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Whether you are a Christian or not, surely this prophecy is coming true.

2006-06-25 10:00:14 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

GWB is disguising the real reason we are at war MONEY & OIL.If you don't believe me just follow the money trail of the current Facist regime. Also the christain vs muslim thing has been going on for centuries. Relgion has been the major cause of most of the bloodest wars !! America is in serious trouble . I did live through the Vietnam war !! It was dully awful and disguised.So my answer is no based on those reasons.

2006-06-25 10:41:53 · answer #1 · answered by Jeffrey R 2 · 1 0

This prophecy has been coming true for centuries. Open your history book and look at the records of war. Even if you only look at the 20th century, 83 wars took place just in the first quarter of the century. And there were lots more in the remaining 75 years. So while I don't like what GWB has going on, no, he didn't start the process of nation rising against nation.

2006-06-25 10:08:12 · answer #2 · answered by Muddy 5 · 0 0

I'd like to point out the crusades were ...umm...several years before Bush's reign.

Frederick the First of Germany did not support one of the crusades as he was attempting to concentrate on the soverinity of his own nation and the whole country was excommunicated from the Catholic Faith by the Pope. Which in turn allowed other countries to invade that country.

Japan and China have had their wars back and forth for quite a while in midevil society and even the England/French wars were before Bush's presidency.

I don't think Bush "began" this brother against brother aspect (ooh maybe we can blame America's Civil War?) I think kingdoms have been fighting other kingdoms and nation against nation ever since someone realized they could kill another and get away with it by their laws.

That is not a prophecy, that is a generalized and vague viewpoint of obvious factual truth. It was a statement thrown in to sway others to their saide in a dogmatic standpoint.

2006-06-25 10:10:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This prophecy has been coming true for hundreds of years. Have you forgotten about our two world wars and all of the other wars?

George Bush says that God told him to take down this murderous regime and that fits in with the God of the Bible. Time and again He sends a nation to destroy evil leaders who do things like have rape rooms where their sons sexually abuse innocent women and who gas unsuspecting herdsman with poison and who support terrorist assaults on innocent people going about their business.

By the way, did you read in the paper on June 21st that they've found over 500 weapons of mass destruction in Iraq so far? Chemical and biological weapons to be specific about it. I thank God that He sent our nation to curb this evil before some terrorist smuggled a biological weapon into our country and our hospitals were over run with patients and people were dying by the droves in our streets!

2006-06-25 10:07:37 · answer #4 · answered by Martin S 7 · 0 0

Nations and kingdoms have been rising against each other throughout history -- that's what any history book will tell you.

Today, our nation isn't fighting another nation as much as we are fighting a concept -- radical Islamic terrorism.

2006-06-25 10:05:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Be a good question for the Government and Political guys over in the other section. Most Preachers aren't even acknowledgeing the end times ... too busy selling prayer cloths and stuff.

2006-06-25 10:30:35 · answer #6 · answered by pickle head 6 · 0 0

This has been going on for years. A lot of prophecies have came true but no one know when Jesus is coming back accept God.

2006-06-25 10:07:50 · answer #7 · answered by colleyshey 3 · 0 0

do you know that nation against nation, means race against race?
kingdom, though is self explanatory.
Revelation,(Apocalypse), says that peace will be removed from the earth at the command of God. Regardless of who the worldly leaders happened to be named, they all,(every country's leader), will be ensnared by their own megalomania.
Daniel 2, shows that every kingdom will be destroyed and replaced by a stone (kingdom) not of mans origin.

2006-06-25 10:22:06 · answer #8 · answered by Tim 47 7 · 0 0

No, the Crusaders started it in the 12th century.

God has played with us for 6000 years now, surely it's way past time to destroy his little game.

"...they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore." Micah 4:3

2006-06-25 10:13:47 · answer #9 · answered by Hatikvah 7 · 0 0

stop giving into fairy tales and paranioa and start using that thing atop your body called a brain, start thinking with some rational and stop giving in the primal fears, if you look hard enough you will find paterns everywhere, good or bad, but the only truth is that bad and good exist only in the realm of man and not anywhere else in nature or the universe

2006-06-25 10:06:38 · answer #10 · answered by darkpheonix262 4 · 0 0

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