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She is 2 any ideas

2006-06-25 10:05:03 · 24 answers · asked by colleen.mckeon 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

24 answers

Put her in bed at bedtime, everytime she gets out and comes to you, pick her up and take her back to her bed and tuck her in again. Each time you do this dont say a word to her, dont try to bargain and dont shout. You will probably have to do this about 50 times a night for a few days but it does work.

2006-06-25 10:09:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Is this a new thing? Has anything happened in her room to make it seem frightening, however silly, a spider or such? Does she have a night light? A lot of 2 year olds are still scared of the dark. If you can rule out anything like that, then it's just a case of sticking it out.

Make sure you have a good winding down routine, story in bed, kiss good night, etc.

Put her into bed, tell her you will be back in 2 minute you are just going to do something. Make sure you go back after 2 minutes. If she needs settleing, calmly reassure her with a hug, spend a few minutes with her, tell her how busy you are, and you will be back in a couple of minutes. Even if she is screaming, as long as you know she is safe ignore her...Or do what I did and stand in another room and cry!

Repeat legthening the time each time. The first few nights it takes forever, but within a week, she will settle.

If she is in a normal bed and keeps getting out. Lift her back in but no interaction with her. Gently put her on her bed, tell her you love her and will be back in 2 minutes. The first night may take hours, the next night not so many.

Repeat, lengthening the times as before.

Good luck.

2006-06-25 17:21:45 · answer #2 · answered by Nneave 4 · 0 0

It may seem as if this will have no ending and last forever but the good news is dont make falling asleep a big deal or a big fight then she will go to sleep .. My method took a lot longer but I would wait till she fell asleep where ever that might of been then moved her into her own bed. If she woke up I would let her sleep in my bed for a few then move her again into her bed. After awhile she got used to waking up alone in her room. she now goes to bed like a big girl in her room..it took alot of time and understanding and alot of getting her to not want to be with mommy we would read books by Pooh about growing up and not needing mommy as much.. Good Luck and I know how frustrating this is but you will just have to find your own way on this one and remember your not alone , your not doing anything wrong by sleeping with her.. enjoy it she wont want to sleep with you when she is 30 lol.

2006-06-26 08:05:57 · answer #3 · answered by trudie_barraza 2 · 0 0

"Who's the boss?" needs to become your mantra. I actually ask my children that from time to time. . .it helps ME remember, as well as them.

As long as you're not dealing with issues like fears here (which would add an additional angle). . .

Prepare your child by talking about the fact that she's a big girl, and needs to sleep in her own bed like a big girl. You could make a production about the fact that she's a big girl now - go buy her a special bedtime plush toy and new pajamas or something. Talk it up all day long so she isn't surprised at bedtime.

Start a bedtime routine. . .bath, books, 3 songs, hug and a kiss. When she knows what's coming, she will be more apt to comply. This will take a while, but it's well worth it. (I personally have the most stubborn child in the world to deal with, and this system works with her.)

Put her in bed and leave.

If she gets out, put her back. Don't say anything to her.
If she gets out, put her back. Don't say anything to her.
If she gets out, put her back. Don't say anything to her.
Continue this for as long as it takes.

You have to be more stubborn than she is and be prepared to go all night if you have to. Don't give in once, or all the work you've done is for naught.

Seriously. It works. Yes, it might take a few nights - but not more than a few nights. It's TOTALLY WORTH the hassle to regain control of this area of your life.

I can give absolutely no advice on potty training. . .there I'm just not able to figure out how to get the job completely done. But, with bedtime . . . I promise you that this technique works!

Good luck!

2006-06-25 17:53:25 · answer #4 · answered by IrisInLove 2 · 0 0

Talk to her in the day about sleeping in her own bed during the day. Perhaps buying a duvet cover and putting her favourite cuddly toy ready. After her tea at her bedtime perhaps give her a bath and take her to her own bed but stay and tuck her in. Read her a story and sit with her a while until she goes to sleep. If she gets up to go in yours tell her to go back to bed and gently lead her back to bed and tuck her in. If she comes back say bed time and take her back. The next time just take her back. Do not engage in conversation except to say bedtime. You may have to get up several times the first night but eventually she will get the message. If she does stay the night in her bed praise her in the morning and tell her what a big girl she is. Has she got a night light or a music box that can comfort her incase she is afraid of the dark. Once she is in a routine she will get the message. Make her bedroom a welcoming place with her toys around it and she will get to love her room.Good Luck

2006-06-25 18:47:29 · answer #5 · answered by butterfly55freedom 4 · 0 0

Had this very problem a few months back. it's very difficult to begin with but you soon get there. When she is tired or ready for her bedtime take her up to her room. Make sure she has a hour calming down period before this. Read her a story and tell her that she is a big girl and that she needs to sleep in her own bed like her friends(name one)Once you have read the book give her a kiss and tell her that you are going to lay on the floor until she goes to sleep. she will play up for you but just ignore her and tell her she is a big girl. wait till she goes to sleep no eye contact or talking before this. once she's a sleep go and do your own thing, if she wakes up and comes down stairs get her and take her back give her a kiss and repeat. Good luck and hang in there, it does take a lot of time and patience!xxx

2006-06-25 20:08:19 · answer #6 · answered by fairylandk 3 · 0 0

At 2 it is so hard for them to sleep in there own bed. Our daughter just started last yr and she was 4. What we do now is let her sleep with us till she is knocked out then I take her to her room and put her in her own bed with some comfort things like a doll daddys shirt etc... She stays all night. Also reward her for staying in her bed. Like take her to the park or some place fun.

2006-06-25 19:46:04 · answer #7 · answered by momof_12003 2 · 0 0

I had the exact same problem until recently. I made her sleep in her own bed. When she would come get into my bed, I let her fall asleep and put her in her own bed. After awhile when she would come get into my bed, i would put her in her bed and sit until she fell asleep (almost torture, but hey). Then after that I made her sleep in her own bed regardless. She may cry or scream, but I tell her she is a big girl and there are no monsters and the normal stuff. And now she doesn't come get into my bed anymore.

2006-06-25 17:21:06 · answer #8 · answered by vernise2679 4 · 0 0

is she in a crib or bed? If she is still in a crib, try moving her to a big girl bed to interest her in sleeping in her own bed. Let her pick out the sheets she wants for her bed and make it a big deal. Have a "bed party" or whatever you want to call it. You can invite her friends, grandparents, etc over to honor her on moving into her big girl bed. Then, at bedtime, go through the usual routing (book, brush teeth, whatever it is your family does at bedtime) and then put her to bed. If she gets up or comes to your bed, tell her it is bedtime and take her back to bed, tuck her back in, etc. If she does it again, tell her it is bedtime and put her back in bed. Anytime after that, just pick her up and put her to bed. It may take you a million times the first night, but each night will get better as long as you are consistent. Good luck!

2006-06-25 17:09:50 · answer #9 · answered by pammy_6201 4 · 0 0

Well I wen5t through this with 3 kids lol and the best for me was allowing her to make a pallet in the floor on my side of the bed for a week week two I moved the pallet closer to the door and for 2weeks then we put her in her own bed it worked. The other two I put in their room read story and sit there til they fell asleep politely ignoring their pleas and cries.
My son I let cry and after 4 days he slept in his bed like a champ

2006-06-25 19:45:09 · answer #10 · answered by smurfettewv 2 · 0 0

you have to remember that it you has a parent to why your daughter didnt sleep in her own bed now you will have to be patient,a nice hot bath followed by a bedtime story in her own bed perhaps with a nite lite on reasurance all the time, then tell her its time for bed sit next to her but dont talk, after a couple of times this will work but dont give in and dont tell her off she doesnt understand whats happening, or that it is wrong,best of luck

2006-06-25 17:15:36 · answer #11 · answered by dawn l 2 · 0 0

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