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Please do not bother to give an answer if you are going to be flippant and give answers like, because you are allergic or similar.

I would appreciate hearing from someone who has been treated for a similar problem, with success.

I have been diagnosed as having a condition called Acute Ideopathic Angiooedema.

2006-06-25 11:37:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Allergies

17 answers

My daughter was diagnosed with this condition.
Sometimes she'd react to certain things (ranged from slight swelling to full blown attacks of Anaphylaxis) , other times she'd be fine.
2yrs later she was diagnosed with Heredity Angioedema.

2006-06-25 11:52:14 · answer #1 · answered by maggie 2 · 0 0

If you have been diagnosed Acute Ideopathic Angioedema, you must have been told about the condition. Do you carry an epi-pen? I am assuming you must know you cannot eat them anymore. If not, next time, or sometime in the future, your throat could close up. Then - you need an epi-pen handy or dial 999 - if you are able to talk. I carry one now. If you have one, or get one, you have to watch the expiry date. When it expires, before you take it to a chemist for disposal, practice, the one shot allowed, on an orange. Then if you ever need it (hopefully not) - you will be prepared as to exactly what to do.

There won't be a cure. This last 18 month I have started having unpredictable reactions. This is because foods are now being sprayed with chemicals to keep them fresh and, naturally, it goes straight through the skin. I can no longer eat washed supermarket potatoes - some companies use a strong percentage of chlorine - I assume this is my problem. So - with your banana problem, it could be there are chemicals getting through the skin. This means, for example, you may be able to eat them from one country, but not another. Eating these days is a lottery for adults & children who have become, and are becoming sensitive. It could be a straightforward reaction to the banana, which is a true allergy. If it is caused by chemicals, it is called Multiple Chemical Syndrome. It is the chemicals not the food causing your tongue to swell.

Hope this helps, even if I can't provide an answer

2006-06-28 19:00:36 · answer #2 · answered by Allergy Annie 1 · 0 0

The diagnosis of Acute Ideopathic Angiooedema (I believe it's Angioedema), when broken up into it's elements means a disease that causes a swelling of blood vessels, obviously those in the tongue. If you eat or drink other things with banana extracts, you can chalk this up to an allergy to bananas. If not, pay attention to everything you eat or drink and see if anything else causes the same reaction. If you notice anything strange, talk to a doctor again.

angi=blood vessels
edema=swelling, usually swelling caused by a liquid

2006-06-27 20:31:22 · answer #3 · answered by Wampyr Lover 1 · 0 0

They could be too sweat as they contain sugar
Oral Allergy Syndrome or OAS is an allergic reaction to certain (usually fresh) fruits, nuts, and vegetables. The allergy is not actually an allergy to food but a syndrome that develops in hay fever sufferers. The immune system mistakes the food proteins for the pollen proteins and causes an allergic reaction.

OAS sufferers may have a number of reactions that usually occur very rapidly, within minutes of eating a trigger food. The most common reaction is an itching or burning sensation in the lips, mouth, and/or throat. Sometimes other reactions can be triggered in the eyes, nose, and skin. The most severe reactions can result in asthma problems or anaphylaxis.

Allergies to a certain pollen are associated with OAS reactions to certain foods. For instance, an allergy to ragweed is associated with OAS reactions to banana, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, zucchini, and cucumber. Reactions may begin with one type of food and with reactions to others developing later. Often cooked, canned, or frozen food offenders cause no reaction due to denaturation of the cross-reacting proteins.

An OAS sufferer should avoid foods they have a known allergy to. Immunotherapy for hay fever allergens has improved or cured OAS in many patients.

2006-06-26 09:42:07 · answer #4 · answered by Chesh » 5 · 0 0

Well it is because ur allergic wif banana tat may causes ur tongue swell. It's better not 2 take it if really cause da swell... It is a rapidly with da severe symptoms occur.. n if i'm not mistaken tat idiopathic which is mean tat allergies tat u hv now is to indicates tat is da causes which is unknown so is better get ur specialist dr for da opinion plus u can ask for patch test where u can know what is da food u allergic wif n try 2 avoid if u can... I hope it may able 2 help u... Hope u able 2 solve u prob...

2006-06-26 10:37:09 · answer #5 · answered by mercury 1 · 0 0

If you were diagnosed with a certain condition and you know that your tongue is going to swell when you eat bananas, why do you keep eating them? Also why do you put a question like this on this program, if you don't want to hear that you are allergic to them, because obviously, you are! I think you like it when your tongue is swollen. You're a glutton for punishment.

2006-06-25 18:47:11 · answer #6 · answered by Christine Lam 2 · 0 0

Very many years ago in my teen age, I suddenly saw that I had a condition where my tongue swelled up, looked dark. Alarmed I saw a doctor immediately. The swelling he told me was caused by an extreme acute vitaminB deficiency. That was soon corrected. I wish you help and healing.

2006-06-25 18:46:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This almost certainly is an allergy - your symptom does sound like a histomine reaction. I would see if banana has any effect if left in contact with your skin for a long time - if there is a reaction then you are almost certainly allergic.

2006-06-25 18:42:45 · answer #8 · answered by monkeymanelvis 7 · 0 0

I have the same problem! I just cant eat them at all! My throat itches, and my tougne swells and my cheeks get welt marks inside of my mouth! Take some Benadryl! And try not to eat anymore bananas! It could get worse if you continue! Good Luck!

2006-06-26 00:22:32 · answer #9 · answered by Dixie 1 · 0 0

There's life beside bananas.
You don't have to eat them buddy.
Don't go bananas over a swollen tongue AIA caused by bananas - just avoid having them.

2006-06-25 19:13:42 · answer #10 · answered by Maloy 3 · 0 0

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