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They ruin US taxpayer , anchor babeis, politics, criminal ,langguage, culture, welfare,school ,free speech ,democrasy. Everything Look so UGLY NOW because all this scumbags .
They come be wet back and take over

2006-06-25 09:16:34 · 11 answers · asked by Fraud 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

11 answers

i can see that you are a a very ignorant person because of the fact that you can't even spell right...
langguage--- language

but are also an ignorant because you ignore the facts about immigrants and i think that you are just being racist, and that's not right...

i invite you to read this...
Mexican Nationals, like many immigrants
come to this country to improve thier lives and to help their
families back home. Legal or not the employers they work
for, take taxes out of their pay. Again taxes
help the US.

Legal or not most immgrants cannot qualify for public assistance
programs for many reasons.
Therefore the people out there who think that immigrants are draining
the system need to stop watching Fox News and read research papers
and look a governmental spending records and history.

Illegal immigrants don't apply for public services because they
don't want to get caught by the goverment and get deported.
Immigrants like most poor people only go to the hospital when
they are really sick or its too late. This is just a flaw in the

Its the same with education most reccent immigrants do not
send their kids to public schools. I hate to say that America
is stupid country for funding most of it schools by property
taxes. Other countries around The world use several methods
of raising money for their schools.

What is really happening in our great country is not immigrants!
It's our political leaders! Immigrants are not the sole cause
of what is bad in this country! Is called "misdirection" to all the ignorants:
the goverment and the media focus on the immigration issues so people
can't see whats really happenning in our country, why dont they pay more atteion on the border with canada??? thats where the terrorist decided to cross to the US
well of course... thats a border with minimun security.

For one, the illegal immigrants are the ones out there busting their asses to make
peanuts. They work all the jobs that Americans would cry and
complain about if they worked those types of jobs (picking
produce in the fields, construction, and other hard
manuel labor)

We are all immigrants (unless your a Native American)
and America wouldn't be what is now, without immigrants,
legal or not!

Yes...there are bad immigrants who break the law (steal, rob,
murder, drug dealers, illegal gun dealers and such)
BUT most are hard working people
who want a better life. I have benn around INS for quite some
time now and It is irrational how people that actually know about immigration
laws, such as federal immigration judges, immigration lawyers and
lots of people that work for the INS are in favor of immigration as long as it is
done legally, but the goverment and congress are not makin any progress on laws thatwould promote to legalize illegal aliens such an amnesty, but yet the congressmen and the president are discriminating illegal immigrants and
blaming them for draining the system, when they know that the
actual cause of all the economic problems here in the US is war on
Irak that bush started a few years back.

Do you people realized that he spent 200 billion dollars on the Irak war
already, that is a lot more than anyone could expected, including Bush,
and now you see on the news that illegal immigrants dont pay taxes and
that they drain the system, when Legal or not most immgrants cannot qualify for
public assistance programs, and the real truth is that
there is more white people living on welfare than any other minority,
and that includes African-american, Hispanic and Asian, Illegal immigrants do pay taxes whenever they go to the store when they get their paychecks they get a tax cut also,

And can you tell me when do they get those taxes back? hardly
never because the majority of immigrants dont know how to declare their
taxes but there is also Illegal immigrants that declare their income taxes and that is completely legal just do some research on how being an illegal immigrant you still have the responsability and the right to do your income taxes just like
anyone else livin in this country, but no one has the time to look at
records see for themselfs the real truth.

The truth is that the goverment is making once again the
wrong choice or just looking to blame the immigrants because he
spent to much money in the Irak war but instead of spending money on
chasing illegal immigrants they should spend it on lookin for a way
to legalized all these 14 million illegal immigrants that also come
from other countries such as China, Central America, Brazil and other asian and european locations,
many come with a passport, but they never come back, as it is the case
of the California's now elected governor Arnold Swartcheneger,
that came with a passport but never returned to his homeland when his
visa expired, and he was also here illegaly until he marry
Maria Shriver on April 1986 so that he could become a US legal
resident and now he became a US citizen and running as
California's governor he has not done anygood, seriously he is not
even a good actor and he doesn know anything about politics, yet
again another celebrity to be elected to the position.

July 2003,
the United Nations Convention on the Protection of the
Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families
entered into force, after the threshold of 20 ratifying states
was reached in March 2003

The United Nations Convention constitutes a comprehensive
international treaty regarding the protection of
migrant workers rights. It emphasizes the
connection between migration and human rights,
which is increasingly ecoming a crucial policy topic
worldwide. TheConvention aims at protecting migrant
workers and members of their families; its existence
sets a moral standard, and serves as a guide and stimulus for
the promotion of migrant rights in each country.

Illegal immigrants are humanbeings in search of a better,
brither future for their families.they should not be discriminated
or treated like criminals. Immigrants have made this country
what it is now, dont forget that.

2006-06-25 09:28:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Actually Mexico is not an enemy. First, you need to improve on the fragments and grammar. Secondly, Davey Crocket was a terrorist who didn't do much for the Alamo, he was a retired, a nobody, former Congressman. 3rd, if you think Mexicans are "wet backs" then the anglos are SOAK BACKS! Go join them on a long journey back across the Atlantic :)

2006-06-30 19:43:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

They're not scumbags, not even the illegals. They are desparate people trying to take care of their families. What they haven't done though, is protest to their own government to make their own country livable. The world protests when the United States tries to 'fix' things, but no one wants to work on their own problems. All we can do is fight or boycott. We can't clean up the corruption that makes it impossible to own land in Mexico, and we can't force them to instate a social security system to take care of their elderly. So they come here. There's got to be a better way, but we can't supply it.

2006-06-25 09:24:06 · answer #3 · answered by nursesr4evr 7 · 0 1

I can understand your anger well.

We here in Europe are dealing with exactly the same problems. East european poor countries are turning western quality-europe to a huge slum. Here are some 20% of people who get`s some benefits of opening borders and expanding Europe, but most of us suffer like never before. Everything our parents used to have:education places, steady jobs, good salaries..they are not ours to have anymore

2006-06-25 09:33:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You know, feminism and women in management control exactly one large institution in the United States -- the public schools.

Your post shows what their leadership is doing to the minds of American children. It's ok, though. Don't worry about it. Beavis and Butthead are coming over to play. They'll be here any minute.

2006-06-25 09:34:14 · answer #5 · answered by urbancoyote 7 · 0 0

I am against illegal immigration, but I think Mexico just knows a good thing when they see it. They are working for their own best interest and that of their people on the illegal immigration issue. The problem is that our government is not working in our best interest.

2006-06-25 10:39:43 · answer #6 · answered by DAR 7 · 0 0

Gosh! I hope your ability as a writer does not reflect the quality of education our (USA) public schools is turning out.
With a handle like Fraud ...it's kinda hard to take anything you might ask seriously. Buena Suerte amigo.

2006-06-25 09:32:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

.maybe your so close minded that u UUUU make it seem ugly. reality is different.humans are ugly, we are the ugliest creatures, we judge, point fingers, trow stones at others. plzzzzzzzz stop. lets work on fixing our government, society and us. in order to change this "WORLD" we have to change lies and turn it to reality.

2006-06-25 09:31:22 · answer #8 · answered by dn_reen 2 · 0 0

I understand what you are trying to say. I agree with you. They are a major problem and burden here.

2006-06-25 16:40:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

ever heard about forgive and forget?

2006-06-25 09:20:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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