is forgiven if it is repented of . Acts 2:38 Peter said repent . Repent means to stop doing the sin & start doing things Gods way. If a straight person is still comitting adultery than they haven't been forgiven. They can't continue to live in there sin. If someone is living a gay lifestyle then they must stop in order to be forgiven. God is no respecter of persons. No matter if we call our selves christian or not we all have to follow "the way" that God has made for us. Read Matthew 7:13-14.

2006-06-25 12:49:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

good question.as a Christian, i will try to answer the best i can.if heterosexuals continually do the things your saying,then their sins can only be forgiven, if they stop doing these sins, and repent of these sins with a forgiving heart.
okay question number 2:
i can't speak for all Christians,except myself.so here it goes.if homosexuals have sex with each other,this is a sin.in the Bible it states, no man can have sex with another man, for this is an abomination.so if two men are married,and they are having sex with each other, then this is an abomination in the eyes of God.if two homosexual men are married, and they remain celibate, i would think that this is still an abomination, because it is a sin to have two men married to each other.i also don't think that homosexuals are gonna go to hell, if they accept Jesus as their Savior.after all, the important thing is that, you accept Jesus into your heart,and after that everything will eventually fall into place.
God Bless

2006-06-25 15:13:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All those things are sins. If you intend to stop doing them, you can be forgiven. Adulterous relationships should end just as surely as homosexual ones, there is no difference. The problem is few people would argue that aduterous relationships are OK but a lot would argue that homosexual ones are.

2006-06-25 12:28:04 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Sorry, you didn't stump the Christians. You stumped the legalists. Questions like yours are easy to answer for people who have circumscribed the bible with their own interpreted rules; they just spit out what they have heard according to their legal interpreters. Real Christians--those who try to live up to the name by seeking to imitate Christ--actually have a very difficult time with questions like yours. They might rattle off, "Hate the sin, not the sinner," but it can be difficult to know the difference when one is "in the moment."

By the way--when you trip up legalists, you really don't accomplish anything. They simply write you off as "damned" and move on. They don't change their minds, they don't believe you're right and they're wrong. You'll find you can actually accomplish something if you pose open questions and pick through the robotic legalism to find the folks who really struggle with the issues.

2006-06-25 12:31:18 · answer #10 · answered by nickdmd 3 · 0 0

The lord does not classify sin. Murder and lying are the same to the lord. He does not see the homosexual any differently than the adulterous person. We are all forgiven if we ask for forgiveness. There is more to Christianity than can be discussed here. I suggest you go see a Priest for guidance.

2006-06-25 12:29:25 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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