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I have felt lost my entire life. I've tried 2 major suicides that left me in the hospital (emergency room and icu) and the mental ward this year. I am turning 16 in July. I just feel God doesn't care to help whatsoever.

2006-06-25 09:51:28 · 37 answers · asked by mortician 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

37 answers

Ouch...it sounds like you have been having a really rough time. The teens are hard, no doubt about it. When my life crashed it came to a life and death situation, too. I found that that is the time I was willing to call out to God for help. I didn't leave it up to Him to help or not, it was an inner scream, "God, if you're really there, help me!" and He did. Ask Him...sometimes we are brought to these situations so that we WILL call on Him for help. Some others think it's a crutch, but when you're desperate and only One can help it's not a crutch its a lifeline. I'll keep you in prayer, too.

2006-06-25 10:03:50 · answer #1 · answered by novalee 5 · 0 0

I don't know anything about God. I haven't been brought up in a religious atmosphere. I'm 22. I will pray for you. What is your name? I wanted to kill myself to for a little while. Those feelings are the worst feelings anyone can have. I'm so terribly sorry you feel that way. I wish I could help you more. I had been in a terrible accident in May of 2003. I got hit by a car and suffered injuries to my body, worst of them all was the brain damage I have and will always have from then on. I have a twin who witnessed my accident and it really messed up our relationship so much. But, three years down the line it is starting to become more like it used to be. Only starting to though. We are still super close and I will never love anyone more than I love her. But, I went throught his terrible depression for about a year, about a year after the accident. Over time I began to feel much better. I take an antidepressant; which does help, but I wish I didn't. And I know some day I won't need to. I some how have turned completely around since I was depressed and feel the exact opposite about my life. Sure I may not be able to do things or feel certain things, but I have found that life is so precious, and I have learned to love it. Trust me, my home life isn't exactly the greatest. My mom has been mentally ill for about six years now and it's really hard on my Dad and I. But because Dad and I are so silly we're able to make it through each day. Good luck. You can contact me at nitabellrox on AIM or sweetneats on the Yahoo Messanger. I'd be glad to be a friend. I really don't have too many of those.

2006-06-25 10:02:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The teenage years are some of the worst years to go through. Many of us have been through these years and would not want to go back again. Yet, once you are in high school things may get better and you may find that you are having more fun and enjoying life again.

Still, there are always times that are rough in life and we all reach these points where we wonder where God is and why God does not seem to answer our prayers. Try reading some of the Psalms--some are written by people in despair who ask whether God is deaf or asleep or is hiding...it is perfectly OK to feel frustration with God and to express it.

If you have felt lost all your life there may be circumstances you have grown up with that have been difficult and have affected how you have been able to form good and stable feelings about yourself and the world around you. For this reason, you may need to stay in touch with a good therapist or counselor to help you work through these feelings.

Hopefully you have a sympathetic pastor or other spiritual counselor who listens to your feelings and helps you find a relationship with God that is close and loving. This takes time.

It is also helpful to have friends who listen and support you. If you do not have close friends now, you can certainly find people on the internet who are willing to listen and offer encouragement.

I speak as one who has lived through many difficult times in life, and I too felt that God did not hear. Later I looked back and could see signs of God's presence in my life.

My prayers are for you to receive God's comfort, courage, love and encouragement ---these gifts so often coming from the hearts and minds of those around us.

2006-06-25 10:27:04 · answer #3 · answered by Ponderingwisdom 4 · 0 0

I will tell you this. God loves you with all of His heart, and He always will. No matter what. If you don't believe me, then read the bible, and it will tell you. If you start to have doubt that he doesn't want to help you, then contact me. AIM=crackle301.
Your not mental. Not if you say it, not if someone else says it. Your just a teenager having a really rough time right now in life. Everyone has gone through it, is now, or is going to. I'm not saying I know what you've been through, because to tell you the truth, I don't. I have though, had a major attempt of suicide; overdose, and cutting. But I just want to tell you that your not alone in this. We, as in teenagers in this century, need to take a stand and start bringing others to Christ. If we all don't step up, then by the time were all in college, or maybe even younger, then this world will be spiritually "dead." And believe me when I say this, I most deffinantly will pray for your issue going on, and for your life with Christ. I don't really know who you are, but trust me, God loves you and He DOES care. Believe me, He had a reason for you being born on this earth at this time period. He believes your strong enough, and suicide is not the answer [which im pretty sure you've heard over and over before.] But it's completely true. You just have to make yourself believe that. Well, I have to go, but take up the offer of talking to me, on AIM. I will write back, promise you I will. If it involves your life, I will help you and do whatever I can to help.
Your in my prayers always.

2006-06-30 16:47:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Remember that God has let you have your own free will here on earth (makes it difficult). Show God your true strength, rise up with love and take charge young one. You are powerful inside, but at 16, challenges seem overwhelming. Rest, wait, wait patiently for 17, then 18, then 19, and you will see the world change before your very eyes day by day, month by month, year by year. You will overcome adversity and will see light and joy in your own life because you will create it! God is not out there, He is inside you! Take a look in the mirror and see Him emanate from your being, dear one. Wait, wait patiently. Promise me that you will.

2006-06-25 10:04:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I will pray for you.
Being a teenager is so tough. People always tell you that its not, but it is. We all feel lost sometimes, but God is reaching out for you.He is calling you, he wants you to come to him. I know that sometimes it feels like he's so far away, but he is only a prayer away. You don't have to do anything fancy, just talk to God. Find comfort in God. When I'm struggling I pray.

"The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace." Psalm 29:11

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:4,6-7

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." Deuteronomy 6:5

Here's some links fror you to look through. I really think that they may help!

2006-06-25 09:55:23 · answer #6 · answered by rxqueen♥ † 6 · 0 0

I will pray for you.

And please don't feel that it is that God won't try to help or isn't helping. What you must do is try for yourself and then God will definitely help you. Those people who don't want help or guidance, can't have it forced upon them. If you dooo want it, though, of course God will be there for you.

Why don't you try first to ask yourself why is it that you feel so depressed? You're so young! And what's going on in your life and in your heart that is making you feel so upset? Then try to stay away from those things - try not to dwell on them, but instead, find something you are good at and work on it.

Like, if you like to write, or sing, or do poetry, or paint, etc. Do something that makes you feel good and you are good at doing, so that you'll feel a sense of achievement - and that will boost your confidence! :)

And you can always pray to God in your heart. If you need some spirituality, just ask God to guide you and keep you safe. You are NOT alone, and He is the closest being to you, believe me. :) Before you try another attempt to harm yourself, please ask someone for help, and maybe they can seriously talk you out of it. Please. :) Thank you! :)

2006-06-25 10:39:48 · answer #7 · answered by Iram 3 · 0 0

The fact that you are asking for someone to pray for you says that you believe that there is still hope,.. and there is still hope. God loves you. I will pray for you, but dont be afraid to be honest with God. Read Psalms 139. When I get frustrated I read this because it reminds me that God is with me through what ever the situation. If you dont have a bible, you can read it online, just go to blueletterbible.com.

Ask God to show you how to see things through His Will for your life. Seek God. Continue to HOPE and Pray. Be Encouraged. Jesus loves you.

2006-06-25 09:59:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

wow what has made your life so awful you tried to end it twice i'm sorry you dont care enough about yourself to live but i'm sure someone does!try to look at the bright side of things and try finding a sport or something where you can get rid of all your negative energy and have some fun you should really talk to someone dont bottle up all your emotions there are people that can help you

2006-06-25 09:58:08 · answer #9 · answered by Jo 1 · 0 0

I was also feeling lost and recently gained a newfound sense of spirituality, love and freedom after reading the Conversations with God series of books by Neale Donald Walsch. I highly recommend them.

2006-06-25 09:56:33 · answer #10 · answered by LindaLou 7 · 0 0

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