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Many girls are having babies at the ages 11,12,13 and14!If i can get the best answer ill give you 10 points for the best answer!!Hope you win!!!

2006-06-25 08:35:14 · 51 answers · asked by smooches/shantel 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

51 answers

Educating young people (not just girls) about sex, that is comprehensive and doesn't just preach abstinence. To those that are sexually active, provide them with contraception.

2006-06-25 08:38:40 · answer #1 · answered by penpallermel 6 · 0 1

Lets just say for example you went back to you when you were those ages what were you doing? at 13 and 14 I know for a fact i was drinking and smoking because my friends did it and it can be easy to hide from parents but who in there right mind would let thier kids actually keep a child at 11 or 12 or even 13. I had my Daughter when I was 16 and I would not change her for the world but I have lost my freedom so I cant imagine what is going through these mothers heads as my daughter would not be haveing a child at that age and i know my mother would not have let me at that age!!! so how do these girls even manage to fall pregnant when at 11 and 12 they should be in there bed by around 9 and only be allowed allowed in the garden or surrounding areas until a certain time not allowed to disapear for hours on end and then the mothers have the face to say IM PROUD of them how can you possibly be proud of your daughter throwing her life away at such a young age!!!!

2006-06-25 10:12:43 · answer #2 · answered by colleen.mckeon 1 · 0 0

Well first we talk to these young girls and tell them to save them selves for marrige. Alot of these girls are lonely or depressed and need Jesus in there lives. There is more to life then sex and babies. Tell them once you have a bay you cannot give it back. It cries all the time and cannot take care of themselves. They need you for everything. Young girls also think it is cute to buy baby clothes and other items for a baby. All this costs money and they would need to get a job to support it. I dont think there parents would do it. Let them take care of a doll thet cries pees and you can feed and then they can see how hard it is to be a teen parent. Also let them know there goods are special and should not be given away stay pure until mr right comes along and that guy will love you more for it.

2006-06-25 09:12:12 · answer #3 · answered by momof_12003 2 · 0 0

You are asking a question on how we can save the world from itself. The world is gradually coming to realise howfar it has derailed, threw caution to the wind and morals to the dogs.
What solution do you want? If you are a mother, can you relate your child lif to the laws of God? What time do you really have with them growing? I mean physical you. They are darling of nannies and uncles at school.
We can go back- if we are sincere. Russia just woke up to the opposite of your thinking. People are doing it but not for babies in russia. Japan is cancelling excess hours at work to permit real socialising.
The laws gagging normal realtionship are so killing that some men will prefer cutting corners and this will not work with grown ups but with the child.
If you women will really acknowledge the laws and position of God in your life- as the mother of the society, reformer and wife that submit to the man. Then this and many more you did not say will come back normal. Think of gay and lesbian? Its simply unnatural yet they still make do somehow to normalise the equation. Perverts are legalised and the slaps is on all of us.
Let us all return. Ok?

2006-06-26 02:54:16 · answer #4 · answered by mikail 3 · 0 0

All kids need to learn a couple of valuable lessons. One is that there is more to life at that age, and to feel that there is really something else for them that they can do in the world. Two is a feeling of self worth and self respect. And three is assertiveness, including the ability to give and hear a clear no, and to know they don't have to do a thing just because everyone else is.
But as long as disadvantaged kids have trouble getting a decent education or a roof over their heads; and as long as society encourages young kids to look like and behave like they are older and cooler and wiser, the problem will continue.

2006-06-25 08:57:59 · answer #5 · answered by sarah c 7 · 0 0

its terrible i know. i dont think no amount of education will work. u will always get a few stupid ones that take the risk. someone said they are 13 and pregnant and the boyfriend is 18? wot the hell is she doing with an 18 year old? where are her bloody parents? he should be done for child abuse. thats disgusting. im a mother and no way would i let a 13 year old date an 18 year old, and wot the hell is an 18 year old doing playing about with a 13 year old child? hes a perv.. i really dont know. maybe they should give all kids one of those dolls that are like real babies to look after for a week. i have 2 teenagers and they are far too sensible to go and get pregnant. i think alot is to do with the parents and how they teach their kids about this kind of stuff.

2006-06-25 15:10:44 · answer #6 · answered by crophilia 5 · 0 0

Unfortunately, we live (UK) in a society that almost advocates it. Young girls get given housing and financial help, and while I am not saying that this is wrong, the ideas behind it are. We need to be educating youngsters that there is a life outside of the benefit system. Although I may get hate mail for saying what I am about to, it is, indeed, correct. We have generations of young people brought up by single mothers, (notice I am not saying that they bring troubled children into our world), who are not encouraged to do anything other than the same as the parents. (IE) Boys see their mothers bringing them up alone, so therefore see it as OK, and if they get a girl pregnant she will do the same ETC ETC ETC and young girls feel the same. EDUCATION ,EDUCATION, EDUCATION. Use these single mothers to go into schools and talk about their experiences, and qualify them to teach!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel I must add that I am aware that there are a a growing number of single fathers, who should be encouraged to do the same.

2006-06-25 09:34:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Cruel suggestion but this actually worked. My partners friend told her daughter she'd booked an appointment at the doctors for her 16th birthday to have her virginity checked out if she failed the test she'd be homeless. They don't teach enough in school about sex needless to say she was none the wiser.

In whole honesty the only way to prevent this is to keep them locked up in a room away from the other sex and keep 24/7 surveillance on them. (This is of course very very extreme measures.)
As parents my partner and i are very open to answer any question our son has in reference to sex and our daughter will be treated the very same so they're warned at an early age of the dangers.

2006-06-25 08:47:29 · answer #8 · answered by reaper_curse 1 · 0 0

i think that there should be mandatory birth control shots for teen girls as a part of their immunizations. If they aren't sexually active then maybe it will just help "regulate" their cycles. Afterall, most girls say that is why they take BC anyways. Maybe they won't even realize it is a birth controlshot they are getting. Your daughter always says that she is still a virgin until she becomes pregnant. Then it was "just once!"
Teaching them about birth control does no good. They are just letting it in one ear and out the other. They aren't even afraid of the diseases anymore. Send them to Africa to stay in a town that is full of AIDS and there are no medicines to keep them alive. Maybe that will scare them into safer sex or abstinence

2006-06-25 08:43:50 · answer #9 · answered by tleigh517 2 · 0 0

All babies should sterilised at birth and after the age of 16 if they want a baby they should pass a test to prove they are capable of looking after a baby and be able to afford the costs of having a baby. Only then can they be de-sterilised. I heard the DJ James Whale say something like this and it sounds reasonable to me.

2006-06-25 08:42:41 · answer #10 · answered by UFO^pilot 3 · 0 0

those dolls that act like real babies for a start. but why is it all on the girls why not ask how can we prevent babies having babies. i was single and nearly 22 when i had mine and i always said that if i got into a situation like the 1 i was in then i would get rid of it, but when the time came i couldn't my hormones took over and i knew i wanted to keep it. you can't blame the parents either i lost my virginity when i was 12 I'm ashamed to say(and when i think back now i wish i had waited as you always remember your 1st time) but my sister was 16-17 when she lost hers. it's like you don't want to b out casted by your friends, i tell you something i bet half of them who have said they have had sex are lying they prob just want to look cool- but really there not

2006-06-25 13:26:44 · answer #11 · answered by Scottish lass 4 · 0 0

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