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2006-06-25 11:57:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Travel (General) Other - Destinations

12 answers

Well this is going to be bit difficult to explain, but my husband hit a deer, the front of our car was smashed, had to replace parts, the car was still good, but the hood and grills were shot, and luckily it didn't hurt him more than being bruised up..anyways.. the car parts didn't match the car color.. so other than it looking funny, it was mostly functionable.. we took a road trip to see his family before it was all painted..

It was close to Christmas time so we were going to deliver Christmas gift as well.. my 3 kids were all small.. and just as we hit the Overpass to go towards my hubbys parents.. a highway patrol pulled us over.

Well since the run in with the deer, the door wasn't working properly, nor the window, (cranks on the windows wouldn't roll down)...So out of the car my hubby goes to see what the problem was.. and he had two troopers guns aimed at him instantly.. yelling "Get back in the car" over and over .. I was freaked out! Here I am with my hubby having guns on him, and 3 crying babies in the backseat..2 of which needed diaper changes... Hubby got back in the car quickly, closed the door, and the officers crept up slowly beside both sides of the car guns still drawn.. then they tapped on my hubby's window and he said clearly to them, "It will not roll down"...They then allowed him to crack the door open, the officers were saying we were speeding 15 miles over the speed limit on interstate.. We Knew This Wasn't True, so we asked for the radar slip, to which they said they didn't need to supply one to us.. (In my home state they did if we asked for them, but since I didn't know the laws in this state.. I believed them) ..Long story short they kept us in the car for about 20 minutes while they ran our liscence plates, verified our insurance.. etc.-- with screaming kids really unhappy about the current situation...I finally told the officers I was taking my babies inside the shop to change some diapers, and if they wanted to follow me in that was FINE BY ME, but I wasn't going to have them cry anymore over this bogus ticket and stop.... I loaded up the kids, grabbed the diaper bag, and walked away from my car.. they waited for me to return, and then said they would let us off with a warning... ?whatever?

Never been so scared in my life when the officers had guns pointed at my husband

The rest of the visit went fine..

2006-06-28 05:56:01 · answer #1 · answered by Craptacular Wonderment 6 · 2 2

my first trip to New Zealand, and out of the country, it started as a simple sinus infection I got about a week before I left, which wasn't that bad so I didn't go to a doctor, well I was on the plane for 13 hours, when I get there my cheeks and nose were swelled up and I slept for two days finally I was taken to the emergency room(which lucky me they have very cheap prices on doctor visits) only paid 20 for the visit. but anyway doctors didn't know what caused it they gave me antibiotics. So after bout 3 days the swelling went down and I was felling little bit better then no more than a week and a half later still in New Zealand got a horrible pain in my right ear, went back to doctor, didn't know what caused it, I couldn't hear for 2 days then started getting better, went home and the infections came back 4 times after that until I finally got strong medicine that knocked it out. Sorry if this bored you.

2006-06-25 12:06:20 · answer #2 · answered by Eve 2 · 1 0

We traveled to Ireland in November of 2001. We were a bit hesitant in traveling at all, after 9/11, but we had had this trip planned and paid for months in advance, so we decided to go anyway. Well, since we live in the US, the driving in Ireland was quite different for us, to say the least, lol. Hubby was driving on the left side of the road, with the steering wheel on the right side of the car! I was only a passenger, but was completely freaked out by the extremely narrow roads in Ireland!! He laughed so hard at me, as I would lean to the right as he drove, because it just seemed too weird to be going down the left side of the road!! I think I must have been subconsciously trying to move us over to the right side, lol. I would also close my eyes tightly everytime I saw a car or truck coming down the road!! I honestly didn't think there was room enough for two vehicles to pass one another on those roads!! We both had also never experience a roundabout before, and really had no idea how to maneuver through them, lol. On more than one occasion, we took the wrong exit off the roundabout, and were headed into oncoming traffic!! We got so many stares and pointing fingers, that I was literally throwing my arms up and screaming from inside the car,"we're from america, give us a break!!" :) We did finally learn to handle the roundabouts quite well by the end of our vacation, thankfully. :) As a matter of fact, we now have a roundabout in the small town that we lived in at the time, and are quite good at getting through it!! :)

All of the narrow roads, different driving conditions, roundabouts, etc. lead to lots of stress, which apparently lead to me getting quite ill while there. I was literally sick in bed for over 24 hours, while hubby was only able to saunter about by himself. I felt so bad for him! :(

Even with all of the above, I absolutely adored my trip to Ireland, and really hope to have the chance to return one day! It's such a beautiful country, so many lovely green hillsides, wonderfully kind people, and amazing pubs!! :)

I'm not really sure that my story was remotely close to what you were wanting, Moon, but I enjoyed answering anyway. :) Thanks for making me think of Ireland again!!

2006-06-29 04:25:19 · answer #3 · answered by Caroline 5 · 1 0

I was staying at a house in Costa Rica. It had a fence and a gate and everything, because CR is a "developing country" with a lot of property crime. My family went out for the day, and when we got back we found the door smashed in (lock was broken and everything) and our stuff everywhere. They took passports, cash, travellers checks, my brothers clothes, hiking boots, credit cards, our camera, and daypacks (with stuff in them).

The worst part was in the daypacks were things that mattered to us: mementos from other trips, journals, paperwork: stuff that mattered to us but wouldn't matter to them.

We decided to leave the stuff in the house becasue we thought it was safer there than in a bag on the beach while we were in the water or in the unattended car (in CR you are constantly hearing about bags getting stolen and people taking stuff out of cars).

We lost 3 days of vacation getting new passports and travellers checks and stuff, and we were always paranoid about our stuff after.

2006-07-04 00:32:40 · answer #4 · answered by jwy 2 · 1 0

I was on a plane going from Alaska to San Francisco and a jet engine fell off over the ocean. Scary enough.

2006-07-01 21:36:56 · answer #5 · answered by captianpr 4 · 1 0

omg i have so many lol
heres one:
I was going to be flying home from visiting a friend where we stayed on her campus. I was to get a cab to a hotel and get a bus from the hotel to the airport.
I didn't realize until $48 dollars into the cab ride that i'd told the driver to take me to the airport.
I only had $18 in change on me so the driver thank god took that and drove me back to the hotel where i was originally supposed to go. (the driver was pissed since we were on a major highway and had to drive for a while just to turn around).
So i got to the hotel just as the bus was pulling up. I was so relieved and reached in my wallett for my pre-paid bus ticket...to find that i had dropped it in the cab.
I sat on my suitecase for 20 minutes crying. It was 4am, in a big city by myself with not one penny (i gave EVERYTHING i had to the cab driver).
eventually i found a payphone in the lobby, bummed a quarter and called home collect.
Turned out, an uncle of mine runs a hotel not too far away so it was arranged for him to pay for a cab to his work, then he paid for me to get a cab to the airport. LOL it sucked.

2006-06-30 06:44:54 · answer #6 · answered by Melissa C 1 · 1 0

One time I was coming to the U.S. from Romania. I did NOT get a wink of sleep on the 10 hour plane flight. We left about 5a.m.
Hence I hurled in the airport.
And in the taxi cab.
And @ home along with a 15 hour "nap".

2006-06-25 12:06:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I got stuck in the Cleveland airport last Thursday, my 5:07 flight was delayed due to weather. We didn't finally take off till almost 10.

Sorry, that's not very interesting, huh?

2006-06-25 12:01:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I lived n CA & my mom met my step dad in Texas on a buiness trip. After a few months of dateing they decsided 2 get married
& live in TX were I live now. It took 3 days & in those 3 days n tiny Chevy w/ my sister's HUGE carseat & all our possesions, we went through thunderstorms, blistering hot & a flat tire! CRAZY!!!!

2006-07-03 11:10:15 · answer #9 · answered by Hailey B 1 · 1 0

I went to a wine festival in Spain and got real drunk and ended up meeting random spaniards who gave us free drinks at the festival all night while we ate great food.......then followed by my friend peeing off one of the many bridges

2006-06-25 12:00:48 · answer #10 · answered by Felipe de Piettro 2 · 1 0

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