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the ark was built right before the flood
2006-06-28 01:41:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well that's a good question. it doesn't say the exact time. My guess would be he'd have finished it sometime in the early evening.
He'd probably told his wife it'd take a couple hours and meant to start after breakfast, but then got up late (you know how it is, holidays and all) then maybe went down the store for some milk, sat around reading the paper.
Finally gets out into the yard round about eleven, then it was looking like it could rain, so he's thinking maybe today's not so good.
On the other hand it needs doing, so maybe's I'll just tinker away at the prow.
Well then, a couple of the guys stop by, they get a couple beers out the refrigerator (non-alcoholic beers; alcohol hadn't been invented yet. And look what happens when it does. Get invented I mean.)
Anyhoo the guys lend a hand and the whole thing starts taking shape, and by supper time that's pretty much it I guess. They could turn their hands to just about anything, those guys.
So he goes back inside and tells his wife it took maybes a bit longer than he'd planned on, and he's sorry they never made it to the mall, but there's always tomorrow.
And she just says uh-huh, wash your hands Noah, supper's about ready.
DInosaur-burgers and fries. No, that can't be right.
Hadn't invented fries yet.
Well, whatever. That's roughly when the ark was built. Just before supper-time.
As to the year. Well. Guess I'm going to have to think about that one.
Must have been before the war anyhow, because I'm pretty certain they hadn't built the new Post Office downtown yet.
Or maybe they had. What year was it Enoch died? Just hang on a minute. I'm pretty sure your mom'll remember. Don't go way.
2006-06-25 12:19:38
answer #2
answered by quicker 4
In Genesis 5, there is a list from Adam to Noah, giving the age at which their first son was born (see list below). From this and the statement that Noah was 600 when the flood started, you can calculate that the flood started 1656 years after Adam was formed. You can continue the calculation as far as Peleg, but after that ther are some gaps, so it is not possible to be precise. The generally accepted estimate, would put the start of the flood at 2348 BC.
Methuselah 187
Total = 1656.
I don't know how long it took to build the ark, but it was started after Noah's sons were born, so that would be a maximum of 100 years. The vessel was huge, 140 metres long, 23 m wide and 13.5 m high. About the same as a Dover - Calais Ferry.
If you chart the age at death of the genealogy from Adam to Moses, the graph plummets after the flood, from about 900 to less than 100. Possibly because of the major change to the atmosphere - less UV blocking.
2006-06-25 12:06:22
answer #3
answered by mikeoxley242 5
One interesting scientific hypothesis is that the Biblical flood, the Babylonian epic of Gilgamesh and the Greek Deucalion legend all derived from survivors' memories of an actual geographical event. With the end of the last Ice Age, glacial meltwaters raised the level of the Mediterranean enough to breach the land bridge separating the Bosporus valley from the previously landlocked Black Sea some time around 5600 B.C., causing an apocalyptic deluge.
The book Noah's Flood: The New Scientific Discoveries About The Event That Changed History by William Ryan and Walter Pitman (published by Simon & Schuster, 1999) has the details. Here's the blurb from
"In 1997 [Columbia University marine] geologists Walter Pitman and William Ryan proposed the first truly novel interpretation of the flood in over 150 years. Their studies of sediments in the Black Sea convinced them that the body had been a freshwater lake until about 5600 B.C. When the rising waters of the Mediterranean broke through the Bosporus, "ten cubic miles of water poured through each day, two hundred times what flows over Niagara Falls.""
Another book that covers this entire theory is Before the Flood: The Biblical Flood as a Real Event and How It Changed the Course of Civilisation by Ian Wilson (published by St Martin's Griffin, 2004).
2006-06-26 05:56:04
answer #4
answered by alanwoollcombe 3
He didn't the story was a rip off. Look up Gilgamesh the origonal story. The bible one is like the Assasan with Bridget Fonda a rip off of the origonal French movie Nikita.
And it appears the grweat flood was little more then the creation of the black see when a bit of land linking it to the mediterranian broke down possibly towards the end of the ice age with rising sea levels...
the survors of the mother of all floods that made the far east tsuname look like a burst water main made up folk tails of the event. These were used to form the mesipotanian story of Gilgamesh which later got turned into the story of Noah... Like the oesteur hare (pagan fertility god , spelling not right) ie the easter bunny became the christin festival of Easter.
2006-06-25 12:49:16
answer #5
answered by Joey 4
The bible says "..In the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened"
Noah was said to be 600 yrs old
Unsure what the year would be according to our present calendar system. But good luck finding it out x
BTW I may study this, but dont actually believe it was built. The 'Great Flood' story can be found in many other ancient civilisations. It is a metaphor about life after death. The ancient Maya also believed in something similar. In fact their calander system is based on the principle of death and regeneration.
2006-06-25 12:16:46
answer #6
answered by BlueMorpho 3
There are two answers to this question:
According to the Bible Noah the son of Enoch would have built the arc over a period of years around the era 2600-2400BC this is calculated by subtracting the ages of X who begat X who begat X who begat X and so on from a the time of a Biblical character whose birth date is known (such as Jesus) until we get to Noah.
Scienticically the Biblical Flood almost certainly represents the end of the ice age where sea levels rose a huge amount 10,000 years ago.
2006-06-25 11:40:05
answer #7
answered by monkeymanelvis 7
Noah build the ark before the flood. it took him about 40 years to build. it was real. Jehovah God told Noah to build an ark and Noah did just so. people laugh just like they laugh at us Jehovah Witnesses. but Jehovah will close the door on people who don't listen to him now. matthew 28 verses 19 and 20.
2006-06-25 11:06:37
answer #8
answered by lover of Jehovah and Jesus 7
i believe that something of this magnitude if it were historically real at all took place millions and millions of years ago rather than a few years back. there are civilizations in the world which existed over 10000BC in 1 or 2 places int he world which were obviously not wiped out. unless of course, noah only thought everything else was wiped out. haha. that's a bit funny. anyway, if the story actually refers only to the mediterreanean world, then it would have been possible, although very improbable.
however i do have one unorthodox theory which i amuse myself in pondering sometimes: that noah actually came from another much older planet who rounded up the last survivors in his "proverbial" arc millions and millions of years ago, on god's orders. any one thinks this has the slightest chance to be possible?
well if not, the only answer i can offer is.... yesterday...
2006-06-26 00:05:15
answer #9
answered by dodong scarface 2
According to history, the Genesis flood occurred in 2,348 B.C. Today, the ark would be 4,500 years old. Scientists claim recently that they have discovered the original ark.....)(
2006-06-25 11:30:45
answer #10
answered by MissKathleen 6