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I did my laundry today, and as I was heading back to the car with my bag of clean wash, I noticed that the frozen yogurt store next door was doing more business than usual. Also, there were a few people who were enjoying their frozen yogurt outside.

There was a couple I wanted to share the gospel with, but I didn't. I don't know if it was my fear of witnessing (thankfully, I know that I am not alone in this fear), or if it was more a matter of not knowing what my rights are when it comes to evangelizing one on one in front of places of business.

I went to aclj's website and printed up an article on the rights of Christians concerning street evangelism and specific places where a Christian can evangelize. But I don't think it said anything about whether a Christian can or cannot evangelize in front of someone's place of business, or if one can but as long as it is on the sidewalk.

Please see "Additional Details" for more about my question. I'm running out of space here.

2006-06-25 11:47:44 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Was it fear that kept me from witnessing, or not knowing what the law says, or both? As Ray Comfort has said on his show (for those of you out there who watch "Way Of the Master" and who use this particular style of evangelism), Christians have a moral responsibility to evangelize lost people (not verbatim, but you get the idea). He has also said that as Christians, we need to let love for people swallow our fear. That just seems easier said than done sometimes. Can you help me?

I know, I know. A lot of you out there (non Christians and maybe even some Christians, sad to say) will probably have a few choice words for me. Or at least some of you will tell me to shut up and mind my own business, but it takes another Christian to understand where I'm coming from on this matter. To those of you who think this way, my response to you would be: I love God and I love people, but how can I possibly say that with any ounce of integrity if I don't open up my mouth and say something?

2006-06-25 12:01:44 · update #1

For my brothers and sisters in Christ. One other thing I want to share with you. When I don't say anything, I feel so bad. I felt *strongly* convicted a few weeks ago when I was coming into a restaurant and somebody else was coming out. I held the door open for him. He smiled a real friendly smile and said "Thank you." In a split second, I realized I should have given him a gospel tract. I also realized in that moment that I shouldn't just keep them in my purse, but also in my pocket for easy access. I tried to find him in the parking lot, but he had already left. I have to admit, I cried later on when I was able to get away someplace and be alone with my thoughts.

Why did I cry? I cried because I thought to myself, "What if that person doesn't know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior? If that person ends up going to hell, it will be all my fault. I feel teary eyed just thinking about it right now. To be continued.

2006-06-25 12:10:07 · update #2

Why did I cry? Continued.

I have prayed for this man and have asked God to keep him safe and to bring him into a personal relationship with him. I know that it's not God nor the Holy Spirit putting me on this guilt trip but me. Brother or sister in Christ, I could really use some advice and a lot of encouragement from you right now.

One more thing. For those of you who do or have watched the "Way Of the Master", do you use their particular brand of gospel tracts? I have their catalog, and their tracts are *the* most unusual ones I have ever seen.

I use the "Four Laws" tract that Living Waters publishes, but may move onto the "Good Enough For Heaven?" one. Which one or ones do you use/like, and have they been effective in your own witnessing endeavors, and how?

2006-06-25 12:17:50 · update #3

26 answers

Do what the spirit of God leads you to do. If he wants you to speak in front of a business then speak. At that moment you feel God leading you to do something start praying & asking God to give you the words he would have you say as you are heading to the ppl he has chosen. It doesn't matter what anyone says about evangelising if God is saying to do it then I think I would go with him. Rebuke that spirit of fear that satan is impairing you with & go out there & tell the world about Jesus Christ our saviour. I pray that God renews in you a new spirit, a spirit of hope & faith & confidence & obedience & love. As God commands you to do you do it. Acknowledge him, follow him, step out on faith. Keep your eyes on God & don't listen to your carnal mind as Jesus is trying to direct your path. In these cituations pray, "your will be done Lord, not mine but yours". ....Let me share my testimony with you about faith...I am a 35 yr old mother (married)...I have no income & yet I have hundreds & hundreds of dollars in medical bills that are my responsiblility, along with feeding us sometimes & clothing my son. I have been diagnosed (at the moment) with being disabled in my neck. Yet I am able to come up with the payments each month for each bill & my son may not wear the best but he is loved beyond what money could buy & I come up with money to buy clothes as they are needed. Through faith all things are possible for those who beleive & I believe. God takes care of us through my faith. And without faith I would have nothing. I choose to believe & therefore I have. I can't imagine if I didn't know the God I serve. So just believe, walk on faith & trust in God. God bless.... I hope this helps...Have a great day! : )

2006-07-08 05:07:24 · answer #1 · answered by Sugar Dumplin 3 · 0 0

Witnessing is not quite what would legally be hard core street preaching in todays terminology. Having a conversation and speaking about Salvation or your experiences with God is not illegal in the United States. If they say they do not want to hear it, don't press them.., just wish them well and leave it at that. If they are interested you'll know.

You don't need a permit to talk with other people. If you plan on standing on a soap-box and preaching a public street sermon, most cities require permission. OR at least permission from the Business who owns the parking lot.

if you wont get arrested for talking Football or designer fashions you cant be arrested for talking about Jesus. Not in America - at least for the time being.

2006-06-25 12:12:26 · answer #2 · answered by Victor ious 6 · 0 0

Your fears are normal. All of us at one time or another have experimented the same feelings. I've learned that if we step out on faith and believe that God is with us while we witness to others he will do all the talking for us. It will come naturally and you will be able to put your fears aside. When you allow yourself to stop this is Satan manipulating you into thinking you can't do it. Satan doesn't want us to succeed in spreading the gospel. God already knows Satan will trick us to if we give him a chance. But he also understand that . And because he understands our mistakes he can also forgive us for them and make us stronger through them. As for the sidewalk thing trust God for that and he will guide you and protect you. He will not let harm come to you. He will shine through it all and that's what it's about, right?

2006-07-09 11:26:53 · answer #3 · answered by Countrygirl 5 · 0 0

Remember this....no one I mean no one is perfect in Christ unless you are never born.
The best whoores are found in Church...why is very simple...they convert on their own without any help from anybody. They go to God on their own and that is why you should not be so dazzled into witness because you are not perfect. You put your clothes on like everybody else.
My ex wife I met in Church. She knew every position sexually, but she was a good lady and never spoke out wrong to anybody, but just becasue she was great in bed didn't make her a bad Christian and I mean she was a wild lady, but a God fearing lady too., she is still a good christian regardless unless you take up your cross and follow him. What you do behind the darkness of your own home is your business. My point is...that no matter who are what we are in christ, we are not perfect...so when you preach remember that next time when one will not listen to you to witness upon them. Just plant the seed and God will do the rest. You've done your best to do that and it is worth a million times over.

2006-07-09 09:37:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They can stand on Public property with a "permit". They can go on business property with the consent of the owner. Otherwise, they are trespassing. . "unlawful assembly".

There are a group of people around here that does this. Old Amish, type cult.
I hardly classify them as Christians, since they are Old Testament teachings.

You are going to see this alot in the next few years. GET grounded. Get versed. Don't be put in a corner. Thats where atheists want you.

If anyone wants to talk....If what they say, DOES NOT GLORIFY CHRIST, I would leave where I'm at or have them leave my property.

Have a nice day.

2006-06-25 12:06:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I applaud you for wanting to serve the Lord and wanting to bring others to Christ. But is your goal to preach the gospel or to have people want to accept Christ?

I don't recommend giving out tracts to strangers or feeling guilty because you didn't. Think of it in these terms. You've met Jehovah's witnesses or Mormons that come up to you and preach to you. Did it change your mind? Probably not. First of all, you don't agree with it and secondly, you don't know them at all.

How often have you actually led someone to the Lord by doing this? Also, when you give them a tract you have made the decision that they are not a Christian. Unless you know for sure they are seeking God and desiring a relationship with him, pushing a tract on a person may actually drive a person away.

Instead, I'd encourage you to find ways to serve God and build relationships with people. As you get to know them and become their real friend (not just for the sake of witnessing to them, but to really be concerned for them and their friend), there will be opportunities that open up to share what your relationship with Jesus means to you. That is the most effective form of witnessing. And if someone wants to know more at that time, that's the perfect time to give them the tract. It's kind of like a business card, you've introduced how Jesus and his love and a relationship with Him can make a difference in your life and you want the same for them.

As a Christian, I'm very uncomfortable with a person giving me a tract. Because I feel that the person is judging me. They may be sincere in their motives, but I resent it because that person is deciding that I don't measure up to God. Now if I asked for help, that would be different.

If you see a person and feel the urge to give a tract, instead, I'd recommend praying for that person that God will open up opportunities for that person to come to know Jesus.

Seekers start to attend church because they see the positive difference in a person's life. They like what they see in that person and then decide that it's something they want as well. The same goes for a person who will seek God.

Since you want to lead people to the Lord, ask God to show you how to build your relationship with Him so that people can see the difference in your life. And be patient. It won't happen the first time you change, but over the months and years you will plant seeds that will bring someone else to want to seek God.

Blessings to you for wanting to serve God. Ask for His wisdom in showing you where to just demonstrate through your life and when to speak. But don't push the religion. It will turn people off and cause more damage than good.

2006-07-08 03:47:36 · answer #6 · answered by Searcher 7 · 0 0

Usually giving a gospel tract is protected by and considered same as free speech. Just don't block doorway or aisles. They shouldn't say much and all they will do at most is ask you to leave and by that time tract will be delivered and message recieved so it is a win :-). If the owner does ask you to leave give him a tract too. e-mail me if you have anymore queestions or I can help you in anyway. May God Bless You All.

2006-07-05 00:27:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have the same fear as so many others. How? Who? When?
Where? Where and when is the best place to witness the love of Jesus, God's own son, the greatest gift we can recieve! We live in a world of laws that are more and more damaging to spreading the gospel. If we offend, we are wrong? Don't be
intimidated by the laws of man. If the Holy Spirit moves you to
witness than by all means, carry though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If Jesus is the Light of your life! Don't fear the consequences
of mans law. Because God is greater than man's law and Satan himself. We must always be ready to witness, we must always be prepared and preparing for the triumphant return of our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ. Please read! Matthew28:18-20
Great is our God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So don't be shy, Shine your life for all to see the Amazing God in your life!

2006-06-25 12:06:58 · answer #8 · answered by fsh3i1 3 · 0 0

Do you want to come off as a religious nut? Don't talk religion unless somebody asks you a question. You're not responsible for the soul of anybody. You witness everyday by the way you live.

2006-07-09 07:11:32 · answer #9 · answered by Patricia 4 · 0 0

Live your life as an example. The word that Jesus Christ was born is out there in America. People will not be able to filter through the nonsense they see in religion to hear what you are saying. Show how Christ lives in your life by living your life.

2006-07-09 09:29:05 · answer #10 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

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