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2006-06-25 12:08:51 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Beer, Wine & Spirits

43 answers

marijuana is the most commonly uses illegal substance in the United States. it is used by many people, most of which aren't your stereotypical "druggie", with no life agead of them. Many of them hapen to be very successful, good people. Think about it almost if not every person who reads this paper will know (even if they don't realize it) at least one if not several regular users of marijuana. Its often made out to be much more harmful htan it really is, unfortunatly not every one realizes this.

What many people don't realize is marijuana is much less harmful than alcohol or tobacco. Yet it's the one of the three that gets a bad rap and is illegal. Marijuana isn't even physicaly addicting. You certanly don't see meetings for marijuana like you do with alcohol and AA. Unfortunatly due to American culture the less harmful of the three is illegal.

The most common reason why marijuana can be harmful is that people can often come across laced marijuana without realizing it. Marijuana can easily be mixed with other more harmful drugs with out the buyer realizing it, until they have already used it. This is a dangerous thing that causes many people to do more harmful, hard core drugs without realizing it. If it were to be legalized the government could provide guide lines, like it does with alchol to insure that people knew what they were putting into their bodies.

Marijuana actually has many helpful benefits toward diseases / sicknesses. Marijuana can reduce nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite caused by AIDS. It can Reduce interlobular pressure, which alleviates the pain and slowing and sometimes even stopping the progress of glaucoma. Common side effects of chemotherapy are nausea, loss of appetite, and vomiting, all of which marijuana would help. It can limit muscle pain and relieve tremor nad unsteadiness of gait for multiple sclerosis patients. Marijuana can help prevent epileptic seizures in some patients. It can also alleviate chronic, often debilitating pain caused by myriad disorders and injuries. Each one of these applications have been deemed legitimate by at least one United States court, legislature, and/or government agency.

Due to these reasons and many others many people are going to jail/prison on a daily basis due to simply smoking a little pot These aren't dangerous criminals that would kill or rape someone. Many of them are teachers, lawyers and respected members of their communities. But yet we still pay thousands of dollars of tax payers money to lock up non dangerous "criminals" yearly even though most aren't going to stop after they get out of jail. Don't you think the money spent here is a waste? Couldn't it be going to more useful things such as hospitals, disease research, or better schools? These are the things that would benifit the people of this country. Certanily you would rather benefit the people more than throwing a non violent pot head in jail who was only trying to smoke a joint and relax after a long days work in jail. There is up to forty million regular (note thats just the regular not occasional users) drug users in the United states. If we were to throw all of them in jail it would cost $500,000 per million people, plus the cost and space of building many more prisons. Couldm't that money be spent on building hospitals? There's already about 1.5 million people tax payers are paying to keep in jail over drugs. From 1990 to 2003, nearly 5.9 million people had been arrested for smoking marijuana. Thats a greater number than the entire population of Alaska, Delaware, The District of Columbia, Montania, North and South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming combined. This country simply can't afford to put 40 million more in jail.

Marijuana should be legalized. It has many uses such as helping sick patients. People are going to smoke it no matter what the government sais, and with out govenment guidelines this can be dangerous. Not to mention the fact that we have no way we can afford to throw all those people in jail. Its much less harmful than alcohol and tobacco, which are legal, so doesn't it make sense that it would be also?

2006-06-30 12:11:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

curious rudy says:
"If marijuana is legalized,
there be no criminals and no one to prosecute and no money to make.
sorry but our govt. isn't gonna broke, they rather keep it illegal
trust me since the 60's I've been trying it 's a way for the man to stick it to us.
Don't you know Man .
While they sit up there drinking their Martinis dreaming of ways to make new laws. "

curious rudy, you are an idiot. If marijuana was legalized, the US govt. would be bring in billions of dollars from it, through similar taxations as alcohol. Also, the govt. spends billions on trying to stop weed dealers, which could also be saved.

During the 20s, the US govt saw too many mexians smoking and selling weed and didnt like it, so they made everyone fear it. The truth is that is does impair you, so you should not be allowed to drive while "high". You will never, ever, OD on marijuana. You could try, but you'd probably fall asleep first. It also causes no substantial long term effects. It is not adictive. So, lets compare with alochol. Adictive? Yes. Can you OD on it? Yes.

So lets all stop hating, do it if you want to or dont.

2006-06-26 09:29:12 · answer #2 · answered by Jeremy W 2 · 0 0

As long as alcohol remains legal, marijuana should be just as legal. Decriminalize it, regulate it, and tax it like everything else. Marijuana is not a gateway drug; alcohol is. Marijuana also doesn't lead to lung cancer like regular cigarettes do. It also makes you mellow rather than belligerent like alcohol does. The world would be a lot more peaceful place if marijuana were legal. There would be exponentially fewer bar fights and post-sports riots for sure.

2006-06-25 12:15:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes, what a person choses to put into there own body should not be a crime, the jails are full of people who have harmed no one and there only crime is one of possesion because it is harnfull and addictive... by that standard so is chocolate...and sugar...should these things then also be illeagal? i see more problems from alcohol abuse than marijuana use, and remember alcohol was illegal at one time also.....now it is not. my belief on drugs and other things is that it is the governments role to insure that what we purchase should be 100 percent as advertised, and we should sell these items like coke and marijuana in specialty stores like we now do with liquer. this would eliminate a lot of the street crime and the gangs who are like 13 year old kids selling drugs and carying guns... You dont see people going into the liquer store with stolen tv's ,sterios, or jewelry to score jack danials or wine. i say let the govt sell it and control it and tax it and use the money to help people who are addicted to it, rather than giving it to the street gangs or terrorists.

2006-06-25 23:57:46 · answer #4 · answered by NICK B 5 · 0 0

I think alcohol should be illegal and marijuana legalized. Never seen a case of someone who had smoked killing innocent people on the road.If anything it makes a person more cautious. Less like to speed or cause in trouble on the road. Never seen a fight break out because someone had smoked. Many fights and problems cause by the use of alcohol.

2006-06-25 12:14:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I do not think that it will ever be legal in the USA,if a
anything the politics are moving in the oposite direction and a fascist attitude against minority groups is growing

mild in Canada.used to be legal in Alaska.in Autralia you can have a few plants in the garden,In South Africa an ounce in your pocket is accepted .In Holland it is sold openly in koffie Bars and the police will direct tourist to safe places to buy.}in England a few years ago it was decrimenalised.
In Marroco it is the culture and all the old men smoke it in the caffees..as in many Arab countries
In Asia in some countries it is a very old part of their culture.
etc. etc.

in many countries marijuana is used in rubbung alcohol mostly by old people to relieve body pains especially the limbs.
it is also used for Asthma and nervous disorders
the USA the attitude is dogmatic for other reasons than the narcotic effects of the drug.
before 1920 marijuana was extensively grown by the USA and Mexico for the production of fibre.which made a durable material,cheap and it does not scorch,that was used for all the jeans,ropes,sails for the sailing ships and millions of jute bags that were used by millions of farmers,representing a multimillion dollars business.

after 1920 with the coming of synthetic materials,which were products of the petrolium business ,which were owned by the families or associates of most of the presidents,

this competitive comodity could not be allowed to continue to exist,
and the war on Mariujana was on.

the drug factor although it has been proven beyond doubt by countless tests that it was a relative harmless substance compared to sigarettes,alcohol and others,was blatently ignored and relentlessly the war continued to this day.
although it does worry the church, since people tended to stay up all night and question religious and philosohical beliefs.some times coming to uncomplementary conclusions of what was socially accepted.

alcohol puts people to sleep and they dont question the given standards.

today Mariujana fibre is making a come back in Europe and Africa and produce designer pantalons and shirts for very high prices because the quality is superior than linnen.

these fibre plants do not produce drugs to speak of and are worthless for the drug market .it is the fibre that is the value.

and organically speaking it is an exelent plant to recuporate tired soils ,after cattle and corn field have practically destroyed the land,because the plant is deep rooted grows on most altitudes,and breaks open or loosens compacted soils as well as secreting nitrogen.

.the stalks can also be converted in to building material such as blocks

2006-06-25 12:11:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think all drugs should be legal, it would stop a lot of crime including murders. People should be able to decide what they want to put in in their bodies regardless of how harmful. I think alcohol and cigarettes are two of the worse drugs and they are legal. Jails would also have a huge reduction in their population which would save taxpayers money. I believe the illegality of drug use causes more harm to society than if it were legal. Also, users are going to use regardless if its legal or not.

2006-06-25 12:18:35 · answer #7 · answered by ginger 4 · 0 0

I think all drugs should be legal because that would take the money out of it. Plus, teenagers are always doing things that they're not supposed to just because it feels cool to do things against the law, and if drugs were legal they wouldn't do them. I am totally against drugs, but the people who already do them are going to continue whether they're legal or not. We just need to educate people better about the negative affects they can have on your body and mind.

2006-06-25 17:31:15 · answer #8 · answered by future_PhARMER 1 · 0 0

Yes and no some people like the way it makes you feel while others like to use to be cool with there peers. There should be limitations in place for it. Yes it should be legalized in America.

2006-06-25 12:12:57 · answer #9 · answered by xcstbabygirl 3 · 0 0

Well, it's certainly comparable to alcohol. Alcohol is terrible for the body and causes tons and tons of accidents (fatal and non fatal) every year. The cases of someone dying from Marijuana are slim to none. It would certainly do well regulated - same as alochol, which would mean less black market drug money.
I certainly wouldn't be opposed to it - and I don't smoke pot or drink.

2006-06-25 12:11:36 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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